I don't have a ppc so I can't say what modifications are needed to get Pgplot running in native mode with the LS compiler. However, Mike Burnett (contact him mnb@ornl.gov if you have any questions about these modifications) has contributed the following instructions. I haven't tested them so I can't say it they will work. Hopefully, in the near future I will update the macmake, pgplot.make, and mcdriv.f files to incorportate his changes. To compile on the PowerMac, change the 2 occurrences of the following line in mcdriv.f, QDG = JQDGLOBALS() to !!IFC NOT LSPOWERF QDG = JQDGLOBALS() !!ELSEC QDG = %loc(qd) !!ENDC Change pgplot.make as follows: 1. Replace all occurrances of LinkFortranTool with {LINKTOOL}. 2. Replace both occurrances of "lib -f -mf" with {LIBLINK} 3. Add the CMPMCDRV definition after FFLAGU near the top of pgplot.make. 4. Change the following line in pgplot.make {FCOMPL} {SYSDIR}MCDRIV.f {FFLAGC} to {CMPMCDRV} {SYSDIR}MCDRIV.f 5. Add the LINKTOOL and LIBLINK definitions after FLINK near the top of pgplot.make. Then change the global variable definitions as follows: To compile for 68020: FCOMPL = FORTRAN FFLAGC = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 -mc68020 FFLAGD = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 -mc68020 CMPMCDRV = FORTRAN -u -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 -mc68020 FFLAGU = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 -mc68020 FLINK = LinkFortran LINKTOOL = LinkFortranTool LIBLINK = Lib -f -mf To compile for PPC: FCOMPL = FORTRAN.PPC FFLAGC = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 FFLAGD = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 FFLAGU = -u -saveall -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 CMPMCDRV = FORTRAN.PPC -u -b -opt=0 -bkg=0 FLINK = LinkFortranPPC LINKTOOL = LinkFortranToolPPC LIBLINK = PPCLink -xm l -mf Mike adds the following comments. In LIBLINK for the PPC, that is a small L after the xm. This produces a static library. PPCLink doesn't have a -f option like Lib does. I don't see anything equivalent. I hope that doesn't matter. The demos run a LOT faster on a PowerMac with the PPC compilation.