C*PGLINE -- draw a polyline (curve defined by line-segments) C%void cpgline(int n, const float *xpts, const float *ypts); C+ SUBROUTINE PGLINE (N, XPTS, YPTS) INTEGER N REAL XPTS(*), YPTS(*) C C Primitive routine to draw a Polyline. A polyline is one or more C connected straight-line segments. The polyline is drawn using C the current setting of attributes color-index, line-style, and C line-width. The polyline is clipped at the edge of the window. C C Arguments: C N (input) : number of points defining the line; the line C consists of (N-1) straight-line segments. C N should be greater than 1 (if it is 1 or less, C nothing will be drawn). C XPTS (input) : world x-coordinates of the points. C YPTS (input) : world y-coordinates of the points. C C The dimension of arrays X and Y must be greater than or equal to N. C The "pen position" is changed to (X(N),Y(N)) in world coordinates C (if N > 1). C-- C 27-Nov-1986 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I LOGICAL PGNOTO C IF (PGNOTO('PGLINE')) RETURN IF (N.LT.2) RETURN C CALL PGBBUF CALL GRMOVA(XPTS(1),YPTS(1)) DO 10 I=2,N CALL GRLINA(XPTS(I),YPTS(I)) 10 CONTINUE CALL PGEBUF END