!!!!!!!! Setting up the Data Model !!!!!!!! !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartSetNumParticles !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_setnpoints ( filehandle, npoints ) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: npoints !< the number of particles on *this* processor END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartSetNumParticlesStrided !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_setnpoints_strided ( filehandle, npoints, stride ) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: npoints !< the number of particles on *this* processor INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: stride !< the stride value (e.g. the number of fields in the particle data array) END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartGetNumDatasets !! \return the number of datasets or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_getndatasets (filehandle) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartGetNumParticles !! \return the number of particles or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_getnpoints (filehandle) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartGetDatasetName !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_getdatasetname (filehandle,index,name) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: index !< index of dataset to query (starting from 0) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name !< buffer to read the dataset name into END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartGetDatasetInfo !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_getdatasetinfo (filehandle, idx, name, type, num_elems) INTEGER*8,INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< file handle INTEGER*8,INTENT(IN) :: idx !< index of dataset being queried CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT):: name !< name of datset INTEGER*8,INTENT(OUT):: type !< type of datset INTEGER*8,INTENT(OUT):: num_elems !< number of elements in the dataset END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartSetView !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_setview (filehandle,start,end) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: start !< offset of the first particle in the view INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: end !< offset of the last particle in the view (inclusive) END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartSetViewIndices !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_setview_indices (filehandle,indices,nelem) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: indices(*) !< list of indicies to select in this view INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: nelem !< number of particles in the list END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartResetView !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_resetview (filehandle) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartResetView !! \return 1 if true, 0 if false, or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_hasview (filehandle) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open END FUNCTION !> !! \ingroup h5part_model_f !! !! See \ref H5PartGetView !! \return 0 on success or error code !< INTEGER*8 FUNCTION h5pt_getview (filehandle,start,end) INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: filehandle !< the handle returned during file open INTEGER*8, INTENT(OUT) :: start !< buffer to store the offset of the first particle in the view INTEGER*8, INTENT(OUT) :: end !< buffer to store the offset of the last particle in the view (inclusive) END FUNCTION