C SUBROUTINE PGCP (K, X, Y, Z) C C PGPLOT (internal routine): Draw one contour segment (for use by C PGCNSC). C C Arguments: C C K (input, integer): if K=0, move the pen to (X,Y); if K=1, draw C a line from the current position to (X,Y); otherwise C do nothing. C X (input, real): X world-coordinate of end point. C Y (input, real): Y world-coordinate of end point. C Z (input, real): the value of the contour level, not used by PGCP at C the moment. C C (7-Feb-1983) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'pgplot.inc' INTEGER K REAL X,XX,Y,YY,Z C XX = TRANS(1) + TRANS(2)*X + TRANS(3)*Y YY = TRANS(4) + TRANS(5)*X + TRANS(6)*Y IF (K.EQ.1) THEN CALL GRLINA(XX,YY) ELSE IF (K.EQ.0) THEN CALL GRMOVA(XX,YY) END IF END