C*PGQNDT -- inquire number of available device types C%void cpgqndt(int *n); C+ SUBROUTINE PGQNDT(N) INTEGER N C C Return the number of available device types. This routine is C usually used in conjunction with PGQDT to get a list of the C available device types. C C Arguments: C N (output) : the number of available device types. C-- C 17-Mar-1997 - new routine [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER NBUF, LCHR REAL RBUF(2) CHARACTER CHR C C Initialize PGPLOT if necessary. C CALL PGINIT C C Find number of device types. C CALL GREXEC(0, 0, RBUF, NBUF, CHR, LCHR) N = NINT(RBUF(1)) C END