// @(#)root/geom:$Id$ // Author: Andrei Gheata 01/11/01 // CheckGeometry(), CheckOverlaps() by Mihaela Gheata /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ // TGeoChecker - Geometry checking package. //=============== // // TGeoChecker class provides several geometry checking methods. There are two // types of tests that can be performed. One is based on random sampling or // ray-tracing and provides a visual check on how navigation methods work for // a given geometry. The second actually checks the validity of the geometry // definition in terms of overlapping/extruding objects. Both types of checks // can be done for a given branch (starting with a given volume) as well as for // the geometry as a whole. // // 1. TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) // // This method can be called direcly from the TGeoManager class and print a // report on how a given point is classified by the modeller: which is the // full path to the deepest node containing it, and the (under)estimation // of the distance to the closest boundary (safety). // // 2. TGeoChecker::RandomPoints(Int_t npoints) // // Can be called from TGeoVolume class. It first draws the volume and its // content with the current visualization settings. Then randomly samples points // in its bounding box, plotting in the geometry display only the points // classified as belonging to visible volumes. // // 3. TGeoChecker::RandomRays(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, starty, startz) // // Can be called and acts in the same way as the previous, but instead of points, // rays having random isotropic directions are generated from the given point. // A raytracing algorithm propagates all rays untill they exit geometry, plotting // all segments crossing visible nodes in the same color as these. // // 4. TGeoChecker::Test(Int_t npoints) // // Implementation of TGeoManager::Test(). Computes the time for the modeller // to find out "Where am I?" for a given number of random points. // // 5. TGeoChecker::LegoPlot(ntheta, themin, themax, nphi, phimin, phimax,...) // // Implementation of TGeoVolume::LegoPlot(). Draws a spherical radiation length // lego plot for a given volume, in a given theta/phi range. // // 6. TGeoChecker::Weigth(Double_t precision) // // Implementation of TGeoVolume::Weigth(). Estimates the total weigth of a given // volume by matrial sampling. Accepts as input the desired precision. // // Overlap checker //----------------- // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TNtuple.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TPolyMarker3D.h" #include "TPolyLine3D.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TGeoVoxelFinder.h" #include "TGeoBBox.h" #include "TGeoPcon.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoOverlap.h" #include "TGeoPainter.h" #include "TGeoChecker.h" #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "TBuffer3DTypes.h" #include "TMath.h" #include // statics and globals ClassImp(TGeoChecker) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default constructor TGeoChecker::TGeoChecker() :TObject(), fGeoManager(NULL), fVsafe(NULL), fBuff1(NULL), fBuff2(NULL), fFullCheck(kFALSE), fVal1(NULL), fVal2(NULL), fFlags(NULL), fTimer(NULL), fSelectedNode(NULL), fNchecks(0), fNmeshPoints(1000) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor for a given geometry TGeoChecker::TGeoChecker(TGeoManager *geom) :TObject(), fGeoManager(geom), fVsafe(NULL), fBuff1(NULL), fBuff2(NULL), fFullCheck(kFALSE), fVal1(NULL), fVal2(NULL), fFlags(NULL), fTimer(NULL), fSelectedNode(NULL), fNchecks(0), fNmeshPoints(1000) { fBuff1 = new TBuffer3D(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric,500,3*500,0,0,0,0); fBuff2 = new TBuffer3D(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric,500,3*500,0,0,0,0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor TGeoChecker::~TGeoChecker() { if (fBuff1) delete fBuff1; if (fBuff2) delete fBuff2; if (fTimer) delete fTimer; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print current operation progress. void TGeoChecker::OpProgress(const char *opname, Long64_t current, Long64_t size, TStopwatch *watch, Bool_t last, Bool_t refresh, const char *msg) { static Long64_t icount = 0; static TString oname; static TString nname; static Long64_t ocurrent = 0; static Long64_t osize = 0; static Int_t oseconds = 0; static TStopwatch *owatch = 0; static Bool_t oneoftwo = kFALSE; static Int_t nrefresh = 0; const char symbol[4] = {'=','\\','|','/'}; char progress[11] = " "; Int_t ichar = icount%4; TString message(msg); message += " "; if (!refresh) { nrefresh = 0; if (!size) return; owatch = watch; oname = opname; ocurrent = TMath::Abs(current); osize = TMath::Abs(size); if (ocurrent > osize) ocurrent=osize; } else { nrefresh++; if (!osize) return; } icount++; Double_t time = 0.; Int_t hours = 0; Int_t minutes = 0; Int_t seconds = 0; if (owatch && !last) { owatch->Stop(); time = owatch->RealTime(); hours = (Int_t)(time/3600.); time -= 3600*hours; minutes = (Int_t)(time/60.); time -= 60*minutes; seconds = (Int_t)time; if (refresh) { if (oseconds==seconds) { owatch->Continue(); return; } oneoftwo = !oneoftwo; } oseconds = seconds; } if (refresh && oneoftwo) { nname = oname; if (fNchecks <= nrefresh) fNchecks = nrefresh+1; Int_t pctdone = (Int_t)(100.