C*PGSCR -- set color representation C%void cpgscr(int ci, float cr, float cg, float cb); C+ SUBROUTINE PGSCR (CI, CR, CG, CB) INTEGER CI REAL CR, CG, CB C C Set color representation: i.e., define the color to be C associated with a color index. Ignored for devices which do not C support variable color or intensity. Color indices 0-15 C have predefined color representations (see the PGPLOT manual), but C these may be changed with PGSCR. Color indices 16-maximum have no C predefined representations: if these indices are used, PGSCR must C be called to define the representation. On monochrome output C devices (e.g. VT125 terminals with monochrome monitors), the C monochrome intensity is computed from the specified Red, Green, Blue C intensities as 0.30*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B, as in US color television C systems, NTSC encoding. Note that most devices do not have an C infinite range of colors or monochrome intensities available; C the nearest available color is used. Examples: for black, C set CR=CG=CB=0.0; for white, set CR=CG=CB=1.0; for medium gray, C set CR=CG=CB=0.5; for medium yellow, set CR=CG=0.5, CB=0.0. C C Argument: C CI (input) : the color index to be defined, in the range 0-max. C If the color index greater than the device C maximum is specified, the call is ignored. Color C index 0 applies to the background color. C CR (input) : red, green, and blue intensities, C CG (input) in range 0.0 to 1.0. C CB (input) C-- C 5-Nov-1985 - new routine [TJP]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL PGNOTO C IF (PGNOTO('PGSCR')) RETURN CALL GRSCR(CI,CR,CG,CB) END