/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Omar Andres Zapata Mesa * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include"TRCompletion.h" #include extern "C" { #include #include } #include using namespace ROOT::R; ClassImp(TRInterface) static ROOT::R::TRInterface *gR = NULL; static Bool_t statusEventLoop; TRInterface::TRInterface(const int argc, const char *argv[], const bool loadRcpp, const bool verbose, const bool interactive): TObject() { if (RInside::instancePtr()) throw std::runtime_error("Can only have one TRInterface instance"); fR = new RInside(argc, argv, loadRcpp, verbose, interactive); //Installing the readline callbacks for completion in the //method Interactive rcompgen_rho = R_FindNamespace(Rf_mkString("utils")); RComp_assignBufferSym = Rf_install(".assignLinebuffer"); RComp_assignStartSym = Rf_install(".assignStart"); RComp_assignEndSym = Rf_install(".assignEnd"); RComp_assignTokenSym = Rf_install(".assignToken"); RComp_completeTokenSym = Rf_install(".completeToken"); RComp_getFileCompSym = Rf_install(".getFileComp"); RComp_retrieveCompsSym = Rf_install(".retrieveCompletions"); rl_attempted_completion_function = R_custom_completion; statusEventLoop = kFALSE; std::string osname = Eval("Sys.info()['sysname']"); //only for linux/mac windows is not supported by ROOT yet. if (osname == "Linux") { Execute("options(device='x11')"); } else { Execute("options(device='quartz')"); } } TRInterface::~TRInterface() { if (th) delete th; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TRInterface::Eval(const TString &code, TRObject &ans) { SEXP fans; Int_t rc = kFALSE; try { rc = fR->parseEval(code.Data(), fans); } catch (Rcpp::exception &__ex__) { Error("Eval", "%s", __ex__.what()); forward_exception_to_r(__ex__) ; } catch (...) { Error("Eval", "Can execute the requested code: %s", code.Data()); } ans = fans; ans.SetStatus((rc == 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE); return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRInterface::Execute(const TString &code) { try { fR->parseEvalQ(code.Data()); } catch (Rcpp::exception &__ex__) { Error("Execute", "%s", __ex__.what()); forward_exception_to_r(__ex__) ; } catch (...) { Error("Execute", "Can execute the requested code: %s", code.Data()); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TRObject TRInterface::Eval(const TString &code) { // Execute R code. //The RObject result of execution is returned in TRObject SEXP ans; int rc = kFALSE; try { rc = fR->parseEval(code.Data(), ans); } catch (Rcpp::exception &__ex__) { Error("Eval", "%s", __ex__.what()); forward_exception_to_r(__ex__) ; } catch (...) { Error("Eval", "Can execute the requested code: %s", code.Data()); } return TRObject(ans , (rc == 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE); } void TRInterface::SetVerbose(Bool_t status) { //verbose mode shows you all the procedures in stdout/stderr //very important to debug and to see the results. fR->setVerbose(status); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TRInterface::Binding TRInterface::operator[](const TString &name) { return Binding(this, name); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRInterface::Assign(const TRFunctionExport &obj, const TString &name) { fR->assign(*obj.f, name.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRInterface::Assign(const TRDataFrame &obj, const TString &name) { //This method lets you pass c++ functions to R environment. fR->assign(obj.df, name.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRInterface::Interactive() { while (kTRUE) { char *line = readline("[r]:"); if (!line) continue; if (std::string(line) == ".q") break; Execute(line); if (*line) add_history(line); free(line); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TRInterface *TRInterface::InstancePtr() { if (!gR) { const char *R_argv[] = {"rootr", "--gui=none", "--no-save", "--no-readline", "--silent", "--vanilla", "--slave"}; gR = new TRInterface(7, R_argv, true, false, false); } gR->ProcessEventsLoop(); return gR; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TRInterface &TRInterface::Instance() { return *TRInterface::InstancePtr(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRInterface::IsInstalled(TString pkg) { TString cmd = "is.element('" + pkg + "', installed.packages()[,1])"; return fR->parseEval(cmd.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRInterface::Require(TString pkg) { TString cmd = "require('" + pkg + "',quiet=TRUE)"; return fR->parseEval(cmd.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRInterface::Install(TString pkg, TString repos) { TString cmd = "install.packages('" + pkg + "',repos='" + repos + "',dependencies=TRUE)"; fR->parseEval(cmd.Data()); return IsInstalled(pkg); } #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #include //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRInterface::ProcessEventsLoop() { if (!statusEventLoop) { th = new TThread([](void *args) { while (kTRUE) { fd_set *fd; int usec = 10000; fd = R_checkActivity(usec, 0); R_runHandlers(R_InputHandlers, fd); gSystem->Sleep(100); } }); th->Run(); statusEventLoop = kTRUE; } }