C*PSDRIV -- PGPLOT PostScript drivers C+ SUBROUTINE PSDRIV (IFUNC, RBUF, NBUF, CHR, LCHR, MODE) INTEGER IFUNC, NBUF, LCHR, MODE REAL RBUF(*) CHARACTER*(*) CHR C C PGPLOT driver for PostScript devices. C C Version 1.2 - 1987 Aug 5 - T. J. Pearson. C Version 1.3 - 1987 Nov 16 - add "bind" commands to prolog - TJP. C Version 1.4 - 1988 Jan 28 - change dimensions so whole field can be C plotted - TJP. C Version 1.5 - 1988 Oct 27 - make EOF characters optional - TJP. C Version 1.6 - 1988 Dec 15 - standard Fortran - TJP. C Version 1.7 - 1989 Jul 5 - change color indices so most colors C are black - TJP. C Version 2.0 - 1990 Sep 10 - parameterize dimensions; correct C bounding box; add color support (from C D. Meier's CPdriver) - TJP. C Version 2.1 - 1991 Nov 29 - update Document Structuring Conventions C to version 3.0. C Version 3.0 - 1992 Sep 22 - add marker support; add CPS and VCPS C modes - TJP. C Version 3.1 - 1992 Nov 12 - up to 256 colors. C Version 3.2 - 1993 May 26 - correct error in marker support. C Version 4.0 - 1993 Sep 20 - trap Fortran I/O errors. C Version 4.1 - 1994 Aug 4 - make marker support optional. C Version 5.0 - 1994 Aug 30 - support for images. C Version 5.1 - 1994 Sep 7 - support for PGQCR. C Version 5.2 - 1994 Oct 12 - add IDENT option. C Version 5.3 - 1995 May 8 - recognise '-' as standard output; keep C track of bounding box; use upper case C for all defined commands; move C showpage outside save/restore. C Version 5.4 - 1995 Aug 19 - correct usage of PS_BBOX. C Version 6.0 - 1995 Dec 28 - reject concurrent access. C Version 6.1 - 1996 Apr 29 - decode environment variables using GRCTOI. C Version 6.2 - 1996 Oct 7 - correct bounding-box error (K-G Adams); C correct error in use of GCTOI (G Gonczi); C suppress <0 0 C> commands (R Scharroo); C allow arbitrary page size. C Version 6.3 - 1997 Nov 14 - shorter commands for setrgbcolor and setgray. C Version 6.4 - 1997 Nov 19 - workaround a Ghostscript bug: split long C polylines into shorter segments. C Version 6.5 - 1998 Feb 23 - support for real linewidth. C Version 6.6 - 1998 Nov 10 - provide easy way to convert color to grey. C Version 6.7 - 1998 Dec 12 - added #copies to header. C C Supported device: C Any printer that accepts the PostScript page description language, C eg, the LaserWriter (Apple Computer, Inc.). C PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. C C Device type code: C /PS (monochrome landscape mode, long edge of paper horizontal). C /CPS (color landscape mode, long edge of paper horizontal). C /VPS (monochrome portrait mode, short edge of paper horizontal). C /VCPS (color portrait mode, short edge of paper horizontal). C C Default file name: C pgplot.ps C C Default view surface dimensions: C 10.5 inches horizontal x 7.8 inches vertical (landscape mode), C 7.8 inches horizontal x 10.5 inches vertical (portrait mode). C These dimensions can be changed with environment variables. C C Resolution: C The driver uses coordinate increments of 0.001 inch, giving an C ``apparent'' resolution of 1000 pixels/inch. The true resolution is C device-dependent; eg, on an Apple LaserWriter it is 300 pixels/inch C (in both dimensions). C C Color capability (monochrome mode): C Color indices 0-255 are supported. Color index 0 is white (erase C or background color), indices 1-13 are black, 14 is light grey, C and 15 is dark grey. C C Color capability (color mode): C Color indices 0-255 are supported. Color index 0 is white (erase C or background color), index 1 is black, and indices 2-15 have the C standard PGPLOT color assignments. C C Input capability: none. C C File format: the file contains variable length records (maximum 132 C characters) containing PostScript commands. The commands use only C printable ASCII characters, and the file can be examined or modified C with a text editor. C C Obtaining hardcopy: use the operating system print or copy command to C send the file to a suitable device. C C Environment variables: C C PGPLOT_PS_WIDTH default 7800 C PGPLOT_PS_HEIGHT default 10500 C PGPLOT_PS_HOFFSET default 350 C PGPLOT_PS_VOFFSET default 250 C These variables tell PGPLOT