*nrefresh/fNchecks); oname = TString::Format(" == %3d%% ==", pctdone); } Double_t percent = 100.0*ocurrent/osize; Int_t nchar = Int_t(percent/10); if (nchar>10) nchar=10; Int_t i; for (i=0; i0.) fprintf(stderr, "[%6.2f %%] TIME %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s\r", percent, hours, minutes, seconds, message.Data()); else fprintf(stderr, "[%6.2f %%] %s\r", percent, message.Data()); if (refresh && oneoftwo) oname = nname; if (owatch) owatch->Continue(); if (last) { icount = 0; owatch = 0; ocurrent = 0; osize = 0; oseconds = 0; oneoftwo = kFALSE; nrefresh = 0; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check pushes and pulls needed to cross the next boundary with respect to the /// position given by FindNextBoundary. If radius is not mentioned the full bounding /// box will be sampled. void TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryErrors(Int_t ntracks, Double_t radius) { TGeoVolume *tvol = fGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); Info("CheckBoundaryErrors", "Top volume is %s",tvol->GetName()); const TGeoShape *shape = tvol->GetShape(); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox *)shape; Double_t dl[3]; Double_t ori[3]; Double_t xyz[3]; Double_t nxyz[3]; Double_t dir[3]; Double_t relp; Char_t path[1024]; Char_t cdir[10]; // Tree part TFile *f=new TFile("geobugs.root","recreate"); TTree *bug=new TTree("bug","Geometrical problems"); bug->Branch("pos",xyz,"xyz[3]/D"); bug->Branch("dir",dir,"dir[3]/D"); bug->Branch("push",&relp,"push/D"); bug->Branch("path",&path,"path/C"); bug->Branch("cdir",&cdir,"cdir/C"); dl[0] = box->GetDX(); dl[1] = box->GetDY(); dl[2] = box->GetDZ(); ori[0] = (box->GetOrigin())[0]; ori[1] = (box->GetOrigin())[1]; ori[2] = (box->GetOrigin())[2]; if (radius>0) dl[0] = dl[1] = dl[2] = radius; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TH1F *hnew = new TH1F("hnew","Precision pushing",30,-20.,10.); TH1F *hold = new TH1F("hold","Precision pulling", 30,-20.,10.); TH2F *hplotS = new TH2F("hplotS","Problematic points",100,-dl[0],dl[0],100,-dl[1],dl[1]); gStyle->SetOptStat(111111); TGeoNode *node = 0; Long_t igen=0; Long_t itry=0; Long_t n100 = ntracks/100; Double_t rad = TMath::Sqrt(dl[0]*dl[0]+dl[1]*dl[1]); printf("Random box : %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", ori[0], ori[1], ori[2], dl[0], dl[1], dl[2]); printf("Start... %i points\n", ntracks); if (!fTimer) fTimer = new TStopwatch(); fTimer->Reset(); fTimer->Start(); while (igenRndm(); Double_t r = rad*gRandom->Rndm(); xyz[0] = ori[0] + r*TMath::Cos(phi1); xyz[1] = ori[1] + r*TMath::Sin(phi1); Double_t z = (1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); xyz[2] = ori[2]+dl[2]*z*TMath::Abs(z); ++itry; fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(xyz); node = fGeoManager->FindNode(); if (!node || node==fGeoManager->GetTopNode()) continue; ++igen; if (n100 && !(igen%n100)) OpProgress("Sampling progress:",igen, ntracks, fTimer); Double_t cost = 1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm(); Double_t sint = TMath::Sqrt((1.+cost)*(1.-cost)); Double_t phi = TMath::TwoPi()*gRandom->Rndm(); dir[0] = sint * TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1] = sint * TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2] = cost; fGeoManager->SetCurrentDirection(dir); fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); Double_t step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); relp = 1.e-21; for(Int_t i=0; i<30; ++i) { relp *=10.; for(Int_t j=0; j<3; ++j) nxyz[j]=xyz[j]+step*(1.+relp)*dir[j]; if(!fGeoManager->IsSameLocation(nxyz[0],nxyz[1],nxyz[2])) { hnew->Fill(i-20.); if(i>15) { const Double_t* norm = fGeoManager->FindNormal(); strncpy(path,fGeoManager->GetPath(),1024); path[1023] = '\0'; Double_t dotp = norm[0]*dir[0]+norm[1]*dir[1]+norm[2]*dir[2]; printf("Forward error i=%d p=%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f s=%5.4f dot=%5.4f path=%s\n", i,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],step,dotp,path); hplotS->Fill(xyz[0],xyz[1],(Double_t)i); strncpy(cdir,"Forward",10); bug->Fill(); } break; } } relp = -1.e-21; for(Int_t i=0; i<30; ++i) { relp *=10.; for(Int_t j=0; j<3; ++j) nxyz[j]=xyz[j]+step*(1.+relp)*dir[j]; if(fGeoManager->IsSameLocation(nxyz[0],nxyz[1],nxyz[2])) { hold->Fill(i-20.); if(i>15) { const Double_t* norm = fGeoManager->FindNormal(); strncpy(path,fGeoManager->GetPath(),1024); path[1023] = '\0'; Double_t dotp = norm[0]*dir[0]+norm[1]*dir[1]+norm[2]*dir[2]; printf("Backward error i=%d p=%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f s=%5.4f dot=%5.4f path=%s\n", i,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],step,dotp,path); strncpy(cdir,"Backward",10); bug->Fill(); } break; } } } fTimer->Stop(); if (itry) printf("CPU time/point = %5.2emus: Real time/point = %5.2emus\n", 1000000.*fTimer->CpuTime()/itry,1000000.*fTimer->RealTime()/itry); bug->Write(); delete bug; bug=0; delete f; CheckBoundaryReference(); if (itry) printf("Effic = %3.1f%%\n",(100.