C*PGPANL -- switch to a different panel on the view surface C%void cpgpanl(int nxc, int nyc); C+ SUBROUTINE PGPANL(IX, IY) INTEGER IX, IY C C Start plotting in a different panel. If the view surface has been C divided into panels by PGBEG or PGSUBP, this routine can be used to C move to a different panel. Note that PGPLOT does not remember what C viewport and window were in use in each panel; these should be reset C if necessary after calling PGPANL. Nor does PGPLOT clear the panel: C call PGERAS after calling PGPANL to do this. C C Arguments: C IX (input) : the horizontal index of the panel (in the range C 1 <= IX <= number of panels in horizontal C direction). C IY (input) : the vertical index of the panel (in the range C 1 <= IY <= number of panels in horizontal C direction). C-- C 1-Dec-1994 - new routine [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'pgplot.inc' LOGICAL PGNOTO C C Check that a device is open. C IF (PGNOTO('PGPANL')) RETURN C C Check arguments. C IF (IX.LT.1 .OR. IX.GT.PGNX(PGID) .OR. : IY.LT.1 .OR. IY.GT.PGNY(PGID)) THEN CALL GRWARN('PGPANL: the requested panel does not exist') C C Adjust the viewport to the new panel and window the plot C in the new viewport. C ELSE PGNXC(PGID) = IX PGNYC(PGID) = IY PGXOFF(PGID) = PGXVP(PGID) + (IX-1)*PGXSZ(PGID) PGYOFF(PGID) = PGYVP(PGID) + (PGNY(PGID)-IY)*PGYSZ(PGID) CALL PGVW END IF C END