// @(#)root/r:$Id$ // Author: Omar Zapata 28/06/2015 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2015, Omar Andres Zapata Mesa * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_R_TRFunctionImport #define ROOT_R_TRFunctionImport #ifndef ROOT_R_RExports #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_R_TRObject #include #endif #ifndef Rcpp_hpp #include #endif namespace ROOT { namespace R { /** \class TRFunctionImport This is a class to pass functions from ROOT to R

TRFunctionImport class

The TRFunctionImport class lets you call R's functions to ROOT's environment
The object associated to this class have a set of overloaded operators to use the object like function

\code{.cpp} #include using namespace ROOT::R; void Function() { TRInterface &r = TRInterface::Instance(); r.SetVerbose(1); //////////////////////////////////////// //defining functions to be used from R// //////////////////////////////////////// TRFunctionImport c("c"); TRFunctionImport list("list"); TRFunctionImport asformula("as.formula"); TRFunctionImport nls("nls"); TRFunctionImport confint("confint"); TRFunctionImport summary("summary"); TRFunctionImport print("print"); TRFunctionImport plot("plot"); TRFunctionImport lines("lines"); TRFunctionImport devnew("dev.new"); TRFunctionImport devoff("dev.off"); TRFunctionImport min("min"); TRFunctionImport max("max"); TRFunctionImport seq("seq"); TRFunctionImport predict("predict"); r<<"options(device='png')";//enable plot in png file //////////////////////// //doing the procedure // //////////////////////// TRObject xdata = c(-2,-1.64,-1.33,-0.7,0,0.45,1.2,1.64,2.32,2.9); TRObject ydata = c(0.699369,0.700462,0.695354,1.03905,1.97389,2.41143,1.91091,0.919576,-0.730975,-1.42001); TRDataFrame data; data["xdata"]=xdata; data["ydata"]=ydata; //fit = nls(ydata ~ p1*cos(p2*xdata) + p2*sin(p1*xdata), start=list(p1=1,p2=0.2)) <- R code TRObject fit = nls(asformula("ydata ~ p1*cos(p2*xdata) + p2*sin(p1*xdata)"),Label["data"]=data, Label["start"]=list(Label["p1"]=1,Label["p2"]=0.2)); print(summary(fit)); print(confint(fit)); devnew("Fitting Regression"); plot(xdata,ydata); TRObject xgrid=seq(min(xdata),max(xdata),Label["len"]=10); lines(xgrid,predict(fit,xgrid),Label["col"] = "green"); devoff(); } \endcode Output \code Formula: ydata ~ p1 * cos(p2 * xdata) + p2 * sin(p1 * xdata) Parameters: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) p1 1.881851 0.027430 68.61 2.27e-12 *** p2 0.700230 0.009153 76.51 9.50e-13 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 0.08202 on 8 degrees of freedom Number of iterations to convergence: 7 Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.189e-06 Waiting for profiling to be done... 2.5% 97.5% p1 1.8206081 1.9442365 p2 0.6794193 0.7209843 \endcode

Users Guide

https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/how-use-r-root-root-r-interface @ingroup R */ class TRInterface; class TRFunctionImport: public TObject { friend class TRInterface; friend SEXP Rcpp::wrap(const TRFunctionImport &f); friend TRFunctionImport Rcpp::as<>(SEXP); protected: Rcpp::Function *f;//Internal Rcpp function to import /** TRFunctionImport constructor for Rcpp::DataFrame \param fun raw function object from Rcpp */ TRFunctionImport(const Rcpp::Function &fun) { *f = fun; } public: /** TRFunctionImport constructor \param name name of function from R */ TRFunctionImport(const TString &name); /** TRFunctionImport constructor \param name name of function from R \param ns namespace of function from R */ TRFunctionImport(const TString &name, const TString &ns); /** TRFunctionImport copy constructor \param fun other TRFunctionImport */ TRFunctionImport(const TRFunctionImport &fun); /** TRFunctionImport constructor \param obj raw R object */ TRFunctionImport(SEXP obj); /** TRFunctionImport constructor \param obj TRObject object */ TRFunctionImport(TRObject &obj); ~TRFunctionImport() { if (f) delete f; } SEXP operator()() { return (*f)(); } #include ClassDef(TRFunctionImport, 0) // }; template<> inline TRObject::operator TRFunctionImport() { return (SEXP)fObj; } } } #endif