C*PGBEG -- open a graphics device C%int cpgbeg(int unit, const char *file, int nxsub, int nysub); C+ INTEGER FUNCTION PGBEG (UNIT, FILE, NXSUB, NYSUB) INTEGER UNIT CHARACTER*(*) FILE INTEGER NXSUB, NYSUB C C Note: new programs should use PGOPEN rather than PGBEG. PGOPEN C is retained for compatibility with existing programs. Unlike PGOPEN, C PGBEG closes any graphics devices that are already open, so it C cannot be used to open devices to be used in parallel. C C PGBEG opens a graphical device or file and prepares it for C subsequent plotting. A device must be opened with PGBEG or PGOPEN C before any other calls to PGPLOT subroutines for the device. C C If any device is already open for PGPLOT output, it is closed before C the new device is opened. C C Returns: C PGBEG : a status return value. A value of 1 indicates C successful completion, any other value indicates C an error. In the event of error a message is C written on the standard error unit. C To test the return value, call C PGBEG as a function, eg IER=PGBEG(...); note C that PGBEG must be declared INTEGER in the C calling program. Some Fortran compilers allow C you to use CALL PGBEG(...) and discard the C return value, but this is not standard Fortran. C Arguments: C UNIT (input) : this argument is ignored by PGBEG (use zero). C FILE (input) : the "device specification" for the plot device. C (For explanation, see description of PGOPEN.) C NXSUB (input) : the number of subdivisions of the view surface in C X (>0 or <0). C NYSUB (input) : the number of subdivisions of the view surface in C Y (>0). C PGPLOT puts NXSUB x NYSUB graphs on each plot C page or screen; when the view surface is sub- C divided in this way, PGPAGE moves to the next C panel, not the next physical page. If C NXSUB > 0, PGPLOT uses the panels in row C order; if <0, PGPLOT uses them in column order. C-- C 21-Dec-1995 [TJP] - changed for multiple devices; call PGOPEN. C 27-Feb-1997 [TJP] - updated description. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER IER INTEGER PGOPEN C C Initialize PGPLOT if necessary. C CALL PGINIT C C Close the plot-file if it is already open. C CALL PGEND C C Call PGOPEN to open the device. C IER = PGOPEN(FILE) IF (IER.GT.0) THEN CALL PGSUBP(NXSUB, NYSUB) PGBEG = 1 ELSE PGBEG = IER END IF C RETURN END