C*GRTRAN -- define scaling transformation C+ SUBROUTINE GRTRAN (IDENT,XORG,YORG,XSCALE,YSCALE) C C GRPCKG (internal routine): Define scaling transformation. C C Arguments: C C IDENT (input, integer): plot identifier, as returned by GROPEN. C XORG, YORG, XSCALE, YSCALE (input, real): parameters of the scaling C transformation. This is defined by: C XABS = XORG + XWORLD * XSCALE, C YABS = YORG + YWORLD * YSCALE, C where (XABS, YABS) are the absolute device coordinates C corresponding to world coordinates (XWORLD, YWORLD). C-- C (1-Feb-1983) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER IDENT REAL XORG, YORG, XSCALE, YSCALE C CALL GRSLCT(IDENT) CALL GRTRN0(XORG, YORG, XSCALE, YSCALE) C END