C*GRRECT -- fill a rectangle C+ SUBROUTINE GRRECT (X0,Y0,X1,Y1) REAL X0, Y0, X1, Y1 C C GRPCKG: Fill a rectangle with solid color. The rectangle C is defined by the (x,y) world coordinates of its lower left and upper C right corners; the edges are parallel to the coordinate axes. C C Arguments: C C X0, Y0 (input, real): world coordinates of one corner of the C rectangle. C X1, Y1 (input, real): world coordinates of the opposite corner of the C rectangle. C-- C 23-Mar-1988 - [TJP]. C 18-Jan-1991 - Code moved from GRRECT to GRREC0 so that it can also be C used by GRPXRE C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' REAL XLL, YLL, XUR, YUR REAL XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX C IF (GRCIDE.LT.1) RETURN C C Convert to device coordinates and clip. C CALL GRTXY0(.FALSE.,X0,Y0,XLL,YLL) CALL GRTXY0(.FALSE.,X1,Y1,XUR,YUR) XMIN = MIN(XLL,XUR) XMAX = MAX(XLL,XUR) YMIN = MIN(YLL,YUR) YMAX = MAX(YLL,YUR) C C Do the real work C CALL GRREC0(XMIN,YMIN,XMAX,YMAX) END