// Author: Wim Lavrijsen, Jan 2008 #ifndef PYROOT_TEMPLATEPROXY_H #define PYROOT_TEMPLATEPROXY_H // ROOT #include "DllImport.h" // Standard #include namespace PyROOT { class PyCallable; class MethodProxy; /** Template proxy object to return functions and methods @author WLAV @date 01/15/2008 @version 1.0 */ class TemplateProxy { public: void Set( const std::string& name, PyObject* pyclass ); public: // public, as the python C-API works with C structs PyObject_HEAD PyObject* fSelf; // must be first (same layout as MethodProxy) PyObject* fPyClass; PyObject* fPyName; MethodProxy* fNonTemplated; // holder for non-template overloads MethodProxy* fTemplated; // holder for templated overloads public: void AddOverload( MethodProxy* mp ); void AddOverload( PyCallable* pc ); void AddTemplate( PyCallable* pc ); private: // private, as the python C-API will handle creation TemplateProxy() {} }; //- template proxy type and type verification -------------------------------- R__EXTERN PyTypeObject TemplateProxy_Type; template< typename T > inline Bool_t TemplateProxy_Check( T* object ) { return object && PyObject_TypeCheck( object, &TemplateProxy_Type ); } template< typename T > inline Bool_t TemplateProxy_CheckExact( T* object ) { return object && Py_TYPE(object) == &TemplateProxy_Type; } //- creation ----------------------------------------------------------------- inline TemplateProxy* TemplateProxy_New( const std::string& name, PyObject* pyclass ) { // Create and initialize a new template method proxy for the class. TemplateProxy* pytmpl = (TemplateProxy*)TemplateProxy_Type.tp_new( &TemplateProxy_Type, 0, 0 ); pytmpl->Set( name, pyclass ); return pytmpl; } } // namespace PyROOT #endif // !PYROOT_TEMPLATEPROXY_H