// @(#)root/pyroot:$Id$ // Author: Wim Lavrijsen, Apr 2004 #ifndef PYROOT_PYROOT_H #define PYROOT_PYROOT_H #ifdef _WIN32 // Disable warning C4275: non dll-interface class #pragma warning ( disable : 4275 ) // Disable warning C4251: needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients #pragma warning ( disable : 4251 ) // Disable warning C4800: 'int' : forcing value to bool #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) // Avoid that pyconfig.h decides using a #pragma what library python library to use //#define MS_NO_COREDLL 1 #endif // to prevent problems with fpos_t and redefinition warnings #if defined(linux) #include #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif #ifdef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS #undef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS #endif #ifdef _XOPEN_SOURCE #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif #endif // linux #include "Python.h" #include "Rtypes.h" // for 3.3 support #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03030000 typedef PyDictEntry* (*dict_lookup_func) ( PyDictObject*, PyObject*, Long_t ); #else struct PyDictKeyEntry; typedef PyDictKeyEntry* (*dict_lookup_func) ( PyDictObject*, PyObject*, Py_hash_t, PyObject*** ); #define PyDictEntry PyDictKeyEntry #endif // for 3.0 support (backwards compatibility, really) #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 #define PyBytes_Check PyString_Check #define PyBytes_CheckExact PyString_CheckExact #define PyBytes_AS_STRING PyString_AS_STRING #define PyBytes_AsString PyString_AsString #define PyBytes_GET_SIZE PyString_GET_SIZE #define PyBytes_Size PyString_Size #define PyBytes_FromFormat PyString_FromFormat #define PyBytes_FromString PyString_FromString #define PyBytes_FromStringAndSize PyString_FromStringAndSize #define PyBytes_Type PyString_Type #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check PyString_Check #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_CheckExact PyString_CheckExact #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString PyString_AS_STRING #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsStringChecked PyString_AsString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE PyString_GET_SIZE #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_GetSize PyString_Size #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromFormat PyString_FromFormat #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString PyString_FromString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_InternFromString PyString_InternFromString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Append PyString_Concat #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AppendAndDel PyString_ConcatAndDel #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize PyString_FromStringAndSize #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Type PyString_Type static inline PyObject* PyROOT_PyCapsule_New( void* cobj, const char* /* name */, void (*destr)(void *) ) { return PyCObject_FromVoidPtr( cobj, destr ); } #define PyROOT_PyCapsule_CheckExact PyCObject_Check static inline void* PyROOT_PyCapsule_GetPointer( PyObject* capsule, const char* /* name */ ) { return (void*)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr( capsule ); } #define PYROOT__long__ "__long__" #define PYROOT__idiv__ "__idiv__" #define PYROOT__div__ "__div__" #endif // ! 3.0 // for 3.0 support (backwards compatibility, really) #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check PyUnicode_Check #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_CheckExact PyUnicode_CheckExact #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString _PyUnicode_AsString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsStringChecked _PyUnicode_AsString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_GetSize PyUnicode_GetSize #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE PyUnicode_GET_SIZE #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromFormat PyUnicode_FromFormat #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString PyUnicode_FromString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_InternFromString PyUnicode_InternFromString #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Append PyUnicode_Append #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_AppendAndDel PyUnicode_AppendAndDel #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize #define PyROOT_PyUnicode_Type PyUnicode_Type #define PyIntObject PyLongObject #define PyInt_Check PyLong_Check #define PyInt_AsLong PyLong_AsLong #define PyInt_AS_LONG PyLong_AsLong #define PyInt_AsSsize_t PyLong_AsSsize_t #define PyInt_CheckExact PyLong_CheckExact #define PyInt_FromLong PyLong_FromLong #define PyInt_FromSsize_t PyLong_FromSsize_t #define PyInt_Type PyLong_Type #define PyROOT_PyCapsule_New PyCapsule_New #define PyROOT_PyCapsule_CheckExact PyCapsule_CheckExact #define PyROOT_PyCapsule_GetPointer PyCapsule_GetPointer #define PYROOT__long__ "__int__" #define PYROOT__idiv__ "__itruediv__" #define PYROOT__div__ "__truediv__" #define Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE 0 #define Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES 0 #define PyClass_Check PyType_Check #define PyBuffer_Type PyMemoryView_Type #endif // ! 3.0 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03020000 #define PyROOT_PySliceCast PyObject* #else #define PyROOT_PySliceCast PySliceObject* #endif // >= 3.2 // feature of 3.0 not in 2.5 and earlier #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02060000 #define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(type, size) \ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(type) size, #define Py_TYPE(ob) (((PyObject*)(ob))->ob_type) #endif // backwards compatibility, pre python 2.5 #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000 typedef int Py_ssize_t; #define PyInt_AsSsize_t PyInt_AsLong #define PyInt_FromSsize_t PyInt_FromLong # define PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT "%d" # if !defined(PY_SSIZE_T_MIN) # define PY_SSIZE_T_MAX INT_MAX # define PY_SSIZE_T_MIN INT_MIN # endif #define ssizeobjargproc intobjargproc #define lenfunc inquiry #define ssizeargfunc intargfunc #define PyIndex_Check(obj) \ (PyInt_Check(obj) || PyLong_Check(obj)) inline Py_ssize_t PyNumber_AsSsize_t( PyObject* obj, PyObject* ) { return (Py_ssize_t)PyLong_AsLong( obj ); } #else # ifdef R__MACOSX # if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == SIZEOF_INT # if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) # define PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT "%ld" # else # define PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT "%d" # endif # elif SIZEOF_SIZE_T == SIZEOF_LONG # define PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT "%ld" # endif # else # define PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT "%zd" # endif #endif #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000 #define PyBool_FromLong PyInt_FromLong #endif #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 // the following should quiet Solaris #ifdef Py_False #undef Py_False #define Py_False ( (PyObject*)(void*)&_Py_ZeroStruct ) #endif #ifdef Py_True #undef Py_True #define Py_True ( (PyObject*)(void*)&_Py_TrueStruct ) #endif #endif // C++ version of the cppyy API #include "Cppyy.h" #endif // !PYROOT_PYROOT_H