C*GRIMG0 -- color image of a 2D data array C+ SUBROUTINE GRIMG0 (A, IDIM, JDIM, I1, I2, J1, J2, 1 A1, A2, PA, MININD, MAXIND, MODE) INTEGER IDIM, JDIM, I1, I2, J1, J2, MININD, MAXIND, MODE REAL A(IDIM,JDIM), A1, A2, PA(6) C C This is a support routine for PGIMAG. C C Arguments: C A (input) : the array to be plotted. C IDIM (input) : the first dimension of array A. C JDIM (input) : the second dimension of array A. C I1, I2 (input) : the inclusive range of the first index C (I) to be plotted. C J1, J2 (input) : the inclusive range of the second C index (J) to be plotted. C A1 (input) : the array value which is to appear in color C index MININD. C A2 (input) : the array value which is to appear in color C index MAXIND. C PA (input) : transformation matrix between array grid and C device coordinates. C MININD (input) : minimum color index to use. C MAXIND (input) : maximum color index to use. C MODE (input) : =0 for linear, =1 for logarithmic, =2 for C square-root mapping of array values to color C indices. C-- C 7-Sep-1994 - new routine [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' CHARACTER C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Switch on type of device support. C C = GRGCAP(GRCIDE)(7:7) IF (C.EQ.'Q') THEN C -- Image-primitive devices CALL GRIMG1(A, IDIM, JDIM, I1, I2, J1, J2, A1, A2, PA, : MININD, MAXIND, MODE) ELSE IF (C.EQ.'P') THEN C -- Pixel-primitive devices CALL GRIMG2(A, IDIM, JDIM, I1, I2, J1, J2, A1, A2, PA, : MININD, MAXIND, MODE) ELSE IF (C.EQ.'N') THEN C -- Other devices CALL GRWARN( : 'images cannot be displayed on the selected device') ELSE C -- Unknown device code CALL GRWARN('unexpected error in routine GRIMG0') END IF C----------------------------------------------------------------------- END