how big an image to produce. The defaults C are appropriate for 8.5 x 11-inch paper. The maximum dimensions of C a PGPLOT image are WIDTH by HEIGHT, with the lower left corner offset C by HOFFSET horizontally and VOFFSET vertically from the lower left C corner of the paper. The units are milli-inches. The "top" of the C paper is the edge that comes out of the printer first. C C PGPLOT_IDENT C If this variable is set, the user name, date and time are written C in the bottom right corner of each page. C C PGPLOT_PS_BBOX C If this variable has value MAX, PGPLOT puts standard (full-page) C bounding-box information in the header of the PostScript file. If C the variable is unset or has some other value, PGPLOT puts the C correct (smallest) bounding box information in the trailer of the C PostScript file. C C PGPLOT_PS_EOF C Normally the output file does not contain special end-of-file C characters. But if environment variable PGPLOT_PS_EOF is defined C (with any value) PGPLOT writes a control-D job-separator character at C the beginning and at the end of the file. This is appropriate for C Apple LaserWriters using the serial interface, but it may not be C appropriate for other PostScript devices. C C PGPLOT_PS_MARKERS C Specify "NO" to suppress use of a PostScript font for the graph C markers; markers are then emulated by line-drawing. C C Document Structuring Conventions: C C The PostScript files conform to Version 3.0 of the Adobe Document C Structuring Conventions (see ref.3) and to version 3.0 of the C encapsulated PostScript file (EPSF) format. This should allow C the files to be read by other programs that accept the EPSF format. C Note, though, that multi-page plots are not valid EPSF files. The C files do not contain a screen preview section. C C References: C C (1) Adobe Systems, Inc.: PostScript Language Reference Manual. C Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985. C (2) Adobe Systems, Inc.: PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook. C Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985. C (3) Adobe Systems, Inc.: PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second C Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER DWD, DHT, DOFFW, DOFFH CHARACTER*(*) PTYPE, LTYPE, CPTYPE, CLTYPE, DEFNAM PARAMETER ( : PTYPE= 'VPS (PostScript file, portrait orientation)', : LTYPE= 'PS (PostScript file, landscape orientation)', : CPTYPE='VCPS (Colour PostScript file, portrait orientation)', : CLTYPE='CPS (Colour PostScript file, landscape orientation)') C PARAMETER (PTYPE='VPS', LTYPE='PS', CPTYPE='VCPS', CLTYPE='CPS') PARAMETER (DEFNAM='pgplot.ps') C -- printable paper area: in milli-inches; (WIDTH, HEIGHT) are C the dimensions of the printable area; OFFW, OFFH the offset from C the lower left corner of the paper PARAMETER (DWD=7800, DHT=10500, DOFFW=350, DOFFH=250) C INTEGER WIDTH, HEIGHT, OFFW, OFFH SAVE WIDTH, HEIGHT, OFFW, OFFH INTEGER IER, I0, J0, I1, J1, L, LL, LASTI, LASTJ, UNIT, LOBUF SAVE LASTI, LASTJ, UNIT, LOBUF INTEGER CI, NPTS, NPAGE, IOERR, LFNAME SAVE NPTS, NPAGE, IOERR, LFNAME INTEGER STATE, NSEG SAVE STATE, NSEG INTEGER NXP, NYP, XORG, YORG, XLEN, YLEN, N, RGB(3) INTEGER HIGH, LOW, I, K, KMAX, POSN, LD, LU INTEGER BBOX(4), BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4 SAVE BBOX INTEGER GROPTX, GRCTOI LOGICAL START, LANDSC, COLOR, STDOUT SAVE START, COLOR, STDOUT REAL LW SAVE LW REAL BBXMIN, BBXMAX, BBYMIN, BBYMAX SAVE BBXMIN, BBXMAX, BBYMIN, BBYMAX REAL RVALUE(0:255), GVALUE(0:255), BVALUE(0:255) SAVE RVALUE, GVALUE, BVALUE CHARACTER*20 SUSER, SDATE CHARACTER*120 INSTR, MSG CHARACTER*132 OBUF SAVE OBUF CHARACTER*255 FNAME SAVE FNAME INTEGER MARKER(0:31), NSYM, RAD(0:31) SAVE MARKER, RAD REAL MFAC SAVE MFAC REAL SHADE(0:15), RINIT(0:15), GINIT(0:15), BINIT(0:15) SAVE SHADE, RINIT, GINIT, BINIT CHARACTER*1 HEXDIG(0:15) DATA HEXDIG/'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', 1 '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'/ DATA SHADE /1.00, 13*0.00, 0.33, 0.67/ DATA RINIT 1 / 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 2 1.