C*PGEBUF -- end batch of output (buffer) C%void cpgebuf(void); C+ SUBROUTINE PGEBUF C C A call to PGEBUF marks the end of a batch of graphical output begun C with the last call of PGBBUF. PGBBUF and PGEBUF calls should always C be paired. Each call to PGBBUF increments a counter, while each call C to PGEBUF decrements the counter. When the counter reaches 0, the C batch of output is written on the output device. C C Arguments: none C-- C 21-Nov-1985 - new routine [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'pgplot.inc' LOGICAL PGNOTO C IF (.NOT.PGNOTO('PGEBUF')) THEN PGBLEV(PGID) = MAX(0, PGBLEV(PGID) - 1) IF (PGBLEV(PGID).EQ.0) CALL GRTERM END IF END