C*GRMOVR -- move pen (relative, world coordinates) C+ SUBROUTINE GRMOVR (DX,DY) C C GRPCKG: move the pen through a specified displacement. C C Arguments: C C DX, DY (real, input): the displacement in world coordinates: the pen C position is incremented by DX in x and DY in y. C-- C (1-Feb-1983) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' REAL DX,DY C IF (GRCIDE.GE.1) THEN GRXPRE(GRCIDE) = GRXPRE(GRCIDE) + DX*GRXSCL(GRCIDE) GRYPRE(GRCIDE) = GRYPRE(GRCIDE) + DY*GRYSCL(GRCIDE) END IF END