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 0.33, 0.67/ DATA GINIT 1 / 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 2 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.33, 0.67/ DATA BINIT 1 / 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 2 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.33, 0.67/ DATA RAD/ 6, 1, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 8, : 7, 7, 9, 10, 9, 8, 6, 8, : 4, 5, 9, 12, 2, 4, 5, 7, : 11, 17, 22, 41, 9, 9, 9, 9/ DATA STATE/0/ C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C GOTO( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100, 1 110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200, 2 210,220,230,900,900,260,900,280,290), IFUNC GOTO 900 C C--- IFUNC = 1, Return device name.------------------------------------- C 10 IF (MODE.EQ.1) THEN C -- landscape, monochrome CHR = LTYPE LCHR = LEN(LTYPE) ELSE IF (MODE.EQ.2) THEN C -- portrait, monochrome CHR = PTYPE LCHR = LEN(PTYPE) ELSE IF (MODE.EQ.3) THEN C -- landscape, color CHR = CLTYPE LCHR = LEN(CLTYPE) ELSE C -- portrait, color CHR = CPTYPE LCHR = LEN(CPTYPE) END IF RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 2, Return physical min and max for plot device, and range C of color indices.--------------------------------------- C 20 RBUF(1) = 0 RBUF(2) = -1 RBUF(3) = 0 RBUF(4) = -1 RBUF(5) = 0 RBUF(6) = 255 NBUF = 6 RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 3, Return device resolution. ------------------------------ C 30 RBUF(1) = 1000.0 RBUF(2) = 1000.0 RBUF(3) = 5 NBUF = 3 RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 4, Return misc device info. ------------------------------- C (This device is Hardcopy, No cursor, No dashed lines, Area fill, C Thick lines, QCR, Markers [optional]) C 40 CONTINUE CHR = 'HNNATNQNYM' C -- Marker support suppressed? CALL GRGENV('PS_MARKERS', INSTR, L) IF (L.GE.2) THEN IF (INSTR(1:L).EQ.'NO' .OR. INSTR(1:L).EQ.'no') THEN CHR(10:10) = 'N' END IF END IF LCHR = 10 RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 5, Return default file name. ------------------------------ C 50 CHR = DEFNAM LCHR = LEN(DEFNAM) RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 6, Return default physical size of plot. ------------------ C 60 RBUF(1) = 0 RBUF(3) = 0 LANDSC = MODE.EQ.1 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 IF (LANDSC) THEN RBUF(2) = HEIGHT-1 RBUF(4) = WIDTH-1 ELSE RBUF(2) = WIDTH-1 RBUF(4) = HEIGHT-1 END IF NBUF = 4 RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 7, Return misc defaults. ---------------------------------- C 70 RBUF(1) = 8 NBUF = 1 RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 8, Select plot. ------------------------------------------- C 80 CONTINUE RETURN C C--- IFUNC = 9, Open workstation. -------------------------------------- C 90 CONTINUE C -- check for concurrent access IF (STATE.EQ.1) THEN CALL GRWARN('a PGPLOT PostScript file is already open') RBUF(1) = 0 RBUF(2) = 0 RETURN END IF C -- Color mode? CALL GRGENV('PS_COLOR', INSTR, L) COLOR = L.GT.0 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 .OR. MODE.EQ.4 IF (COLOR) THEN DO 91 CI=0,15 RVALUE(CI) = RINIT(CI) GVALUE(CI) = GINIT(CI) BVALUE(CI) = BINIT(CI) 91 CONTINUE ELSE DO 92 CI=0,15 RVALUE(CI) = SHADE(CI) GVALUE(CI) = SHADE(CI) BVALUE(CI) = SHADE(CI) 92 CONTINUE END IF DO 93 CI=16,255 RVALUE(CI) = 0.0 GVALUE(CI) = 0.0 BVALUE(CI) = 0.0 93 CONTINUE C -- Device dimensions WIDTH = DWD HEIGHT = DHT OFFW = DOFFW OFFH = DOFFH CALL GRGENV('PS_WIDTH', INSTR, L) LL = 1 IF (L.GT.0) WIDTH = GRCTOI(INSTR(:L),LL) CALL GRGENV('PS_HEIGHT', INSTR, L) LL = 1 IF (L.GT.0) HEIGHT = GRCTOI(INSTR(:L),LL) CALL GRGENV('PS_HOFFSET', INSTR, L) LL = 1 IF (L.GT.0) OFFW = GRCTOI(INSTR(:L),LL) CALL GRGENV('PS_VOFFSET', INSTR, L) LL = 1 IF (L.GT.0) OFFH = GRCTOI(INSTR(:L),LL) STDOUT =CHR(1:LCHR).EQ.'