// Author: Wim Lavrijsen November 2010 // Bindings #include "PyROOT.h" #include "TPyFitFunction.h" #include "ObjectProxy.h" #include "MethodProxy.h" #include "TPyBufferFactory.h" // Standard #include //______________________________________________________________________________ // Python wrapper for Fit functions // ================================ // //- data --------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassImp(TPyMultiGenFunction) ClassImp(TPyMultiGradFunction) //- helper functions --------------------------------------------------------- static PyObject* GetOverriddenPyMethod( PyObject* pyself, const char* method ) { // Retrieve an overriden method on pyself PyObject* pymethod = 0; if ( pyself && pyself != Py_None ) { pymethod = PyObject_GetAttrString( (PyObject*)pyself, const_cast< char* >( method ) ); if ( ! PyROOT::MethodProxy_CheckExact( pymethod ) ) return pymethod; Py_XDECREF( pymethod ); pymethod = 0; } return pymethod; } static PyObject* DispatchCall( PyObject* pyself, const char* method, PyObject* pymethod = NULL, PyObject* arg1 = NULL, PyObject* arg2 = NULL, PyObject* arg3 = NULL ) { // Forward to python (need to refactor this with TPySelector). PyObject* result = 0; // get the named method and check for python side overload by not accepting the // binding's methodproxy if ( ! pymethod ) pymethod = GetOverriddenPyMethod( pyself, method ); if ( pymethod ) { result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs( pymethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, NULL ); } else { // means the method has not been overridden ... simply accept its not there result = 0; PyErr_Format( PyExc_AttributeError, "method %s needs implementing in derived class", const_cast< char* >( method ) ); } Py_XDECREF( pymethod ); return result; } //- constructors/destructor -------------------------------------------------- TPyMultiGenFunction::TPyMultiGenFunction( PyObject* self ) : fPySelf( 0 ) { // Construct a TPyMultiGenFunction derived with as the underlying if ( self ) { // steal reference as this is us, as seen from python fPySelf = self; } else { Py_INCREF( Py_None ); // using None allows clearer diagnostics fPySelf = Py_None; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. Only deref if still holding on to Py_None (circular otherwise). TPyMultiGenFunction::~TPyMultiGenFunction() { if ( fPySelf == Py_None ) { Py_DECREF( fPySelf ); } } //- public functions --------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TPyMultiGenFunction::NDim() const { // Simply forward the call to python self. PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "NDim" ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGenFunction::NDim" ); } unsigned int cppresult = (unsigned int)PyLong_AsLong( pyresult ); Py_XDECREF( pyresult ); return cppresult; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Simply forward the call to python self. double TPyMultiGenFunction::DoEval( const double* x ) const { PyObject* xbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)x ); PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "DoEval", NULL, xbuf ); Py_DECREF( xbuf ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGenFunction::DoEval" ); } double cppresult = (double)PyFloat_AsDouble( pyresult ); Py_XDECREF( pyresult ); return cppresult; } //- constructors/destructor -------------------------------------------------- TPyMultiGradFunction::TPyMultiGradFunction( PyObject* self ) { // Construct a TPyMultiGradFunction derived with as the underlying if ( self ) { // steal reference as this is us, as seen from python fPySelf = self; } else { Py_INCREF( Py_None ); // using None allows clearer diagnostics fPySelf = Py_None; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. Only deref if still holding on to Py_None (circular otherwise). TPyMultiGradFunction::~TPyMultiGradFunction() { if ( fPySelf == Py_None ) { Py_DECREF( fPySelf ); } } //- public functions --------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int TPyMultiGradFunction::NDim() const { // Simply forward the call to python self. PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "NDim" ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGradFunction::NDim" ); } unsigned int cppresult = (unsigned int)PyLong_AsLong( pyresult ); Py_XDECREF( pyresult ); return cppresult; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Simply forward the call to python self. double TPyMultiGradFunction::DoEval( const double* x ) const { PyObject* xbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)x ); PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "DoEval", NULL, xbuf ); Py_DECREF( xbuf ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGradFunction::DoEval" ); } double cppresult = (double)PyFloat_AsDouble( pyresult ); Py_XDECREF( pyresult ); return cppresult; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Simply forward the call to python self. void TPyMultiGradFunction::Gradient( const double* x, double* grad ) const { PyObject* pymethod = GetOverriddenPyMethod( fPySelf, "Gradient" ); if ( pymethod ) { PyObject* xbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)x ); PyObject* gbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)grad ); PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "Gradient", pymethod, xbuf, gbuf ); Py_DECREF( gbuf ); Py_DECREF( xbuf ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGradFunction::Gradient" ); } Py_DECREF( pyresult ); } else return ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction::Gradient( x, grad ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Simply forward the call to python self. void TPyMultiGradFunction::FdF( const double* x, double& f, double* df ) const { PyObject* pymethod = GetOverriddenPyMethod( fPySelf, "FdF" ); if ( pymethod ) { PyObject* xbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)x ); PyObject* pyf = PyList_New( 1 ); PyList_SetItem( pyf, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble( f ) ); PyObject* dfbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)df ); PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "FdF", pymethod, xbuf, pyf, dfbuf ); f = PyFloat_AsDouble( PyList_GetItem( pyf, 0 ) ); Py_DECREF( dfbuf ); Py_DECREF( pyf ); Py_DECREF( xbuf ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGradFunction::FdF" ); } Py_DECREF( pyresult ); } else return ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction::FdF( x, f, df ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Simply forward the call to python self. double TPyMultiGradFunction::DoDerivative( const double * x, unsigned int icoord ) const { PyObject* xbuf = PyROOT::TPyBufferFactory::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( (Double_t*)x ); PyObject* pycoord = PyLong_FromLong( icoord ); PyObject* pyresult = DispatchCall( fPySelf, "DoDerivative", NULL, xbuf, pycoord ); Py_DECREF( pycoord ); Py_DECREF( xbuf ); if ( ! pyresult ) { PyErr_Print(); throw std::runtime_error( "Failure in TPyMultiGradFunction::DoDerivative" ); } double cppresult = (double)PyFloat_AsDouble( pyresult ); Py_XDECREF( pyresult ); return cppresult; }