# Code to fixup install names when dylibs not using @rpath are installed using DESTDIR # I think this could be considered a CMake Bug. This is a work around. if ( NOT ENABLE_DYLIBS_USE_RPATH ) if ( CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL ) # On Mac and have install_name_tool install ( CODE "if ( DEFINED ENV{DESTDIR} ) string ( REGEX REPLACE \"/$\" \"\" DESTDIR \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}\" ) # strip trailing / get_filename_component ( INSTALL_LIB \${DESTDIR}/${ABS_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/lib${LIB_NAME}.${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.dylib ABSOLUTE ) execute_process ( COMMAND \"${CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL}\" -id \"\${INSTALL_LIB}\" \"\${INSTALL_LIB}\" ) endif ( DEFINED ENV{DESTDIR} )" ) endif ( CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL ) endif ( NOT ENABLE_DYLIBS_USE_RPATH )