*igen)/itry); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Results",600,800); c1->Divide(1,2); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hold->Draw(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hnew->Draw(); /*TCanvas *c3 = */new TCanvas("c3","Plot",600,600); hplotS->Draw("cont0"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check the boundary errors reference file created by CheckBoundaryErrors method. /// The shape for which the crossing failed is drawn with the starting point in red /// and the extrapolated point to boundary (+/- failing push/pull) in yellow. void TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryReference(Int_t icheck) { Double_t xyz[3]; Double_t nxyz[3]; Double_t dir[3]; Double_t lnext[3]; Double_t push; Char_t path[1024]; Char_t cdir[10]; // Tree part TFile *f=new TFile("geobugs.root","read"); TTree *bug=(TTree*)f->Get("bug"); bug->SetBranchAddress("pos",xyz); bug->SetBranchAddress("dir",dir); bug->SetBranchAddress("push",&push); bug->SetBranchAddress("path",&path); bug->SetBranchAddress("cdir",&cdir); Int_t nentries = (Int_t)bug->GetEntries(); printf("nentries %d\n",nentries); if (icheck<0) { for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); printf("%-9s error push=%g p=%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f s=%5.4f dot=%5.4f path=%s\n", cdir,push,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],1.,1.,path); } } else { if (icheck>=nentries) return; Int_t idebug = TGeoManager::GetVerboseLevel(); TGeoManager::SetVerboseLevel(5); bug->GetEntry(icheck); printf("%-9s error push=%g p=%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f s=%5.4f dot=%5.4f path=%s\n", cdir,push,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],1.,1.,path); fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(xyz); fGeoManager->SetCurrentDirection(dir); fGeoManager->FindNode(); TGeoNode *next = fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); Double_t step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) nxyz[j]=xyz[j]+step*(1.+0.1*push)*dir[j]; Bool_t change = !fGeoManager->IsSameLocation(nxyz[0],nxyz[1],nxyz[2]); printf("step=%g in: %s\n", step, fGeoManager->GetPath()); printf(" -> next = %s push=%g change=%d\n", next->GetName(),push, (UInt_t)change); next->GetVolume()->InspectShape(); next->GetVolume()->DrawOnly(); if (next != fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode()) { Int_t index1 = fGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->GetIndex(next); if (index1>=0) fGeoManager->CdDown(index1); } TPolyMarker3D *pm = new TPolyMarker3D(); fGeoManager->MasterToLocal(xyz, lnext); pm->SetNextPoint(lnext[0], lnext[1], lnext[2]); pm->SetMarkerStyle(2); pm->SetMarkerSize(0.2); pm->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pm->Draw("SAME"); TPolyMarker3D *pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(); for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) nxyz[j]=xyz[j]+step*dir[j]; fGeoManager->MasterToLocal(nxyz, lnext); pm1->SetNextPoint(lnext[0], lnext[1], lnext[2]); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(2); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.2); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kYellow); pm1->Draw("SAME"); TGeoManager::SetVerboseLevel(idebug); } delete bug; delete f; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Geometry checking. Opional overlap checkings (by sampling and by mesh). Optional /// boundary crossing check + timing per volume. /// /// STAGE 1: extensive overlap checking by sampling per volume. Stdout need to be /// checked by user to get report, then TGeoVolume::CheckOverlaps(0.01, "s") can /// be called for the suspicious volumes. /// STAGE2 : normal overlap checking using the shapes mesh - fills the list of /// overlaps. /// STAGE3 : shooting NRAYS rays from VERTEX and counting the total number of /// crossings per volume (rays propagated from boundary to boundary until /// geometry exit). Timing computed and results stored in a histo. /// STAGE4 : shooting 1 mil. random rays inside EACH volume and calling /// FindNextBoundary() + Safety() for each call. The timing is normalized by the /// number of crossings computed at stage 2 and presented as percentage. /// One can get a picture on which are the most "burned" volumes during /// transportation from geometry point of view. Another plot of the timing per /// volume vs. number of daughters is produced. /// All histos are saved in the file statistics.root void TGeoChecker::CheckGeometryFull(Bool_t checkoverlaps, Bool_t checkcrossings, Int_t ntracks, const Double_t *vertex) { Int_t nuid = fGeoManager->GetListOfUVolumes()->GetEntries(); if (!fTimer) fTimer = new TStopwatch(); Int_t i; Double_t value; fFlags = new Bool_t[nuid]; memset(fFlags, 0, nuid*sizeof(Bool_t)); TGeoVolume *vol; TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("overlaps", "Overlaps by sampling", 800,800); // STAGE 1: Overlap checking by sampling per volume if (checkoverlaps) { printf("====================================================================\n"); printf("STAGE 1: Overlap checking by sampling within 10 microns\n"); printf("====================================================================\n"); fGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.001, "s"); // STAGE 2: Global overlap/extrusion checking printf("====================================================================\n"); printf("STAGE 2: Global overlap/extrusion checking within 10 microns\n"); printf("====================================================================\n"); fGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.001); } if (!checkcrossings) { delete [] fFlags; fFlags = 0; delete c; return; } fVal1 = new Double_t[nuid]; fVal2 = new Double_t[nuid]; memset(fVal1, 0, nuid*sizeof(Double_t)); memset(fVal2, 0, nuid*sizeof(Double_t)); // STAGE 3: How many crossings per volume in a realistic case ? // Ignore volumes with no daughters // Generate rays from vertex in phi=[0,2*pi] theta=[0,pi] // Int_t ntracks = 1000000; printf("====================================================================\n"); printf("STAGE 3: Propagating %i tracks starting from vertex\n and conting number of boundary crossings...