C*GRQPOS -- return current pen position (absolute, world coordinates) C+ SUBROUTINE GRQPOS(X,Y) C C GRQPOS: returns the current pen position in absolute, world C coordinates. C C Arguments: C C X, Y (real, output): world coordinates of the pen position. C-- C 1-Mar-1991 - new routine [JM]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL X,Y INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' C IF (GRCIDE.GE.1) THEN X = (GRXPRE(GRCIDE) - GRXORG(GRCIDE)) / GRXSCL(GRCIDE) Y = (GRYPRE(GRCIDE) - GRYORG(GRCIDE)) / GRYSCL(GRCIDE) END IF END