C*GRDATE -- get date and time as character string (Mac) C+ SUBROUTINE GRDATE(STRING, L) CHARACTER*(*) STRING INTEGER L C C Return the current date and time, in format 'dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm'. C To receive the whole string, the STRING should be declared C CHARACTER*17. C C Arguments: C STRING : receives date and time, truncated or extended with C blanks as necessary. C L : receives the number of characters in STRING, excluding C trailing blanks. This will always be 17, unless the length C of the string supplied is shorter. C-- C 19-Jan-1988 C 21-Jan-1995 Modified to work on mac with MPW Fortran 2.1 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- Character CDate*9, CTime*8 C C The Date subroutine returns the current date in this form: DD-MMM-yy. C So we if yy is between 00 and 50, we assume that the first two digits are 20. C if yy is between 51 to 99, we assume that the first two digits are 19. C The Time subroutine returns the current time in this form: HH:MM:SS Call Date(CDate) Call Time(CTime) If ((CDate(8:9) .ge. '00') .and. (CDate(8:9) .le. '50')) Then String = CDate(1:7)//'20'//CDate(8:9)//' '//CTime(1:5) Else String = CDate(1:7)//'19'//CDate(8:9)//' '//CTime(1:5) End If L = MIN(17,LEN(STRING)) Return END