C*GRQCOL -- inquire color capability C+ SUBROUTINE GRQCOL (CI1, CI2) INTEGER CI1, CI2 C C Query the range of color indices available on the current device. C C Argument: C CI1 (output) : the minimum available color index. This will be C either 0 if the device can write in the C background color, or 1 if not. C CI2 (output) : the maximum available color index. This will be C 1 if the device has no color capability, or a C larger number (e.g., 3, 7, 15, 255). C-- C 31-May-1989 - new routine [TJP]. C 1-Sep-1994 - avoid driver call [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' C C Error if no workstation is open. C IF (GRCIDE.LT.1) THEN CI1 = 0 CI2 = 0 ELSE CI1 = GRMNCI(GRCIDE) CI2 = GRMXCI(GRCIDE) END IF C END