C*PGERRY -- vertical error bar C%void cpgerry(int n, const float *x, const float *y1, \ C% const float *y2, float t); C+ SUBROUTINE PGERRY (N, X, Y1, Y2, T) INTEGER N REAL X(*), Y1(*), Y2(*) REAL T C C Plot vertical error bars. C This routine draws an error bar only; to mark the data point in C the middle of the error bar, an additional call to PGPT or C PGERRX is required. C C Arguments: C N (input) : number of error bars to plot. C X (input) : world x-coordinates of the data. C Y1 (input) : world y-coordinates of top end of the C error bars. C Y2 (input) : world y-coordinates of bottom end of the C error bars. C T (input) : length of terminals to be drawn at the ends C of the error bar, as a multiple of the default C length; if T = 0.0, no terminals will be drawn. C C Note: the dimension of arrays X, Y1, and Y2 must be greater C than or equal to N. If N is 1, X, Y1, and Y2 may be scalar C variables or expressions, eg: C CALL PGERRY(1,X,Y+SIGMA,Y-SIGMA) C-- C (6-Oct-1983) C 31-Mar-1997 - use pgtikl [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I LOGICAL PGNOTO REAL XTIK, YTIK C IF (PGNOTO('PGERRY')) RETURN IF (N.LT.1) RETURN CALL PGBBUF C CALL PGTIKL(T, XTIK, YTIK) DO 10 I=1,N IF (T.NE.0.0) THEN CALL GRMOVA(X(I)-XTIK,Y1(I)) CALL GRLINA(X(I)+XTIK,Y1(I)) END IF CALL GRMOVA(X(I),Y1(I)) CALL GRLINA(X(I),Y2(I)) IF (T.NE.0.0) THEN CALL GRMOVA(X(I)-XTIK,Y2(I)) CALL GRLINA(X(I)+XTIK,Y2(I)) END IF 10 CONTINUE CALL PGEBUF END