C*PGCURS -- read cursor position C%int cpgcurs(float *x, float *y, char *ch_scalar); C+ INTEGER FUNCTION PGCURS (X, Y, CH) REAL X, Y CHARACTER*(*) CH C C Read the cursor position and a character typed by the user. C The position is returned in world coordinates. PGCURS positions C the cursor at the position specified, allows the user to move the C cursor using the joystick or arrow keys or whatever is available on C the device. When he has positioned the cursor, the user types a C single character on the keyboard; PGCURS then returns this C character and the new cursor position (in world coordinates). C C Returns: C PGCURS : 1 if the call was successful; 0 if the device C has no cursor or some other error occurs. C Arguments: C X (in/out) : the world x-coordinate of the cursor. C Y (in/out) : the world y-coordinate of the cursor. C CH (output) : the character typed by the user; if the device has C no cursor or if some other error occurs, the value C CHAR(0) [ASCII NUL character] is returned. C C Note: The cursor coordinates (X,Y) may be changed by PGCURS even if C the device has no cursor or if the user does not move the cursor. C Under these circumstances, the position returned in (X,Y) is that of C the pixel nearest to the requested position. C-- C 7-Sep-1994 - changed to use PGBAND [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER PGBAND LOGICAL PGNOTO C IF (PGNOTO('PGCURS')) THEN CH = CHAR(0) PGCURS = 0 ELSE PGCURS = PGBAND(0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, X, Y, CH) END IF END