-' IF (STDOUT) THEN UNIT = 6 C -- machine-dependent! ELSE CALL GRGLUN(UNIT) END IF NBUF = 2 RBUF(1) = UNIT IF (.NOT.STDOUT) THEN IER = GROPTX(UNIT, CHR(1:LCHR), DEFNAM, 1) IF (IER.NE.0) THEN MSG = 'Cannot open output file for PostScript plot: '// 1 CHR(:LCHR) CALL GRWARN(MSG) RBUF(2) = 0 CALL GRFLUN(UNIT) RETURN ELSE INQUIRE (UNIT=UNIT, NAME=CHR) LCHR = LEN(CHR) 94 IF (CHR(LCHR:LCHR).EQ.' ') THEN LCHR = LCHR-1 GOTO 94 END IF RBUF(2) = 1 FNAME = CHR(:LCHR) LFNAME = LCHR END IF ELSE RBUF(2) = 1 FNAME = '-' LFNAME= 1 END IF STATE = 1 IOERR = 0 LOBUF = 0 LASTI = -1 LASTJ = -1 LW = 1 NPTS = 0 CALL GRGENV('PS_EOF', INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, CHAR(4)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0') CALL GRUSER(INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%For: '//INSTR(1:L)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Title: PGPLOT PostScript plot') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Creator: PGPLOT [PSDRIV 6.6]') CALL GRDATE(INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, : '%%CreationDate: '//INSTR(1:L)) CALL GRGENV('PS_BBOX', INSTR, L) CALL GRTOUP(INSTR(1:3), INSTR(1:3)) IF (INSTR(1:3).EQ.'MAX') THEN C -- bounding box is based on maximum plot dimensions, not C actual dimensions CALL GRFAO('%%BoundingBox: # # # #', L, INSTR, : NINT(OFFW*0.072), NINT(OFFH*0.072), : NINT((WIDTH+OFFW)*0.072), NINT((HEIGHT+OFFH)*0.072)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) ELSE CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%BoundingBox: (atend)') END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%DocumentFonts: (atend)') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%LanguageLevel: 1') LANDSC = MODE.EQ.1 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 IF (LANDSC) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Orientation: Landscape') ELSE CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Orientation: Portrait') END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Pages: (atend)') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%EndComments') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%BeginProlog') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 1 '/L {moveto rlineto currentpoint stroke moveto} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 1 '/C {rlineto currentpoint stroke moveto} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 1 '/D {moveto 0 0 rlineto currentpoint stroke moveto} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/LW {5 mul setlinewidth} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/BP {newpath moveto} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/LP /rlineto load def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 1 '/EP {rlineto closepath eofill} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/MB {gsave translate MFAC dup scale '// 1 '1 setlinewidth 2 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin newpath} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/ME /grestore load def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/CC {0 360 arc stroke} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/FC {0 360 arc fill} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/G {1024 div setgray} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/K {3 -1 roll 1024 div 3 -1 roll 1024'// : ' div 3 -1 roll 1024 div setrgbcolor} bind def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '% Uncomment next line to convert color' : //' to grey shades') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%/K {3 -1 roll 3413 div 3 -1 roll 1739' : //' div 3 -1 roll 9309 div add add setgray} bind def') CALL GRGENV('IDENT', INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, : '/RS{findfont exch scalefont setfont moveto dup'// : ' stringwidth neg exch neg exch rmoveto show} bind def') END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%EndProlog') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%BeginSetup') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/#copies 1 def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%EndSetup') NPAGE = 0 RETURN C C--- IFUNC=10, Close workstation. -------------------------------------- C 100 CONTINUE CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, ' ') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%Trailer') CALL GRGENV('PS_BBOX', INSTR, L) CALL GRTOUP(INSTR(1:3), INSTR(1:3)) IF (INSTR(1:3).NE.'MAX') THEN CALL GRFAO('%%BoundingBox: # # # #', L, INSTR, : BBOX(1), BBOX(2), BBOX(3), BBOX(4)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%DocumentFonts: ') CALL GRFAO('%%Pages: #', L, INSTR, NPAGE, 0, 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%EOF') CALL GRGENV('PS_EOF', INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, CHAR(4)) IF (IOERR.NE.0) THEN CALL GRWARN('++WARNING++ Error '// 1 'writing PostScript file: file is incomplete') CALL GRWARN('Check for device full or quota exceeded') CALL GRWARN('Filename: '//FNAME(:LFNAME)) END IF IF (.NOT.STDOUT) THEN CLOSE (UNIT, IOSTAT=IOERR) IF (IOERR.NE.0) THEN CALL GRWARN('Error closing PostScript file '//FNAME(:LFNAME)) END IF CALL GRFLUN(UNIT) END IF STATE = 0 RETURN C C--- IFUNC=11, Begin picture. ------------------------------------------ C 110 CONTINUE LANDSC = MODE.EQ.1 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 IF (LANDSC) THEN HEIGHT = RBUF(1) WIDTH = RBUF(2) ELSE WIDTH = RBUF(1) HEIGHT = RBUF(2) END IF NPAGE = NPAGE+1 CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, ' ') CALL GRFAO('%%Page: # #', L, INSTR, NPAGE, NPAGE, 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%BeginPageSetup') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '/PGPLOT save def') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '0.072 0.072 scale') LANDSC = MODE.EQ.1 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 IF (LANDSC) THEN CALL GRFAO('# # translate 90 rotate', L, INSTR, WIDTH+OFFW, 1 OFFH, 0, 0) ELSE CALL GRFAO('# # translate', L, INSTR, OFFW, OFFH, 0, 0) END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap 1 LW 1') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%EndPageSetup') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%PageBoundingBox: (atend)') DO 111 NSYM=0,31 MARKER(NSYM) = 0 111 CONTINUE MFAC = 0.0 BBXMIN = WIDTH BBYMIN = HEIGHT BBXMAX = 0.0 BBYMAX = 0.0 RETURN C C--- IFUNC=12, Draw line. ---------------------------------------------- C 120 CONTINUE I0 = NINT(RBUF(1)) J0 = NINT(RBUF(2)) I1 = NINT(RBUF(3)) J1 = NINT(RBUF(4)) IF (I0.EQ.LASTI .AND. J0.EQ.LASTJ) THEN C -- suppress zero-length continuation segment IF (I0.EQ.I1 .AND. J0.EQ.J1) RETURN CALL GRFAO('# # C', L, INSTR, (I1-I0), (J1-J0), 0, 0) NSEG = NSEG+1 ELSE NSEG = 1 CALL GRFAO('# # # # L', L, INSTR, (I1-I0), (J1-J0), I0, J0) END IF LASTI = I1 IF (NSEG.GT.200) LASTI = -1 LASTJ = J1 BBXMIN = MIN(BBXMIN, I0-LW*5.0, I1-LW*5.0) BBXMAX = MAX(BBXMAX, I0+LW*5.0, I1+LW*5.0) BBYMIN = MIN(BBYMIN, J0-LW*5.0, J1-LW*5.0) BBYMAX = MAX(BBYMAX, J0+LW*5.0, J1+LW*5.0) GOTO 800 C C--- IFUNC=13, Draw dot. ----------------------------------------------- C 130 CONTINUE I1 = NINT(RBUF(1)) J1 = NINT(RBUF(2)) CALL GRFAO('# # D', L, INSTR, I1, J1, 0, 0) LASTI = I1 LASTJ = J1 BBXMIN = MIN(BBXMIN, I1-LW*5.0) BBXMAX = MAX(BBXMAX, I1+LW*5.0) BBYMIN = MIN(BBYMIN, J1-LW*5.0) BBYMAX = MAX(BBYMAX, J1+LW*5.0) GOTO 800 C C--- IFUNC=14, End picture. -------------------------------------------- C 140 CONTINUE IF (LOBUF.NE.0) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) LOBUF = 0 END IF LANDSC = MODE.EQ.1 .OR. MODE.EQ.3 C -- optionally write identification CALL GRGENV('IDENT', INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) THEN CALL GRUSER(SUSER, LU) CALL GRDATE(SDATE, LD) POSN = WIDTH - 1 IF (LANDSC) POSN = HEIGHT - 1 CALL GRFAO('('//SUSER(:LU)//' '//SDATE(:LD)// : ' [#]) # # 100 /Helvetica RS', : L, INSTR, NPAGE, POSN, 50, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '0 G') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) END IF C -- optionally draw bounding box CALL GRGENV('PS_DRAW_BBOX', INSTR, L) IF (L.GT.0) THEN CALL GRFAO('0 G 0 LW newpath # # moveto', L, INSTR, : NINT(BBXMIN), NINT(BBYMIN), 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) CALL GRFAO('# # lineto # # lineto', L, INSTR, : NINT(BBXMIN), NINT(BBYMAX), NINT(BBXMAX), NINT(BBYMAX)) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) CALL GRFAO('# # lineto closepath stroke', L,INSTR, : NINT(BBXMAX), NINT(BBYMIN), 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 'PGPLOT restore showpage') CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, '%%PageTrailer') IF (LANDSC) THEN BB1 = INT((WIDTH-BBYMAX+OFFW)*0.072) BB2 = INT((BBXMIN+OFFH)*0.072) BB3 = 1+INT((WIDTH-BBYMIN+OFFW)*0.072) BB4 = 1+INT((BBXMAX+OFFH)*0.072) ELSE BB1 = INT((BBXMIN+OFFW)*0.072) BB2 = INT((BBYMIN+OFFH)*0.072) BB3 = 1+INT((BBXMAX+OFFW)*0.072) BB4 = 1+INT((BBYMAX+OFFH)*0.072) END IF CALL GRFAO('%%PageBoundingBox: # # # #', L, INSTR, : BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) IF (NPAGE.EQ.1) THEN BBOX(1) = BB1 BBOX(2) = BB2 BBOX(3) = BB3 BBOX(4) = BB4 ELSE BBOX(1) = MIN(BBOX(1),BB1) BBOX(2) = MIN(BBOX(2),BB2) BBOX(3) = MAX(BBOX(3),BB3) BBOX(4) = MAX(BBOX(4),BB4) END IF RETURN C C--- IFUNC=15, Select color index. ------------------------------------- C 150 CONTINUE CI = NINT(RBUF(1)) IF (COLOR) THEN CALL GRFAO('# # # K', L, INSTR, NINT(1024.*RVALUE(CI)), : NINT(1024.*GVALUE(CI)), NINT(1024.*BVALUE(CI)), 0) ELSE CALL GRFAO('# G', L, INSTR, NINT(1024.*RVALUE(CI)), 0, 0, 0) END IF LASTI = -1 GOTO 800 C C--- IFUNC=16, Flush buffer. ------------------------------------------- C 160 CONTINUE IF (LOBUF.NE.0) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) LOBUF = 0 END IF RETURN C C--- IFUNC=17, Read cursor. -------------------------------------------- C (Not implemented: should not be called.) C 170 GOTO 900 C C--- IFUNC=18, Erase alpha screen. ------------------------------------- C (Null operation: there is no alpha screen.) C 180 CONTINUE RETURN C C--- IFUNC=19, Set line style. ----------------------------------------- C (Not implemented: should not be called.) C 190 GOTO 900 C C--- IFUNC=20, Polygon fill. ------------------------------------------- C 200 CONTINUE IF (NPTS.EQ.0) THEN NPTS = RBUF(1) START = .TRUE. RETURN ELSE NPTS = NPTS-1 I0 = NINT(RBUF(1)) J0 = NINT(RBUF(2)) IF (START) THEN CALL GRFAO('# # BP', L, INSTR, I0, J0, 0, 0) START = .FALSE. LASTI = I0 LASTJ = J0 ELSE IF (NPTS.EQ.0) THEN CALL GRFAO('# # EP', L, INSTR, (I0-LASTI), 1 (J0-LASTJ), 0, 0) LASTI = -1 LASTJ = -1 ELSE CALL GRFAO('# # LP', L, INSTR, (I0-LASTI), 1 (J0-LASTJ), 0, 0) LASTI = I0 LASTJ = J0 END IF BBXMIN = MIN(BBXMIN, I0-LW*5.0) BBXMAX = MAX(BBXMAX, I0+LW*5.0) BBYMIN = MIN(BBYMIN, J0-LW*5.0) BBYMAX = MAX(BBYMAX, J0+LW*5.0) GOTO 800 END IF C C--- IFUNC=21, Set color representation. ------------------------------- C 210 CONTINUE IF (COLOR) THEN CI = RBUF(1) RVALUE(CI) = RBUF(2) GVALUE(CI) = RBUF(3) BVALUE(CI) = RBUF(4) ELSE CI = RBUF(1) RVALUE(CI) = 0.30*RBUF(2) + 0.59*RBUF(3) + 0.11*RBUF(4) GVALUE(CI) = RVALUE(CI) BVALUE(CI) = RVALUE(CI) END IF RETURN C C--- IFUNC=22, Set line width. ----------------------------------------- C 220 CONTINUE LW = RBUF(1) IF (INT(LW).EQ.LW) THEN CALL GRFAO('# LW', L, INSTR, INT(LW), 0, 0, 0) ELSE WRITE (INSTR,'(F6.2,'' LW'')') LW L = 9 END IF LASTI = -1 GOTO 800 C C--- IFUNC=23, Escape. ------------------------------------------------- C 230 CONTINUE IF (LOBUF.NE.0) THEN C -- flush buffer first CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) LOBUF = 0 END IF CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, CHR(:LCHR)) LASTI = -1 RETURN C C--- IFUNC=26, Image.--------------------------------------------------- C 260 CONTINUE N = RBUF(1) IF (N.EQ.0) THEN C -- First: setup for image C -- Set clipping region (RBUF(2...5)) NXP = RBUF(2) NYP = RBUF(3) XORG = RBUF(4) XLEN = RBUF(5) - RBUF(4) YORG = RBUF(6) YLEN = RBUF(7) - RBUF(6) BBXMIN = MIN(BBXMIN, RBUF(4), RBUF(5)) BBXMAX = MAX(BBXMAX, RBUF(4), RBUF(5)) BBYMIN = MIN(BBYMIN, RBUF(6), RBUF(7)) BBYMAX = MAX(BBYMAX, RBUF(6), RBUF(7)) C CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 'gsave newpath') CALL GRFAO('# # moveto # 0 rlineto 0 # rlineto', L, INSTR, : XORG, YORG, XLEN, YLEN) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) CALL GRFAO('# 0 rlineto closepath clip', L, INSTR, -XLEN, : 0, 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) C -- CALL GRFAO('/picstr # string def', L, INSTR, NXP, 0, 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) CALL GRFAO('# # 8 [', L, INSTR, NXP, NYP, 0, 0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:L)) WRITE (INSTR, '(6(1PE10.3, 1X), '']'')') (RBUF(I),I=8,13) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(:67)) IF (COLOR) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, : '{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} false 3 colorimage') ELSE CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, : '{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image') END IF ELSE IF (N.EQ.