\n", ntracks); printf("====================================================================\n"); Int_t nbound = 0; Double_t theta, phi; Double_t point[3], dir[3]; memset(point, 0, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); if (vertex) memcpy(point, vertex, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); fTimer->Reset(); fTimer->Start(); for (i=0; iRndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); if ((i%100)==0) OpProgress("Transporting tracks",i, ntracks, fTimer); // if ((i%1000)==0) printf("... remaining tracks %i\n", ntracks-i); nbound += PropagateInGeom(point,dir); } if (!nbound) { printf("No boundary crossed\n"); return; } fTimer->Stop(); Double_t time1 = fTimer->CpuTime() *1.E6; Double_t time2 = time1/ntracks; Double_t time3 = time1/nbound; OpProgress("Transporting tracks",ntracks, ntracks, fTimer, kTRUE); printf("Time for crossing %i boundaries: %g [ms]\n", nbound, time1); printf("Time per track for full geometry traversal: %g [ms], per crossing: %g [ms]\n", time2, time3); // STAGE 4: How much time per volume: printf("====================================================================\n"); printf("STAGE 4: How much navigation time per volume per next+safety call\n"); printf("====================================================================\n"); TGeoIterator next(fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()); TGeoNode*current; TString path; vol = fGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); memset(fFlags, 0, nuid*sizeof(Bool_t)); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); i = 0; char volname[30]; strncpy(volname, vol->GetName(),15); volname[15] = '\0'; OpProgress(volname,i++, nuid, &timer); Score(vol, 1, TimingPerVolume(vol)); while ((current=next())) { vol = current->GetVolume(); Int_t uid = vol->GetNumber(); if (fFlags[uid]) continue; fFlags[uid] = kTRUE; next.GetPath(path); fGeoManager->cd(path.Data()); strncpy(volname, vol->GetName(),15); volname[15] = '\0'; OpProgress(volname,i++, nuid, &timer); Score(vol,1,TimingPerVolume(vol)); } OpProgress("STAGE 4 completed",i, nuid, &timer, kTRUE); // Draw some histos Double_t time_tot_pertrack = 0.; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c2","ncrossings",10,10,900,500); c1->SetGrid(); c1->SetTopMargin(0.15); TFile *f = new TFile("statistics.root", "RECREATE"); TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","number of boundary crossings per volume",3,0,3); h->SetStats(0); h->SetFillColor(38); h->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); memset(fFlags, 0, nuid*sizeof(Bool_t)); for (i=0; iGetVolume(i); if (!vol->GetNdaughters()) continue; time_tot_pertrack += fVal1[i]*fVal2[i]; h->Fill(vol->GetName(), (Int_t)fVal1[i]); } time_tot_pertrack /= ntracks; h->LabelsDeflate(); h->LabelsOption(">","X"); h->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c3","time spent per volume in navigation",10,10,900,500); c2->SetGrid(); c2->SetTopMargin(0.15); TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2", "time per FNB call vs. ndaughters", 100, 0,100,100,0,15); h2->SetStats(0); h2->SetMarkerStyle(2); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","percent of time spent per volume",3,0,3); h1->SetStats(0); h1->SetFillColor(38); h1->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); for (i=0; iGetVolume(i); if (!vol || !vol->GetNdaughters()) continue; value = fVal1[i]*fVal2[i]/ntracks/time_tot_pertrack; h1->Fill(vol->GetName(), value); h2->Fill(vol->GetNdaughters(), fVal2[i]); } h1->LabelsDeflate(); h1->LabelsOption(">","X"); h1->Draw(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c4","timing vs. ndaughters",10,10,900,500); c3->SetGrid(); c3->SetTopMargin(0.15); h2->Draw(); f->Write(); delete [] fFlags; fFlags = 0; delete [] fVal1; fVal1 = 0; delete [] fVal2; fVal2 = 0; delete fTimer; fTimer = 0; delete c; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Propagate from START along DIR from boundary to boundary until exiting /// geometry. Fill array of hits. Int_t TGeoChecker::PropagateInGeom(Double_t *start, Double_t *dir) { fGeoManager->InitTrack(start, dir); TGeoNode *current = 0; Int_t nzero = 0; Int_t nhits = 0; while (!fGeoManager->IsOutside()) { if (nzero>3) { // Problems in trying to cross a boundary printf("Error in trying to cross boundary of %s\n", current->GetName()); return nhits; } current = fGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(TGeoShape::Big(), kFALSE); if (!current || fGeoManager->IsOutside()) return nhits; Double_t step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); if (step<2.