C*GRCLOS -- close graphics device C+ SUBROUTINE GRCLOS C C GRPCKG: Close the open plot on the current device. Any pending output C is sent to the device, the device is released for other users or the C disk file is closed, and no further plotting is allowed on the device C without a new call to GROPEN. C C Arguments: none. C-- C 1-Jun-1984 - [TJP]. C 17-Jul-1984 - ignore call if plot is not open [TJP]. C 1-Oct-1984 - reset color to default (1) and position text cursor C at bottom of VT screen [TJP]. C 19-Oct-1984 - add VV device [TJP]. C 22-Dec-1984 - use GRBUFL and GRIOTA parameters [TJP]. C 5-Aug-1986 - add GREXEC support [AFT]. C 21-Feb-1987 - modify END_PICTURE sequence [AFT]. C 11-Jun-1987 - remove built-ins [TJP]. C 31-Aug-1987 - do not eject blank page [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' REAL RBUF(6) INTEGER NBUF,LCHR CHARACTER CHR C C Check a plot is open. C IF (GRCIDE.LT.1) RETURN C C Reset color to default (1). This is useful C for VT240 terminals, which use the color tables for text. C CALL GRSCI(1) C C Flush buffer. C CALL GRTERM C C End picture. C CALL GREPIC C C This plot identifier is no longer in use. C Set state to "workstation closed". C GRSTAT(GRCIDE) = 0 GRCIDE = 0 C C Close workstation. C CALL GREXEC(GRGTYP,10,RBUF,NBUF,CHR,LCHR) C END