C*PGQWIN -- inquire window boundary coordinates C%void cpgqwin(float *x1, float *x2, float *y1, float *y2); C+ SUBROUTINE PGQWIN (X1, X2, Y1, Y2) REAL X1, X2, Y1, Y2 C C Inquiry routine to determine the current window setting. C The values returned are world coordinates. C C Arguments: C X1 (output) : the x-coordinate of the bottom left corner C of the window. C X2 (output) : the x-coordinate of the top right corner C of the window. C Y1 (output) : the y-coordinate of the bottom left corner C of the window. C Y2 (output) : the y-coordinate of the top right corner C of the window. C-- C 26-Sep-1985 - new routine (TJP). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'pgplot.inc' C X1 = PGXBLC(PGID) X2 = PGXTRC(PGID) Y1 = PGYBLC(PGID) Y2 = PGYTRC(PGID) END