!!G Toolbox.finc C If you have a power mac version of LS fortran uncomment the C next 5 lines and comment out "!!MP InLines.f" C!!IFC NOT LSPOWERF C!!MP 68KInlines C!!ELSEC C!!MP PPCInlines C!!ENDC C If you have a 68K mac version of LS fortran comment out the C 5 lines above and uncomment the next line. !!MP InLines.f C Fortran callable memory allocator C Called as : C ier = grgmem (size,pointer) C where : size is an integer size of memory to allocate C pointer is an integer to return the pointer into Integer Function GRGMEM(size, pointer) Integer*4 size, pointer pointer = NewPtr(Size) If (pointer .eq. 0) Then grgmem = 0 Else grgmem = 1 End if Return End C Fortran callable memory deallocator C Called as : C ier = grfmem (size,pointer) C where : size is an integer size of memory to deallocate (not used) C pointer is an integer that contains the pointer Integer Function GRFMEM(size, pointer) Integer*4 size, pointer Call DisposPtr(Pointer) grfmem = 1 Return End