C*GRTERM -- flush buffer to output device C+ SUBROUTINE GRTERM C C GRPCKG: flush the buffer associated with the current plot. GRTERM C should be called only when it is necessary to make sure that all the C graphics created up to this point in the program are visible on the C device, e.g., before beginning a dialog with the user. GRTERM has no C effect on hardcopy devices. C C Arguments: none. C-- C 6-Oct-1983 C 29-Jan-1985 - add HP2648 device [KS/TJP]. C 31-Dec-1985 - do not send CAN code to true Tek [TJP/PCP]. C 5-Aug-1986 - add GREXEC support [AFT]. C 11-Jun-1987 - remove built-in devices [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' INTEGER NBUF,LCHR REAL RBUF(6) CHARACTER CHR C IF (GRCIDE.GE.1) THEN CALL GREXEC(GRGTYP,16,RBUF,NBUF,CHR,LCHR) END IF END