*TGeoShape::Tolerance()) { nzero++; continue; } else nzero = 0; // Generate the hit nhits++; TGeoVolume *vol = current->GetVolume(); Score(vol,0,1.); Int_t iup = 1; TGeoNode *mother = fGeoManager->GetMother(iup++); while (mother && mother->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { Score(mother->GetVolume(), 0, 1.); mother = fGeoManager->GetMother(iup++); } } return nhits; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Score a hit for VOL void TGeoChecker::Score(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t ifield, Double_t value) { Int_t uid = vol->GetNumber(); switch (ifield) { case 0: fVal1[uid] += value; break; case 1: fVal2[uid] += value; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set number of points to be generated on the shape outline when checking for overlaps. void TGeoChecker::SetNmeshPoints(Int_t npoints) { fNmeshPoints = npoints; if (npoints<1000) { Error("SetNmeshPoints", "Cannot allow less than 1000 points for checking - set to 1000"); fNmeshPoints = 1000; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute timing per "FindNextBoundary" + "Safety" call. Volume must be /// in the current path. Double_t TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume(TGeoVolume *vol) { fTimer->Reset(); const TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape(); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox *)shape; Double_t dx = box->GetDX(); Double_t dy = box->GetDY(); Double_t dz = box->GetDZ(); Double_t ox = (box->GetOrigin())[0]; Double_t oy = (box->GetOrigin())[1]; Double_t oz = (box->GetOrigin())[2]; Double_t point[3], dir[3], lpt[3], ldir[3]; Double_t pstep = 0.; pstep = TMath::Max(pstep,dz); Double_t theta, phi; Int_t idaughter; fTimer->Start(); Bool_t inside; for (Int_t i=0; i<1000000; i++) { lpt[0] = ox-dx+2*dx*gRandom->Rndm(); lpt[1] = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); lpt[2] = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); fGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix()->LocalToMaster(lpt,point); fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); phi = 2*TMath::Pi()*gRandom->Rndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); ldir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); ldir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); ldir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); fGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix()->LocalToMasterVect(ldir,dir); fGeoManager->SetCurrentDirection(dir); fGeoManager->SetStep(pstep); fGeoManager->ResetState(); inside = kTRUE; // dist = TGeoShape::Big(); if (!vol->IsAssembly()) { inside = vol->Contains(lpt); if (!inside) { // dist = vol->GetShape()->DistFromOutside(lpt,ldir,3,pstep); // if (dist>=pstep) continue; } else { vol->GetShape()->DistFromInside(lpt,ldir,3,pstep); } if (!vol->GetNdaughters()) vol->GetShape()->Safety(lpt, inside); } if (vol->GetNdaughters()) { fGeoManager->Safety(); fGeoManager->FindNextDaughterBoundary(point,dir,idaughter,kFALSE); } } fTimer->Stop(); Double_t time_per_track = fTimer->CpuTime(); Int_t uid = vol->GetNumber(); Int_t ncrossings = (Int_t)fVal1[uid]; if (!vol->GetNdaughters()) printf("Time for volume %s (shape=%s): %g [ms] ndaughters=%d ncross=%d\n", vol->GetName(), vol->GetShape()->GetName(), time_per_track, vol->GetNdaughters(), ncrossings); else printf("Time for volume %s (assemb=%d): %g [ms] ndaughters=%d ncross=%d\n", vol->GetName(), vol->IsAssembly(), time_per_track, vol->GetNdaughters(), ncrossings); return time_per_track; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shoot nrays with random directions from starting point (startx, starty, startz) /// in the reference frame of this volume. Track each ray until exiting geometry, then /// shoot backwards from exiting point and compare boundary crossing points. void TGeoChecker::CheckGeometry(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz) const { Int_t i, j; Double_t start[3], end[3]; Double_t dir[3]; Double_t dummy[3]; Double_t eps = 0.; Double_t *array1 = new Double_t[3*1000]; Double_t *array2 = new Double_t[3*1000]; TObjArray *pma = new TObjArray(); TPolyMarker3D *pm; pm = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm->SetMarkerColor(2); // error > eps pm->SetMarkerStyle(8); pm->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pma->AddAt(pm, 0); pm = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm->SetMarkerColor(4); // point not found pm->SetMarkerStyle(8); pm->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pma->AddAt(pm, 1); pm = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm->SetMarkerColor(6); // extra point back pm->SetMarkerStyle(8); pm->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pma->AddAt(pm, 2); Int_t nelem1, nelem2; Int_t dim1=1000, dim2=1000; if ((startx==0) && (starty==0) && (startz==0)) eps=1E-3; start[0] = startx+eps; start[1] = starty+eps; start[2] = startz+eps; Int_t n10=nrays/10; Double_t theta,phi; Double_t dw, dwmin, dx, dy, dz; Int_t ist1, ist2, ifound; for (i=0; iRndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); // shoot direct ray nelem1=nelem2=0; // printf("DIRECT %i\n", i); array1 = ShootRay(&start[0], dir[0], dir[1], dir[2], array1, nelem1, dim1); if (!nelem1) continue; // for (j=0; jAt(0); pm->SetNextPoint(array1[3*j], array1[3*j+1], array1[3*j+2]); } continue; } // printf("BACKWARDS\n"); Int_t k=nelem2>>1; for (j=0; jSetCurrentPoint(&array1[3*ist1]); fGeoManager->FindNode(); // printf("%i : %s (%g, %g, %g)\n", ist1, fGeoManager->GetPath(), // array1[3*ist1], array1[3*ist1+1], array1[3*ist1+2]); if (TMath::Abs(dw)<1E-4) { // printf(" matching %i (%g, %g, %g)\n", ist2, array2[3*ist2], array2[3*ist2+1], array2[3*ist2+2]); ist2++; } else { printf("### NOT MATCHING %i f:(%f, %f, %f) b:(%f %f %f) DCLOSE=%f\n", ist2, array1[3*ist1], array1[3*ist1+1], array1[3*ist1+2], array2[3*ist2], array2[3*ist2+1], array2[3*ist2+2],dw); pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(0); pm->SetNextPoint(array2[3*ist2], array2[3*ist2+1], array2[3*ist2+2]); if (dw<0) { // first boundary missed on way back } else { // first boundary different on way back ist2++; } } while ((ist1SetCurrentPoint(&array1[3*ist1+3]); fGeoManager->FindNode(); // printf("%i : %s (%g, %g, %g)\n", ist1+1, fGeoManager->GetPath(), // array1[3*ist1+3], array1[3*ist1+4], array1[3*ist1+5]); dx = array1[3*ist1+3]-array1[3*ist1]; dy = array1[3*ist1+4]-array1[3*ist1+1]; dz = array1[3*ist1+5]-array1[3*ist1+2]; // distance to next point dwmin = dx+dir[0]+dy*dir[1]+dz*dir[2]; while (ist2SetCurrentPoint(&array2[3*ist2]); fGeoManager->FindNode(); pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(2); pm->SetNextPoint(array2[3*ist2], array2[3*ist2+1], array2[3*ist2+2]); printf("### EXTRA BOUNDARY %i : %s found at DCLOSE=%f\n", ist2, fGeoManager->GetPath(), dw); ist2++; continue; } } else { if (!ifound) { // point ist1+1 not found on way back fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(&array1[3*ist1+3]); fGeoManager->FindNode(); pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(1); pm->SetNextPoint(array2[3*ist1+3], array2[3*ist1+4], array2[3*ist1+5]); printf("### BOUNDARY MISSED BACK #########################\n"); ist1++; break; } else { ist1++; break; } } } } } pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(0); pm->Draw("SAME"); pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(1); pm->Draw("SAME"); pm = (TPolyMarker3D*)pma->At(2); pm->Draw("SAME"); if (gPad) { gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } delete [] array1; delete [] array2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clean-up the mesh of pcon/pgon from useless points void TGeoChecker::CleanPoints(Double_t *points, Int_t &numPoints) const { Int_t ipoint = 0; Int_t j, k=0; Double_t rsq; for (Int_t i=0; iNbPnts(); Int_t numSegs1 = fBuff1->NbSegs(); Int_t numPols1 = fBuff1->NbPols(); Int_t numPoints2 = fBuff2->NbPnts(); Int_t numSegs2 = fBuff2->NbSegs(); Int_t numPols2 = fBuff2->NbPols(); Int_t ip; Bool_t extrude, isextrusion, isoverlapping; Double_t *points1 = fBuff1->fPnts; Double_t *points2 = fBuff2->fPnts; Double_t local[3], local1[3]; Double_t point[3]; Double_t safety = TGeoShape::Big(); Double_t tolerance = TGeoShape::Tolerance(); if (vol1->IsAssembly() || vol2->IsAssembly()) return nodeovlp; TGeoShape *shape1 = vol1->GetShape(); TGeoShape *shape2 = vol2->GetShape(); OpProgress("refresh", 0,0,NULL,kFALSE,kTRUE); shape1->GetMeshNumbers(numPoints1, numSegs1, numPols1); if (fBuff1->fID != (TObject*)shape1) { // Fill first buffer. fBuff1->SetRawSizes(TMath::Max(numPoints1,fNmeshPoints), 3*TMath::Max(numPoints1,fNmeshPoints), 0, 0, 0, 0); points1 = fBuff1->fPnts; if (shape1->GetPointsOnSegments(fNmeshPoints, points1)) { numPoints1 = fNmeshPoints; } else { shape1->SetPoints(points1); } // if (shape1->InheritsFrom(TGeoPcon::Class())) { // CleanPoints(points1, numPoints1); // fBuff1->SetRawSizes(numPoints1, 3*numPoints1,0, 0, 0, 0); // } fBuff1->fID = shape1; } shape2->GetMeshNumbers(numPoints2, numSegs2, numPols2); if (fBuff2->fID != (TObject*)shape2) { // Fill second buffer. fBuff2->SetRawSizes(TMath::Max(numPoints2,fNmeshPoints), 3*TMath::Max(numPoints2,fNmeshPoints), 0, 0, 0,0); points2 = fBuff2->fPnts; if (shape2->GetPointsOnSegments(fNmeshPoints, points2)) { numPoints2 = fNmeshPoints; } else { shape2->SetPoints(points2); } // if (shape2->InheritsFrom(TGeoPcon::Class())) { // CleanPoints(points2, numPoints2); // fBuff1->SetRawSizes(numPoints2, 3*numPoints2,0,0,0,0); // } fBuff2->fID = shape2; } if (!isovlp) { // Extrusion case. Test vol2 extrude vol1. isextrusion=kFALSE; // loop all points of the daughter for (ip=0; ipLocalToMaster(local, point); mat1->MasterToLocal(point, local); extrude = !shape1->Contains(local); if (extrude) { safety = shape1->Safety(local, kFALSE); if (safetySetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); fGeoManager->AddOverlap(nodeovlp); } else { if (safety>nodeovlp->GetOverlap()) nodeovlp->SetOverlap(safety); nodeovlp->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); } } } // loop all points of the mother for (ip=0; ipLocalToMaster(local, point); mat2->MasterToLocal(point, local1); extrude = shape2->Contains(local1); if (extrude) { // skip points on mother mesh that have no neghbourhood ouside mother safety = shape1->Safety(local,kTRUE); if (safety>1E-6) { extrude = kFALSE; } else { safety = shape2->Safety(local1,kTRUE); if (safetySetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); fGeoManager->AddOverlap(nodeovlp); } else { if (safety>nodeovlp->GetOverlap()) nodeovlp->SetOverlap(safety); nodeovlp->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); } } } return nodeovlp; } // Check overlap Bool_t overlap; overlap = kFALSE; isoverlapping = kFALSE; // loop all points of first candidate for (ip=0; ipLocalToMaster(local, point); mat2->MasterToLocal(point, local); // now point in local reference of second overlap = shape2->Contains(local); if (overlap) { safety = shape2->Safety(local, kTRUE); if (safetySetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); fGeoManager->AddOverlap(nodeovlp); } else { if (safety>nodeovlp->GetOverlap()) nodeovlp->SetOverlap(safety); nodeovlp->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); } } } // loop all points of second candidate for (ip=0; ipLocalToMaster(local, point); mat1->MasterToLocal(point, local); // now point in local reference of first overlap = shape1->Contains(local); if (overlap) { safety = shape1->Safety(local, kTRUE); if (safetySetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); fGeoManager->AddOverlap(nodeovlp); } else { if (safety>nodeovlp->GetOverlap()) nodeovlp->SetOverlap(safety); nodeovlp->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); } } } return