#ifndef PYROOT_TTUPLEOFINSTANCES_H #define PYROOT_TTUPLEOFINSTANCES_H // ROOT #include "DllImport.h" namespace PyROOT { /** Representation of C-style array of instances @author WLAV @date 02/10/2014 @version 1.0 */ //- custom tuple type that can pass through C-style arrays ------------------- R__EXTERN PyTypeObject TTupleOfInstances_Type; template< typename T > inline Bool_t TTupleOfInstances_Check( T* object ) { return object && PyObject_TypeCheck( object, &TTupleOfInstances_Type ); } template< typename T > inline Bool_t TTupleOfInstances_CheckExact( T* object ) { return object && Py_TYPE(object) == &TTupleOfInstances_Type; } PyObject* TTupleOfInstances_New( Cppyy::TCppObject_t address, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, Py_ssize_t nelems ); } // namespace PyROOT #endif // !PYROOT_TTUPLEOFINSTANCES_H