C*PGASK -- control new page prompting C%void cpgask(Logical flag); C+ SUBROUTINE PGASK (FLAG) LOGICAL FLAG C C Change the ``prompt state'' of PGPLOT. If the prompt state is C ON, PGPAGE will type ``Type RETURN for next page:'' and will wait C for the user to type a carriage-return before starting a new page. C The initial prompt state (after the device has been opened) is ON C for interactive devices. Prompt state is always OFF for C non-interactive devices. C C Arguments: C FLAG (input) : if .TRUE., and if the device is an interactive C device, the prompt state will be set to ON. If C .FALSE., the prompt state will be set to OFF. C-- C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'pgplot.inc' LOGICAL PGNOTO CHARACTER*1 TYPE C IF (PGNOTO('PGASK')) RETURN C IF (FLAG) THEN CALL GRQTYP(TYPE,PGPRMP(PGID)) ELSE PGPRMP(PGID) = .FALSE. END IF END