---- file aaaread.me2 ----- This note explains how the C binding to PGPLOT (cpgplot) can be used under Windows. It applies to * C programs compiled with MS Visual C++ V4.0; * calling PGPLOT compiled with MS Powerstation Fortran V4.0; * under MS Windows-95 or Windows-NT. Other compilers may use different calling conventions and will require a different version of the C binding. You need the following files from PGPLOT v5.2 or later: pgplot/cpg/pgbind.c pgplot/cpg/pgbind_prototypes pgplot/sys_win/pgbind.mak (pgbind_prototypes is a list of the C function prototype lines extracted from the Fortran source code for PGPLOT.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: To build the cpgplot binding library, you will need the following files: pgbind.c pgbind.mak pgbind_prototypes These files can be located anywhere convenient. To build the library, from a console (DOS) window type NMAKE /F PGBIND.MAK This will create cpgplot.lib and cpgplot.h The makefile compiles pgbind.c (no unusual compiler flags are needed) to produce the pgbind program. It then produces the C wrapper functions (one file per wrapper) and the cpgplot.h header file using: pgbind ms -w -h pgbind_prototypes The cpg*.c files are then compiled and gathered into a library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: To use cpgplot in your programs, you should include cpgplot.h at the top of all C files that use cpgplot functions, and link your programs with both of cpgplot.lib and pgplot.lib. For further information about using the C binding, see file pgplot/cpg/cpgplot.doc or the Web page http://astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/pgplot/cbinding.html