-1) THEN C -- Last: terminate image CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, 'grestore') ELSE C -- Middle: write N image pixels; each pixel uses 6 chars C in INSTR, so N must be <= 20. L = 0 KMAX = 1 IF (COLOR) KMAX = 3 DO 262 I=1,N CI = RBUF(I+1) RGB(1) = NINT(255.0*RVALUE(CI)) RGB(2) = NINT(255.0*GVALUE(CI)) RGB(3) = NINT(255.0*BVALUE(CI)) DO 261 K=1,KMAX HIGH = RGB(K)/16 LOW = RGB(K)-16*HIGH L = L+1 INSTR(L:L) = HEXDIG(HIGH) L = L+1 INSTR(L:L) = HEXDIG(LOW) 261 CONTINUE 262 CONTINUE CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:L)) END IF RETURN C C--- IFUNC=28, Marker.-------------------------------------------------- C 280 CONTINUE NSYM = NINT(RBUF(1)) C -- Output code for this marker if necessary IF (MARKER(NSYM).EQ.0) THEN IF (LOBUF.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) LOBUF = 0 CALL GRPS03(IOERR, NSYM, UNIT) MARKER(NSYM) = 1 END IF C -- Output scale factor IF (RBUF(4).NE.MFAC) THEN IF (LOBUF.GT.0) CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) LOBUF = 0 MFAC = RBUF(4) WRITE (INSTR, '(''/MFAC '',F10.3,'' def'')') MFAC CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, INSTR(1:24)) END IF C -- Output an instruction to draw one marker I1 = NINT(RBUF(2)) J1 = NINT(RBUF(3)) CALL GRFAO('# # M#', L, INSTR, I1, J1, NSYM, 0) LASTI = -1 BBXMIN = MIN(BBXMIN, I1-MFAC*RAD(NSYM)) BBXMAX = MAX(BBXMAX, I1+MFAC*RAD(NSYM)) BBYMIN = MIN(BBYMIN, J1-MFAC*RAD(NSYM)) BBYMAX = MAX(BBYMAX, J1+MFAC*RAD(NSYM)) GOTO 800 C C--- IFUNC=29, Query color representation.------------------------------ C 290 CONTINUE CI = NINT(RBUF(1)) NBUF = 4 RBUF(2) = RVALUE(CI) RBUF(3) = GVALUE(CI) RBUF(4) = BVALUE(CI) RETURN C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Buffer output if possible. C 800 IF ( (LOBUF+L+1). GT. 132) THEN CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, OBUF(1:LOBUF)) OBUF(1:L) = INSTR(1:L) LOBUF = L ELSE IF (LOBUF.GT.1) THEN LOBUF = LOBUF+1 OBUF(LOBUF:LOBUF) = ' ' END IF OBUF(LOBUF+1:LOBUF+L) = INSTR(1:L) LOBUF = LOBUF+L END IF RETURN C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Error: unimplemented function. C 900 WRITE (MSG, 1 '(''Unimplemented function in PS device driver: '',I10)') IFUNC CALL GRWARN(MSG) NBUF = -1 RETURN C----------------------------------------------------------------------- END C*GRPS03 -- PGPLOT PostScript driver, marker support C+ SUBROUTINE GRPS03(IOERR, NSYM, UNIT) INTEGER IOERR, NSYM, UNIT C C Write PostScript instructions for drawing graph marker number NSYM C on Fortran unit UNIT. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*80 T(6) INTEGER I, N C IF (NSYM.LT.0 .OR. NSYM.GT.31) RETURN GOTO (100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 1 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 2 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 3 127, 128, 129, 130, 131) NSYM+1 C 100 T(1)='/M0 {MB -6 -6 moveto 0 12 rlineto 12 0 rlineto' T(2)='0 -12 rlineto closepath stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 101 T(1)='/M1 {MB 0 0 1 FC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 102 T(1)='/M2 {MB 0 7 moveto 0 -14 rlineto -7 0 moveto' T(2)='14 0 rlineto stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 103 T(1)='/M3 {MB 0 6 moveto 0 -6 lineto -5 3 moveto 5 -3 lineto' T(2)='5 3 moveto -5 -3 lineto stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 104 T(1)='/M4 {MB 0 0 7 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 105 T(1)='/M5 {MB -5 -5 moveto 10 10 rlineto -5 5 moveto' T(2)='10 -10 rlineto stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 106 T(1)='/M6 {MB -6 -6 moveto 0 12 rlineto 12 0 rlineto' T(2)='0 -12 rlineto closepath stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 107 T(1)='/M7 {MB 0 8 moveto -7 -4 lineto 7 -4 lineto closepath' T(2)='stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 