C*GRQDT -- inquire current device and type C+ SUBROUTINE GRQDT (DEVICE) C C GRPCKG: obtain the name and type of the current graphics device. C C Argument: C C DEVICE (output, character): receives the device name and type of the C currently active device in the form 'device/type'; this is a C valid string for input to GROPEN. C-- C 1-Feb-1983 C 19-Feb-1988 - add quotes if necessary. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' CHARACTER*(*) DEVICE CHARACTER*14 TYPE LOGICAL JUNK INTEGER L C IF (GRCIDE.LT.1) THEN CALL GRWARN('GRQDT - no graphics device is active.') DEVICE = '/NULL' ELSE CALL GRQTYP(TYPE,JUNK) L = GRFNLN(GRCIDE) IF (L.LE.0) THEN DEVICE = '/'//TYPE ELSE IF (INDEX(GRFILE(GRCIDE)(1:L), '/').EQ.0) THEN DEVICE = GRFILE(GRCIDE)(1:L)//'/'//TYPE ELSE DEVICE = '"'//GRFILE(GRCIDE)(1:L)//'"/'//TYPE END IF END IF END