C*GRLIN2 -- draw a normal line C+ SUBROUTINE GRLIN2 (X0,Y0,X1,Y1) C C GRPCKG : plot a visible line segment in absolute coords from C (X0,Y0) to (X1,Y1). The endpoints of the line segment are rounded C to the nearest integer and passed to the appropriate device-specific C routine. It is assumed that the entire line-segment lies within the C view surface, and that the physical device coordinates are C non-negative. C-- C (1-Jun-1984) C 19-Oct-1984 - rewritten for speed [TJP]. C 29-Jan-1985 - add HP2648 device [KS/TJP]. C 5-Aug-1986 - add GREXEC support [AFT]. C 21-Feb-1987 - If needed, calls begin picture [AFT]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' REAL X0,Y0,X1,Y1 REAL RBUF(6) INTEGER NBUF,LCHR CHARACTER CHR C C- If this is first thing plotted then set something plotted flag C- and for a GREXEC device call BEGIN_PICTURE. C IF (.NOT.GRPLTD(GRCIDE)) CALL GRBPIC C--- RBUF(1)=X0 RBUF(2)=Y0 RBUF(3)=X1 RBUF(4)=Y1 NBUF=4 C WRITE(*,'(A,4F10.5)') 'GRLIN2',RBUF(1), RBUF(2), RBUF(3), RBUF(4) CALL GREXEC(GRGTYP,12,RBUF,NBUF,CHR,LCHR) C END