108 T(1)='/M8 {MB 0 7 moveto 0 -14 rlineto -7 0 moveto 14 0 rlineto' T(2)='stroke 0 0 7 CC ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 109 T(1)='/M9 {MB 0 0 1 FC 0 0 7 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 110 T(1)='/M10 {MB -9 9 moveto -8 7 lineto -7 3 lineto -7 -3 lineto' T(2)='-8 -7 lineto -9 -9 lineto -7 -8 lineto -3 -7 lineto' T(3)='3 -7 lineto 7 -8 lineto 9 -9 lineto 8 -7 lineto' T(4)='7 -3 lineto 7 3 lineto 8 7 lineto 9 9 lineto 7 8 lineto' T(5)='3 7 lineto -3 7 lineto -7 8 lineto closepath stroke' T(6)='ME} bind def' N=6 GOTO 200 111 T(1)='/M11 {MB 0 10 moveto -6 0 lineto 0 -10 lineto 6 0 lineto' T(2)='closepath stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 112 T(1)='/M12 {MB 0 9 moveto -2 3 lineto -8 3 lineto -3 -1 lineto' T(2)='-5 -7 lineto 0 -3 lineto 5 -7 lineto 3 -1 lineto 8 3' T(3)='lineto 2 3 lineto closepath stroke ME} bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 113 T(1)='/M13 {MB 0 8 moveto -7 -4 lineto 7 -4 lineto closepath' T(2)='fill ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 114 T(1)='/M14 {MB -2 6 moveto -2 2 lineto -6 2 lineto -6 -2 lineto' T(2)='-2 -2 lineto -2 -6 lineto 2 -6 lineto 2 -2 lineto' T(3)='6 -2 lineto 6 2 lineto 2 2 lineto 2 6 lineto closepath' T(4)='stroke ME} bind def' N=4 GOTO 200 115 T(1)='/M15 {MB 0 8 moveto -7 -4 lineto 7 -4 lineto closepath' T(2)='0 -8 moveto 7 4 lineto -7 4 lineto closepath stroke ME}' T(3)='bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 116 T(1)='/M16 {MB -4 -4 moveto 0 8 rlineto 8 0 rlineto 0 -8' T(2)='rlineto closepath fill ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 117 T(1)='/M17 {MB 0 0 4.5 FC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 118 T(1)='/M18 {MB 0 9 moveto -2 3 lineto -8 3 lineto -3 -1 lineto' T(2)=' -5 -7 lineto 0 -3 lineto 5 -7 lineto 3 -1 lineto 8 3' T(3)='lineto 2 3 lineto closepath fill ME} bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 119 T(1)='/M19 {MB -12 -12 moveto 0 24 rlineto 24 0 rlineto 0 -24' T(2)='rlineto closepath stroke ME} bind def' N=2 GOTO 200 120 T(1)='/M20 {MB 0 0 2 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 121 T(1)='/M21 {MB 0 0 4 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 122 T(1)='/M22 {MB 0 0 5 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 123 T(1)='/M23 {MB 0 0 7 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 124 T(1)='/M24 {MB 0 0 11 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 125 T(1)='/M25 {MB 0 0 17 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 126 T(1)='/M26 {MB 0 0 22 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 127 T(1)='/M27 {MB 0 0 41 CC ME} bind def' N=1 GOTO 200 128 T(1)='/M28 {MB -6 2 moveto -9 0 lineto -6 -2 lineto -3 5' T(2)='moveto -8 0 lineto -3 -5 lineto -8 0 moveto 9 0 lineto' T(3)='stroke ME} bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 129 T(1)='/M29 {MB 6 2 moveto 9 0 lineto 6 -2 lineto 3 5 moveto' T(2)='8 0 lineto 3 -5 lineto 8 0 moveto -9 0 lineto stroke ME}' T(3)='bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 130 T(1)='/M30 {MB 2 6 moveto 0 9 lineto -2 6 lineto 5 3 moveto' T(2)='0 8 lineto -5 3 lineto 0 8 moveto 0 -9 lineto stroke ME}' T(3)='bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 131 T(1)='/M31 {MB 2 -6 moveto 0 -9 lineto -2 -6 lineto 5 -3' T(2)='moveto 0 -8 lineto -5 -3 lineto 0 -8 moveto 0 9 lineto' T(3)='stroke ME} bind def' N=3 GOTO 200 C 200 DO 210 I=1,N CALL GRPS02(IOERR, UNIT, T(I)) 210 CONTINUE C END C*GRPS02 -- PGPLOT PostScript driver, copy buffer to file C+ SUBROUTINE GRPS02 (IER, UNIT, S) C C Support routine for PSdriver: write character string S on C specified Fortran unit. C C Error handling: if IER is not 0 on input, the routine returns C immediately. Otherwise IER receives the I/O status from the Fortran C write (0 => success). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER IER, UNIT CHARACTER*(*) S C IF (IER.EQ.0) THEN WRITE (UNIT, '(A)', IOSTAT=IER) S IF (IER.NE.0) CALL 1 GRWARN('++WARNING++ Error writing PostScript file') END IF C----------------------------------------------------------------------- END