// @(#)root/cont:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 04/08/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TSeqCollection Sequenceable collection abstract base class. TSeqCollection's have an ordering relation, i.e. there is a first and last element. */ #include "TSeqCollection.h" #include "TCollection.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TMethodCall.h" ClassImp(TSeqCollection) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return index of object in collection. Returns -1 when object not found. /// Uses member IsEqual() to find object. Int_t TSeqCollection::IndexOf(const TObject *obj) const { Int_t idx = 0; TIter next(this); TObject *ob; while ((ob = next())) { if (ob->IsEqual(obj)) return idx; idx++; } return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns index of last object in collection. Returns -1 when no /// objects in collection. Int_t TSeqCollection::GetLast() const { TObject *tmp = Last(); return tmp ? IndexOf(tmp) : -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compare to objects in the collection. Use member Compare() of object a. Int_t TSeqCollection::ObjCompare(TObject *a, TObject *b) { if (a == 0 && b == 0) return 0; if (a == 0) return 1; if (b == 0) return -1; return a->Compare(b); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sort array of TObject pointers using a quicksort algorithm. /// The algorithm used is a non stable sort (i.e. already sorted /// elements might switch/change places). /// Uses ObjCompare() to compare objects. void TSeqCollection::QSort(TObject **a, Int_t first, Int_t last) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCollectionMutex); static TObject *tmp; static int i; // "static" to save stack space int j; while (last - first > 1) { i = first; j = last; for (;;) { while (++i < last && ObjCompare(a[i], a[first]) < 0) ; while (--j > first && ObjCompare(a[j], a[first]) > 0) ; if (i >= j) break; tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; } if (j == first) { ++first; continue; } tmp = a[first]; a[first] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; if (j - first < last - (j + 1)) { QSort(a, first, j); first = j + 1; // QSort(j + 1, last); } else { QSort(a, j + 1, last); last = j; // QSort(first, j); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sort array a of TObject pointers using a quicksort algorithm. /// Arrays b will be sorted just like a (a determines the sort). /// Argument nBs is the number of TObject** arrays in b. /// The algorithm used is a non stable sort (i.e. already sorted /// elements might switch/change places). /// Uses ObjCompare() to compare objects. void TSeqCollection::QSort(TObject **a, Int_t nBs, TObject ***b, Int_t first, Int_t last) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCollectionMutex); static TObject *tmp1, **tmp2; static int i; // "static" to save stack space int j,k; static int depth = 0; if (depth == 0 && nBs > 0) tmp2 = new TObject*[nBs]; depth++; while (last - first > 1) { i = first; j = last; for (;;) { while (++i < last && ObjCompare(a[i], a[first]) < 0) {} while (--j > first && ObjCompare(a[j], a[first]) > 0) {} if (i >= j) break; tmp1 = a[i]; for(k=0;k 0) delete [] tmp2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Merge this collection with all collections coming in the input list. The /// input list must contain other collections of objects compatible with the /// ones in this collection and ordered in the same manner. For example, if this /// collection contains a TH1 object and a tree, all collections in the input /// list have to contain a histogram and a tree. In case the list contains /// collections, the objects in the input lists must also be collections with /// the same structure and number of objects. /// If some objects inside the collection are instances of a class that do not /// have a Merge function (like TObjString), rather than merging, a copy of each /// instance (via a call to Clone) is appended to the output. /// /// ### Example /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// this list /// ____________ ---------------------| /// | A (TH1F) | __________ | L1 (TSeqCollection)|- [A1, B1(C1,D1,E1)] /// | B (TList)|-| C (TTree)| | L1 (TSeqCollection)|- [A2, B2(C2,D2,E2)] /// |__________| | D (TH1F) | | ... |- [...] /// | E (TH1F) | |____________________| /// |__________| /// ~~~ Long64_t TSeqCollection::Merge(TCollection *list) { Long64_t nmerged = 0; if (IsEmpty() || !list) { Warning("Merge", "list is empty - nothing to merge"); return 0; } if (list->IsEmpty()) { Warning("Merge", "input list is empty - nothing to merge with"); return 0; } TIter nextobject(this); TIter nextlist(list); TObject *object; TObject *objtomerge; TObject *collcrt; TSeqCollection *templist = 0; TMethodCall callEnv; Int_t indobj = 0; TSeqCollection *notmergeable = 0; Bool_t mergeable = kTRUE; while ((object = nextobject())) { // loop objects in this collection mergeable = kTRUE; // If current object has not dictionary just add it if (!object->IsA()) { mergeable = kFALSE; } else { // If current object is not mergeable just add it callEnv.InitWithPrototype(object->IsA(), "Merge", "TCollection*"); if (!callEnv.IsValid()) mergeable = kFALSE; } if (mergeable) { // Current object mergeable - get corresponding objects in input lists templist = (TSeqCollection*)IsA()->New(); } else { templist = 0; } nextlist.Reset(); Int_t indcoll = 0; while ((collcrt = nextlist())) { // loop input lists if (!collcrt->InheritsFrom(TSeqCollection::Class())) { Error("Merge", "some objects in the input list are not collections - merging aborted"); SafeDelete(templist); return 0; } // The next object to be merged with is a collection // the iterator skips the 'holes' the collections, we also need to do so. objtomerge = ((TSeqCollection*)collcrt)->At(indobj); if (!objtomerge) { Warning("Merge", "object of type %s (position %d in list) not found in list %d. Continuing...", object->ClassName(), indobj, indcoll); continue; } /* // Dangerous - may try to merge non-corresponding histograms (A.G) while (objtomerge == 0 && indobj < ((TSeqCollection*)collcrt)->LastIndex() ) { ++indobj; objtomerge = ((TSeqCollection*)collcrt)->At(indobj); } */ if (object->IsA() != objtomerge->IsA()) { Error("Merge", "object of type %s at index %d not matching object of type %s in input list", object->ClassName(), indobj, objtomerge->ClassName()); SafeDelete(templist); return 0; } // Add object at index indobj in the temporary list if (mergeable) { templist->Add(objtomerge); nmerged++; } else { // Just add it to the dedicated temp list for later addition to the current list if (!notmergeable && IsA()) notmergeable = (TSeqCollection*)IsA()->New(); if (notmergeable) notmergeable->Add(objtomerge); else Warning("Merge", "temp list for non mergeable objects not created!"); } } // Merge current object with objects in the temporary list if (mergeable) { callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) templist); callEnv.Execute(object); SafeDelete(templist); } indobj++; } // Add the non-mergeable objects, if any if (notmergeable && notmergeable->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxnm(notmergeable); TObject *onm = 0; while ((onm = nxnm())) { Add(onm->Clone()); } SafeDelete(notmergeable); } return nmerged; }