# Top-level CMakeLists.txt for PLplot # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Alan W. Irwin # # This file is part of PLplot. # # PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Note, that if you are using a platform that does not supply our # designated minimum version of CMake for that platform, then your # best bet is to build a recent version of CMake for yourself or even # download a binary version of it from Kitware that is suitable for # your platform. # MAINTENANCE 2019-02-03: # We prefer to support only recent CMake versions and latest CMake # policies to keep our build system as simple and as bug free as # possible. However, as a special concession for our modern (not # enterprise or LTS) Linux distro users we allow them to use the # system version of CMake which at this time is typically 3.13.2 or so # (e.g., on Debian Buster which is currently in freeze before it is # released as Debian Stable later this year). The current status of # official CMake packages on important non-Linux platforms is as # follows: # Cygwin: 3.13.1 from # MinGW-w64/MSYS2: 3.12.4 from # Fink: 3.11.0 from # MacPorts: 3.13.3 from # HomeBrew:3.13.3 from # These are all rolling releases that attempt to stay close to the # latest version of cmake (and much other) software. Therefore, I # anticipate that it won't be too long before Cygwin, MinGW-w64/MSYS2, # and Fink supply 3.13.2 or greater and similarly for those Linux # distributions that currently don't provide at least that version. # Therefore, I have adopted this CMake minimum version for both Linux and # non-Linux platforms. # Adapted method suggested by Brad King for using # potentially different minimum versions for different platforms. set(MINIMUM_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION 3.13.2) # Latest CMake version for all platforms other than Linux. # Must be greater than or equal to MINIMUM_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION set(MINIMUM_NON_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION 3.13.2) # Keep policy consistent for all platforms, i.e., use the Linux # version which must be the minimum of the two versions above. set(CMAKE_UNIFORM_POLICY_VERSION ${MINIMUM_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION}) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${MINIMUM_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION} FATAL_ERROR) cmake_policy(VERSION ${CMAKE_UNIFORM_POLICY_VERSION}) project(plplot NONE) if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${MINIMUM_NON_LINUX_CMAKE_VERSION} FATAL_ERROR) cmake_policy(VERSION ${CMAKE_UNIFORM_POLICY_VERSION}) endif(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") # CMP0086 implemented for cmake-3.14.0 so to avoid warning # messages when our minimum version is less than that must # set this policy when it is available. if(POLICY CMP0086) cmake_policy(SET CMP0086 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0086) # N.B. As a result of the following two set commands and logic in the # configure_library_build function, all internal writeable library # targets should be referred to as # ${WRITEABLE_TARGET} and all corresponding # internal read-only library targets should be referred to in our # build system as PLPLOT::. The exception to # these rules are the swig-generated modules case where the writeable # target name (which is only available in the scope that calls the # configure_library_build function) is # ${SWIG_MODULE__REAL_NAME} instead of # ${WRITEABLE_TARGET. For example, these # target names are ${WRITEABLE_TARGET}plplot and PLPLOT::plplot # for the libplplot.so library and ${SWIG_MODULE_plplotc_REAL_NAME} # and PLPLOT::_plplotc for the _plplotc.so swig-generated Python # extension module. # This value used in configure_library_build function to provide the namespace # for build-tree ALIAS libraries. Otherwise, "PLPLOT::" is explicitly used as the # prefix of read-only library and executable targets that occur in both the build and # install trees. set(PROJECT_NAMESPACE PLPLOT::) option(USE_WRITEABLE_TARGET_TEST_PREFIX "Option to test library and executable targets which have both writeable and (ALIASed namespaced) read-only versions of their targets in the build tree and namespaced read-only targets in the install tree. This test prepends a prefix to the writeable version of the target name so as a result any such target referred to in the build tree without a writeable (\"writeable_target_test_prefix_)\") or read-only (\"PLPLOT::\") prefix should be discovered by this test (N.B. unless the unprefixed target reference occurs in CMake logic branches that are unexecuted by the particular configuration options that are chosen which makes this test necessary but not sufficient)." OFF) if(USE_WRITEABLE_TARGET_TEST_PREFIX) set(WRITEABLE_TARGET writeable_target_test_prefix_) else(USE_WRITEABLE_TARGET_TEST_PREFIX) set(WRITEABLE_TARGET) endif(USE_WRITEABLE_TARGET_TEST_PREFIX) # It is a fatal error if no working C compiler is available to build # the PLplot core C library and core C examples. All other compilers # required by our bindings are optional in that if no working compiler # of the kind needed is available, the associated bindings and # examples are disabled. enable_language(C) message(STATUS "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME = ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_COMMAND = ${CMAKE_COMMAND}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_VERSION = ${CMAKE_VERSION}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_GENERATOR = ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH = ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH}") message(STATUS "Environment variable CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH = $ENV{CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH = ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH}") message(STATUS "Environment variable CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH = $ENV{CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH}") # Location of configured language support files. message(STATUS "CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_DIR = ${CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_DIR}") # Set unambiguous names for these variables as a reminder. set(WIN32_AND_NOT_CYGWIN ${WIN32}) if(WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set(WIN32_OR_CYGWIN ON) else(WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set(WIN32_OR_CYGWIN OFF) endif(WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set(PACKAGE plplot) # Locations where the PLplot build system first looks for cmake modules. set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/language_support/cmake" ) # We need the path to the MinGW/Borland compiler in order to find # the import libraries for system libraries. if(MINGW) get_filename_component(MINGWBINPATH ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} PATH) set(MINGWLIBPATH ${MINGWBINPATH}/../lib CACHE FILEPATH "Path to MinGW import libraries") endif(MINGW) if(BORLAND) get_filename_component(BORLANDBINPATH ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} PATH) set(BORLANDLIBPATH ${BORLANDBINPATH}/../Lib/PSDK CACHE FILEPATH "Path to Borland import libraries") endif(BORLAND) # Version data that need modification for each release. include(plplot_version) # parameters to control overall cmake behaviour. # Configure PLplot component variables.... include(plplot) # Use configured variables to process configurable top-level files. # This CMake-configured template file is processed further by sed for # abi-compliance-checker. configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/abi-compliance-checker.xml.template.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/abi-compliance-checker.xml.template @ONLY ) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/plplot_config.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/plplot_config.h ) # Allow access to the generated plplot_config.h for this build. add_definitions("-DPLPLOT_HAVE_CONFIG_H") # Disable warnings about deprecated functions (Visual C++ 2005) if(MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1399) add_definitions("/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE") endif(MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1399) # Borland Compiler must compile in ANSII mode if(BORLAND) add_definitions(-A) endif(BORLAND) # Enable CTest-based testing framework for examples if(BUILD_TEST) # Use same BUILDNAME logic as the CTest module except # we allow a BUILDNAME suffix whose value is specified # by the user as PLPLOT_BUILDNAME_SUFFIX. In order # for this logic to work it must precede including the # CTest module which configures DartConfiguration.tcl # with BUILDNAME as determined here. # Maintenance: 2019-03-28 copy this BUILDNAME logic from # cmake git v3.13.4 Modules/CTest.cmake. if(NOT BUILDNAME) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") endif() if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "unknown") endif() if(WIN32) set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME_WE") else() set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME") endif() if(NOT BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") endif() if(WIN32) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "Win32") endif() if(UNIX OR BORLAND) get_filename_component(DART_COMPILER_NAME "${DART_COMPILER}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) else() get_filename_component(DART_COMPILER_NAME "${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) endif() if(DART_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "devenv") GET_VS_VERSION_STRING("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" DART_COMPILER_NAME) endif() set(BUILDNAME "${BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME}-${DART_COMPILER_NAME}") endif() # This is only BUILDNAME logic that is different from the CTest.cmake version. set(BUILDNAME "${BUILDNAME}${PLPLOT_BUILDNAME_SUFFIX}") # Change the default ctest timeout from 1500 to 15000 to accommodate # our users who happen to have extraordinarily slow computers (such # as the Raspberry Pi) or our users with anomalous platform issues # where some tests are extraordinarily slow (such as test_c_epsqt # and test_c_pdfqt for the static library build on MinGW-w64/MSYS2 # [as of 2017-08]). # (This change must also be done before the following include) set(DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT 15000 CACHE STRING "Maximum time allowed before CTest will kill the test.") # According to # # the following command executes the required "enable_testing()" # command and also enable the creation and submission of a dashboard # (which is defined as the result of a test run, reformatted for easy review) # to our dashboard server (the PLplot_git "project" at my.cdash.org whose # details are given by CTestConfig.cmake and whose dashboard viewer # URL is ). include(CTest) # Customize default values set by include(CTest). Result must be in # top of build tree so copy it there. Also note comment # from David Cole # that for greatest speed (to avoid a huge glob over the build tree) it should be named # CTestCustom.cmake rather than the traditional name CTestCustom.ctest configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake COPYONLY ) # N.B. we execute add_test(...) in the plplot_test # subdirectory to implement the various tests that are # run by ctest. # N.B. The above commands have been copied to examples/CMakeLists.txt so that # ctest can be configured for the installed examples tree. We also have to # install the following files to implement that as well. install(FILES CTestCustom.cmake.in CTestConfig.cmake DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR}/examples) endif(BUILD_TEST) # Install top-level files set(top_level_DOCFILES ABOUT AUTHORS COPYING.LIB ChangeLog.release Copyright FAQ NEWS PROBLEMS README README.release README.cumulated_release ) install(FILES ${top_level_DOCFILES} DESTINATION ${DOC_DIR}) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND WIN32_OR_CYGWIN) # For platforms (currently WIN32 or Cygwin, although the Cygwin version # of CMake may support this in future since -rpath apparently does work # on that platform) where CMake does not use -rpath, use a workaround # where all dll's are collected in the dll subdirectory of the build tree. set(USE_DLL_SUBDIRECTORY ON) else(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND WIN32_OR_CYGWIN) set(USE_DLL_SUBDIRECTORY OFF) endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND WIN32_OR_CYGWIN) # in windows all created dlls are gathered in the dll directory # if you add this directory to your PATH all shared libraries are available if(USE_DLL_SUBDIRECTORY) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dll) endif(USE_DLL_SUBDIRECTORY) # Prior to processing directories must initialize exports of installed targets. # Install CMake package config file which handles all those exports. install(FILES plplotConfig.cmake DESTINATION ${LIB_DIR}/cmake/plplot) # Initialize the plplot_exports.cmake file which is appended to by CMake logic # to install and export targets that is indirectly executed by the add_subdirectory commands below. file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/plplot_exports.cmake "# This is a file that is generated by our core build system. It contains # CMake logic that includes the export files for each of the # exported targets that are generated by the PLplot core build. # The includes are optional to allow software packagers to divide up # the PLplot exported targets into individual packages with complete # freedom so long as their packages have the appropriate dependencies # between them. # Start the conditional includes.... ") # Installation occurs in the generation phase # after plplot_exports.cmake is completed by the add_subdirectory # commands below. install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/plplot_exports.cmake DESTINATION ${LIB_DIR}/cmake/plplot) # Process other directories including using configured variables to # process configurable files in those directories. N.B. Order is # important here at the cmake stage because targets must be processed # by cmake in a specific order e.g., due to get_target_property # invocations or if(TARGET...) commands. Note, this order has nothing # to do with the order which make processes these subdirectories at # build time. That build-time order is determined by the dependencies # between targets and also by file dependencies that are established # by the cmake configuration files. add_subdirectory(fonts) add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(include) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(data) add_subdirectory(bindings) add_subdirectory(drivers) add_subdirectory(utils) add_subdirectory(plplot_test) add_subdirectory(examples) add_subdirectory(scripts) add_subdirectory(doc) add_subdirectory(www) add_subdirectory(pkgcfg) summary() if(PREBUILD_DIST) # Pre-build everything required for a distribution tarball and copy it to # the source tree (if build tree is different from source tree). # List of targets that must be (pre-)built. set(DIST_TARGETS) if(BUILD_PRINT) list(APPEND DIST_TARGETS print) endif(BUILD_PRINT) if(BUILD_INFO) list(APPEND DIST_TARGETS info) endif(BUILD_INFO) if(BUILD_MAN) list(APPEND DIST_TARGETS man) endif(BUILD_MAN) if(BUILD_HTML) list(APPEND DIST_TARGETS html) endif(BUILD_HTML) if(BUILD_DOX_DOC) list(APPEND DIST_TARGETS build_doxygen) endif(BUILD_DOX_DOC) if(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR STREQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") add_custom_target(prebuild_dist) else(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR STREQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") # copy prebuilds back to source tree. # N.B. copy_directory quietly creates an empty directory with no # error condition if the source directory does not exist. add_custom_target( prebuild_dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doxygen ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen COMMAND cp `cat static_built_files ${INFO_MANIFEST} ${MAN_MANIFEST} ${HTML_MANIFEST}` ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/docbook/src WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/docbook/src ) endif(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR STREQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") add_dependencies(prebuild_dist ${DIST_TARGETS}) endif(PREBUILD_DIST) # # Packing stuff # set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "The Scientific Plotting Library PLplot") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "PLplot development team") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/README) set(CPACK_SET_DESTDIR ON) if(WIN32_AND_NOT_CYGWIN) set(CPACK_GENERATOR ZIP) else(WIN32_AND_NOT_CYGWIN) set(CPACK_GENERATOR TGZ) endif(WIN32_AND_NOT_CYGWIN) set( CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "plplot-${PLPLOT_VERSION}" CACHE INTERNAL "tarball basename" ) set(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR TGZ) # The following components are regex's to match anywhere (unless anchored) # in absolute path + filename to find files or directories to be excluded # from source tarball. set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "\\\\#.*$" "~$" # Ignore Mac OS X generated file/directory attribute storage files. "\\\\.DS_Store" "\\\\._\\\\.DS_Store" "^${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}.*/\\\\.git/" ) #message("CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES = ${CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES}") include(CPack) # Path to native build for executables required in the build process. # This is only required for cross compiling if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(CMAKE_NATIVE_BINARY_DIR NATIVEDIR-NOTFOUND CACHE FILEPATH "Point to the native build directory") endif(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING)