C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGPLOT: common block definition. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of concurrent devices (should match GRIMAX). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER PGMAXD PARAMETER (PGMAXD=8) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Indentifier of currently selected device. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER PGID C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Device status (indexed by device identifier). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGDEVS =0 if device is not open; 1 if device is open. C PGADVS Set to 0 by PGBEGIN, set to 1 by PGPAGE; used to suppress C the prompt for the first page. C PROMPT If .TRUE., ask user before clearing page; set by PGASK C and (indirectly) by PGBEGIN, used in PGENV. C PGBLEV Buffering level: incremented by PGBBUF, decremented by C PGEBUF. C PGPFIX TRUE if PGPAP has been called, FALSE otherwise. C INTEGER PGDEVS(PGMAXD), PGADVS(PGMAXD), PGBLEV(PGMAXD) LOGICAL PGPRMP(PGMAXD), PGPFIX(PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Panel parameters (indexed by device identification). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C NX Number of panels in x direction C NY Number of panels in y direction C NXC Ordinal number of current X panel C NYC Ordinal number of current Y panel C XSZ X dimension of panel (device units) C YSZ Y dimension of panel (device units) C PGROWS TRUE if panels are used in row order, FALSE for column C order. C INTEGER PGNX (PGMAXD), PGNY (PGMAXD) INTEGER PGNXC (PGMAXD), PGNYC (PGMAXD) REAL PGXSZ (PGMAXD), PGYSZ (PGMAXD) LOGICAL PGROWS(PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Attributes (indexed by device identification). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGCLP clipping enabled/disabed C PGFAS fill-area style C PGCHSZ character height C PGAHS arrow-head fill style C PGAHA arrow-head angle C PGAHV arrow-head vent C PGTBCI text background color index C PGMNCI lower range of color indices available to PGGRAY/PGIMAG C PGMXCI upper range of color indices available to PGGRAY/PGIMAG C PGITF type of transfer function used by PGGRAY/PGIMAG C PGHSA hatching line angle C PGHSS hatching line separation C PGHSP hatching line phase C INTEGER PGCLP (PGMAXD) INTEGER PGFAS (PGMAXD) REAL PGCHSZ(PGMAXD) INTEGER PGAHS (PGMAXD) REAL PGAHA (PGMAXD) REAL PGAHV (PGMAXD) INTEGER PGTBCI(PGMAXD) INTEGER PGMNCI(PGMAXD) INTEGER PGMXCI(PGMAXD) INTEGER PGITF (PGMAXD) REAL PGHSA (PGMAXD) REAL PGHSS (PGMAXD) REAL PGHSP (PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Viewport parameters (indexed by device identification); all are device C coordinates: C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGXOFF X coordinate of blc of viewport. C PGYOFF Y coordinate of blc of viewport. C PGXVP X coordinate of blc of viewport, relative to blc of subpage. C PGYVP Y coordinate of blc of viewport, relative to blc of subpage. C PGXLEN Width of viewport. C PGYLEN Height of viewport. C REAL PGXOFF(PGMAXD), PGYOFF(PGMAXD) REAL PGXVP (PGMAXD), PGYVP (PGMAXD) REAL PGXLEN(PGMAXD), PGYLEN(PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Scaling parameters (indexed by device identification): C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGXORG device coordinate value corresponding to world X=0 C PGYORG device coordinate value corresponding to world Y=0 C PGXSCL scale in x (device units per world coordinate unit) C PGYSCL scale in y (device units per world coordinate unit) C PGXPIN device x scale in device units/inch C PGYPIN device y scale in device units/inch C PGXSP Character X spacing (device units) C PGYSP Character Y spacing (device units) C REAL PGXORG(PGMAXD), PGYORG(PGMAXD) REAL PGXSCL(PGMAXD), PGYSCL(PGMAXD) REAL PGXPIN(PGMAXD), PGYPIN(PGMAXD) REAL PGXSP (PGMAXD), PGYSP (PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Window parameters (indexed by device identification); all are world C coordinate values: C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGXBLC world X at bottom left corner of window C PGXTRC world X at top right corner of window C PGYBLC world Y at bottom left corner of window C PGYTRC world Y at top right corner of window C REAL PGXBLC(PGMAXD), PGXTRC(PGMAXD) REAL PGYBLC(PGMAXD), PGYTRC(PGMAXD) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C The following parameters are used in the contouring routines to pass C information to the action routine. They do not need to be indexed. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C TRANS Transformation matrix for contour plots; copied C from argument list by PGCONT and used by PGCP. C INTEGER PGCINT, PGCMIN REAL TRANS(6) CHARACTER*32 PGCLAB C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON /PGPLT1/ PGID,PGDEVS,PGADVS,PGNX, PGNY, PGNXC, PGNYC , 1 PGXPIN,PGYPIN,PGXSP, PGYSP, PGXSZ, PGYSZ, 2 PGXOFF,PGYOFF,PGXVP, PGYVP, PGXLEN,PGYLEN,PGXORG,PGYORG, 3 PGXSCL,PGYSCL,PGXBLC,PGXTRC,PGYBLC,PGYTRC,TRANS, 4 PGPRMP,PGCLP, PGFAS, PGCHSZ,PGBLEV,PGROWS, 5 PGAHS, PGAHA, PGAHV, PGTBCI,PGMNCI,PGMXCI,PGCINT,PGCMIN, 6 PGPFIX,PGITF, PGHSA, PGHSS, PGHSP COMMON /PGPLT2/ PGCLAB SAVE /PGPLT1/ SAVE /PGPLT2/ C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C PGPLOT Extensions real dash_frequency ! higher number means closer spacing common / extensions_com / dash_frequency save /extensions_com/