// @(#)root/pyroot:$Id$ // Author: Wim Lavrijsen, Aug 2013 // Bindings #include "PyROOT.h" #include "TPyArg.h" // ROOT #include "TObject.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ // Generic wrapper for arguments // ============================= // // Transport class for bringing C++ values and objects from Cling to Python. It // provides, from the selected constructor, the proper conversion to a PyObject. // In principle, there should be no need to use this class directly: it relies // on implicit conversions. //- data --------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassImp(TPyArg) //- constructor dispatcher --------------------------------------------------- void TPyArg::CallConstructor( PyObject*& pyself, PyObject* pyclass, const std::vector& args ) { int nArgs = args.size(); PyObject* pyargs = PyTuple_New( nArgs ); for ( int i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i ) PyTuple_SET_ITEM( pyargs, i, (PyObject*)args[i] ); pyself = PyObject_Call( pyclass, pyargs, NULL ); Py_DECREF( pyargs ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CallConstructor( PyObject*& pyself, PyObject* pyclass ) { PyObject* pyargs = PyTuple_New( 0 ); pyself = PyObject_Call( pyclass, pyargs, NULL ); Py_DECREF( pyargs ); } //- generic dispatcher ------------------------------------------------------- PyObject* TPyArg::CallMethod( PyObject* pymeth, const std::vector& args ) { int nArgs = args.size(); PyObject* pyargs = PyTuple_New( nArgs ); for ( int i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i ) PyTuple_SET_ITEM( pyargs, i, (PyObject*)args[i] ); PyObject* result = PyObject_Call( pymeth, pyargs, NULL ); Py_DECREF( pyargs ); return result; } //- constructors/destructor -------------------------------------------------- TPyArg::TPyArg( PyObject* pyobject ) { // Construct a TPyArg from a python object. Py_XINCREF( pyobject ); fPyObject = pyobject; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct a TPyArg from an integer value. TPyArg::TPyArg( Int_t value ) { fPyObject = PyInt_FromLong( value ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct a TPyArg from an integer value. TPyArg::TPyArg( Long_t value ) { fPyObject = PyLong_FromLong( value ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct a TPyArg from a double value. TPyArg::TPyArg( Double_t value ) { fPyObject = PyFloat_FromDouble( value ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct a TPyArg from a C-string. TPyArg::TPyArg( const char* value ) { fPyObject = PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString( value ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy constructor. TPyArg::TPyArg( const TPyArg& s ) { Py_XINCREF( s.fPyObject ); fPyObject = s.fPyObject; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Assignment operator. TPyArg& TPyArg::operator=( const TPyArg& s ) { if ( &s != this ) { Py_XINCREF( s.fPyObject ); fPyObject = s.fPyObject; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Done with held PyObject. TPyArg::~TPyArg() { Py_XDECREF( fPyObject ); fPyObject = NULL; } //- public members ----------------------------------------------------------- TPyArg::operator PyObject*() const { // Extract the python object. Py_XINCREF( fPyObject ); return fPyObject; }