language: python python: - 3.6 sudo: false cache: apt: true pip: true directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/.local addons: apt: sources: - kalakris-cmake - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - gfortran-6 - binutils - cmake - python-pip - graphviz # Build matrix: Run the three build systems and tests in parallel env: global: - CHECK_README_PROGS="no" matrix: # CMake build with unit tests, no documentation, with coverage analysis # No unicode so that coverage combined with the build script will cover unicode # and non-unicode code paths - > BUILD_SCRIPT="mkdir cmake-build && cd cmake-build && cmake .. && make -j 4 check" CODE_COVERAGE="no" DEPLOY_DOCUMENTATION="no" # build with, make documentation, run unit tests and perform coverage analysis - > BUILD_SCRIPT="./ --coverage --skip-documentation && ./ --coverage --enable-unicode" CODE_COVERAGE="yes" DEPLOY_DOCUMENTATION="yes" install: - | if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ]]; then mkdir "$HOME/.local/bin" fi - export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" - export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran-6 - ln -fs /usr/bin/gfortran-6 "$HOME/.local/bin/gfortran" && gfortran --version - ls -l /usr/bin/gfortran-6 - ln -fs /usr/bin/gcov-6 "$HOME/.local/bin/gcov" && gcov --version - perl --version - | if ! which f90split; then wget && \ gfortran -o f90split f90split.f90 && \ mv f90split "$HOME/.local/bin/" && \ rm f90split.f90 fi - pip install --upgrade pygooglechart - pip install --upgrade graphviz - (pip install --upgrade && --version) - (pip install --upgrade ford==6.0.0 && ford --version) - (pip install --upgrade git+ && jsonlint --version) before_script: - | if [[ $CHECK_README_PROGS == [yY]* ]]; then f90split && \ for f in example*.md; do mv $f src/tests/jf_test_${}.f90 done fi - | if [ "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then if [[ "v$TRAVIS_TAG" != "v$(cat .VERSION)" ]]; then echo "ERROR: You are trying to tag a new release but have a version missmatch in \`.VERSION\`" false # throw an error fi fi script: - echo $BUILD_SCRIPT - bash <<<$BUILD_SCRIPT after_success: - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - git config --global "TRAVIS-CI-for-$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%cn' $TRAVIS_COMMIT)" - git config --global "$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%ce' $TRAVIS_COMMIT)" - | if [[ $DEPLOY_DOCUMENTATION == [yY]* ]]; then ./ #publish docs for master branch and tags fi - (yes | rm -r doc gh-pages) || true # wipe out doc dirs to avoid confusing codecov - | if [[ $CODE_COVERAGE == [yY]* ]]; then rm json_*.F90-*unicode.gcov || true mv json_*.F90.gcov src/ mv jf_test*.[fF]90.gcov src/tests/ bash <(curl -s -v -X gcov fi