#!/bin/sh # Extract documentation from pgplot source code: output VMS help file cat << \EOD 1 PGPLOT PGPLOT GRAPHICS SUBROUTINE LIBRARY Version 5.2 PGPLOT is a Fortran subroutine package for drawing graphs on a variety of display devices. For more details, see the manual ``PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library'' available from T. J. Pearson (tjp@astro.caltech.edu). Arguments The subroutine descriptions indicate the data type of each argument. When arguments are described as ``input'', they may be replaced with constants or expressions in the CALL statement, but make sure that the constant or expression has the correct data type. INTEGER arguments: these should be declared INTEGER or INTEGER*4 in the calling program, not INTEGER*2. REAL arguments: these should be declared REAL or REAL*4 in the calling program, not REAL*8 or DOUBLE PRECISION. LOGICAL arguments: these should be declared LOGICAL or LOGICAL*4 in the calling program. CHARACTER arguments: any valid Fortran CHARACTER variable may be used (declared CHARACTER*n for some integer n). EOD awk ' /^C\*/ { print ""; print "2 " substr($0, 3, 500); } /^C\+/ { echo = 1; getline } /^C--/ { echo = 0} echo == 1 && /^C/ {print " " substr($0, 3, 500) } echo == 1 && !/^C/ { print } ' $*