nodeovlp; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check illegal overlaps for volume VOL within a limit OVLP by sampling npoints /// inside the volume shape. void TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(TGeoVolume *vol, Double_t /* ovlp */, Int_t npoints) const { Int_t nd = vol->GetNdaughters(); if (nd<2) return; TGeoVoxelFinder *voxels = vol->GetVoxels(); if (!voxels) return; if (voxels->NeedRebuild()) { voxels->Voxelize(); vol->FindOverlaps(); } TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape(); TGeoShape *shape; TGeoNode *node; Double_t dx = box->GetDX(); Double_t dy = box->GetDY(); Double_t dz = box->GetDZ(); Double_t pt[3]; Double_t local[3]; Int_t *check_list = 0; Int_t ncheck = 0; const Double_t *orig = box->GetOrigin(); Int_t ipoint = 0; Int_t itry = 0; Int_t iovlp = 0; Int_t id=0, id0=0, id1=0; Bool_t in, incrt; Double_t safe; TString name1 = ""; TString name2 = ""; TGeoOverlap **flags = 0; TGeoNode *node1, *node2; Int_t novlps = 0; TGeoHMatrix mat1, mat2; // Int_t tid = TGeoManager::ThreadId(); TGeoNavigator *nav = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNavigator(); TGeoStateInfo &td = *nav->GetCache()->GetInfo(); while (ipoint < npoints) { // Shoot randomly in the bounding box. pt[0] = orig[0] - dx + 2.*dx*gRandom->Rndm(); pt[1] = orig[1] - dy + 2.*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); pt[2] = orig[2] - dz + 2.*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); if (!vol->Contains(pt)) { itry++; if (itry>10000 && !ipoint) { Error("CheckOverlapsBySampling", "No point inside volume!!! - aborting"); break; } continue; } // Check if the point is inside one or more daughters in = kFALSE; ipoint++; check_list = voxels->GetCheckList(pt, ncheck, td); if (!check_list || ncheck<2) continue; for (id=0; idGetNode(id0); // Ignore MANY's if (node->IsOverlapping()) continue; node->GetMatrix()->MasterToLocal(pt,local); shape = node->GetVolume()->GetShape(); incrt = shape->Contains(local); if (!incrt) continue; if (!in) { in = kTRUE; id1 = id0; continue; } // The point is inside 2 or more daughters, check safety safe = shape->Safety(local, kTRUE); // if (safe < ovlp) continue; // We really have found an overlap -> store the point in a container iovlp++; if (!novlps) { flags = new TGeoOverlap*[nd*nd]; memset(flags, 0, nd*nd*sizeof(TGeoOverlap*)); } TGeoOverlap *nodeovlp = flags[nd*id1+id0]; if (!nodeovlp) { novlps++; node1 = vol->GetNode(id1); name1 = node1->GetName(); mat1 = node1->GetMatrix(); Int_t cindex = node1->GetVolume()->GetCurrentNodeIndex(); while (cindex >= 0) { node1 = node1->GetVolume()->GetNode(cindex); name1 += TString::Format("/%s", node1->GetName()); mat1.Multiply(node1->GetMatrix()); cindex = node1->GetVolume()->GetCurrentNodeIndex(); } node2 = vol->GetNode(id0); name2 = node2->GetName(); mat2 = node2->GetMatrix(); cindex = node2->GetVolume()->GetCurrentNodeIndex(); while (cindex >= 0) { node2 = node2->GetVolume()->GetNode(cindex); name2 += TString::Format("/%s", node2->GetName()); mat2.Multiply(node2->GetMatrix()); cindex = node2->GetVolume()->GetCurrentNodeIndex(); } nodeovlp = new TGeoOverlap(TString::Format("Volume %s: node %s overlapping %s", vol->GetName(), name1.Data(), name2.Data()), node1->GetVolume(),node2->GetVolume(), &mat1,&mat2, kTRUE, safe); flags[nd*id1+id0] = nodeovlp; fGeoManager->AddOverlap(nodeovlp); } // Max 100 points per marker if (nodeovlp->GetPolyMarker()->GetN()<100) nodeovlp->SetNextPoint(pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]); if (nodeovlp->GetOverlap()SetOverlap(safe); } } nav->GetCache()->ReleaseInfo(); if (flags) delete [] flags; if (!novlps) return; Double_t capacity = vol->GetShape()->Capacity(); capacity *= Double_t(iovlp)/Double_t(npoints); Double_t err = 1./TMath::Sqrt(Double_t(iovlp)); Info("CheckOverlapsBySampling", "#Found %d overlaps adding-up to %g +/- %g [cm3] for daughters of %s", novlps, capacity, err*capacity, vol->GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute number of overlaps combinations to check per volume Int_t TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(TGeoVolume *vol) { if (vol->GetFinder()) return 0; UInt_t nd = vol->GetNdaughters(); if (!nd) return 0; Bool_t is_assembly = vol->IsAssembly(); TGeoIterator next1(vol); TGeoIterator next2(vol); Int_t nchecks = 0; TGeoNode *node; UInt_t id; if (!is_assembly) { while ((node=next1())) { if (node->IsOverlapping()) { next1.Skip(); continue; } if (!node->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { nchecks++; next1.Skip(); } } } // now check if the daughters overlap with each other if (nd<2) return nchecks; TGeoVoxelFinder *vox = vol->GetVoxels(); if (!vox) return nchecks; TGeoNode *node1, *node01, *node02; Int_t novlp; Int_t *ovlps; Int_t ko; UInt_t io; for (id=0; idGetNode(id); if (node01->IsOverlapping()) continue; vox->FindOverlaps(id); ovlps = node01->GetOverlaps(novlp); if (!ovlps) continue; for (ko=0; koGetNode(io); if (node02->IsOverlapping()) continue; // We have to check node against node1, but they may be assemblies if (node01->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next1.Reset(node01->GetVolume()); while ((node=next1())) { if (!node->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { if (node02->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next2.Reset(node02->GetVolume()); while ((node1=next2())) { if (!node1->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { nchecks++; next2.Skip(); } } } else { nchecks++; } next1.Skip(); } } } else { // node not assembly if (node02->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next2.Reset(node02->GetVolume()); while ((node1=next2())) { if (!node1->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { nchecks++; next2.Skip(); } } } else { // node1 also not assembly nchecks++; } } } node01->SetOverlaps(0,0); } return nchecks; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check illegal overlaps for volume VOL within a limit OVLP. void TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(const TGeoVolume *vol, Double_t ovlp, Option_t *option) { if (vol->GetFinder()) return; UInt_t nd = vol->GetNdaughters(); if (!nd) return; TGeoShape::SetTransform(gGeoIdentity); fNchecks = NChecksPerVolume((TGeoVolume*)vol); Bool_t sampling = kFALSE; TString opt(option); opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("s")) sampling = kTRUE; if (opt.Contains("f")) fFullCheck = kTRUE; else fFullCheck = kFALSE; if (sampling) { opt = opt.Strip(TString::kLeading, 's'); Int_t npoints = atoi(opt.Data()); if (!npoints) npoints = 1000000; CheckOverlapsBySampling((TGeoVolume*)vol, ovlp, npoints); return; } Bool_t is_assembly = vol->IsAssembly(); TGeoIterator next1((TGeoVolume*)vol); TGeoIterator next2((TGeoVolume*)vol); TString path; // first, test if daughters extrude their container TGeoNode * node, *nodecheck; TGeoChecker *checker = (TGeoChecker*)this; // TGeoOverlap *nodeovlp = 0; UInt_t id; Int_t level; // Check extrusion only for daughters of a non-assembly volume if (!is_assembly) { while ((node=next1())) { if (node->IsOverlapping()) { next1.Skip(); continue; } if (!node->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { if (fSelectedNode) { // We have to check only overlaps of the selected node (or real daughters if an assembly) if ((fSelectedNode != node) && (!fSelectedNode->GetVolume()->IsAssembly())) { next1.Skip(); continue; } if (node != fSelectedNode) { level = next1.GetLevel(); while ((nodecheck=next1.GetNode(level--))) { if (nodecheck == fSelectedNode) break; } if (!nodecheck) { next1.Skip(); continue; } } } next1.GetPath(path); checker->MakeCheckOverlap(TString::Format("%s extruded by: %s", vol->GetName(),path.Data()), (TGeoVolume*)vol,node->GetVolume(),gGeoIdentity,(TGeoMatrix*)next1.GetCurrentMatrix(),kFALSE,ovlp); next1.Skip(); } } } // now check if the daughters overlap with each other if (nd<2) return; TGeoVoxelFinder *vox = vol->GetVoxels(); if (!vox) { Warning("CheckOverlaps", "Volume %s with %i daughters but not voxelized", vol->GetName(),nd); return; } if (vox->NeedRebuild()) { vox->Voxelize(); vol->FindOverlaps(); } TGeoNode *node1, *node01, *node02; TGeoHMatrix hmat1, hmat2; TString path1; Int_t novlp; Int_t *ovlps; Int_t ko; UInt_t io; for (id=0; idGetNode(id); if (node01->IsOverlapping()) continue; vox->FindOverlaps(id); ovlps = node01->GetOverlaps(novlp); if (!ovlps) continue; next1.SetTopName(node01->GetName()); path = node01->GetName(); for (ko=0; koGetNode(io); if (node02->IsOverlapping()) continue; // Try to fasten-up things... // if (!TGeoBBox::AreOverlapping((TGeoBBox*)node01->GetVolume()->GetShape(), node01->GetMatrix(), // (TGeoBBox*)node02->GetVolume()->GetShape(), node02->GetMatrix())) continue; next2.SetTopName(node02->GetName()); path1 = node02->GetName(); // We have to check node against node1, but they may be assemblies if (node01->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next1.Reset(node01->GetVolume()); while ((node=next1())) { if (!node->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next1.GetPath(path); hmat1 = node01->GetMatrix(); hmat1 *= *next1.GetCurrentMatrix(); if (node02->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next2.Reset(node02->GetVolume()); while ((node1=next2())) { if (!node1->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { if (fSelectedNode) { // We have to check only overlaps of the selected node (or real daughters if an assembly) if ((fSelectedNode != node) && (fSelectedNode != node1) && (!fSelectedNode->GetVolume()->IsAssembly())) { next2.Skip(); continue; } if ((fSelectedNode != node1) && (fSelectedNode != node)) { level = next2.GetLevel(); while ((nodecheck=next2.GetNode(level--))) { if (nodecheck == fSelectedNode) break; } if (node02 == fSelectedNode) nodecheck = node02; if (!nodecheck) { level = next1.GetLevel(); while ((nodecheck=next1.GetNode(level--))) { if (nodecheck == fSelectedNode) break; } } if (node01 == fSelectedNode) nodecheck = node01; if (!nodecheck) { next2.Skip(); continue; } } } next2.GetPath(path1); hmat2 = node02->GetMatrix(); hmat2 *= *next2.GetCurrentMatrix(); checker->MakeCheckOverlap(TString::Format("%s/%s overlapping %s/%s", vol->GetName(),path.Data(),vol->GetName(),path1.Data()), node->GetVolume(),node1->GetVolume(),&hmat1,&hmat2,kTRUE,ovlp); next2.Skip(); } } } else { if (fSelectedNode) { // We have to check only overlaps of the selected node (or real daughters if an assembly) if ((fSelectedNode != node) && (fSelectedNode != node02) && (!fSelectedNode->GetVolume()->IsAssembly())) { next1.Skip(); continue; } if ((fSelectedNode != node) && (fSelectedNode != node02)) { level = next1.GetLevel(); while ((nodecheck=next1.GetNode(level--))) { if (nodecheck == fSelectedNode) break; } if (node01 == fSelectedNode) nodecheck = node01; if (!nodecheck) { next1.Skip(); continue; } } } checker->MakeCheckOverlap(TString::Format("%s/%s overlapping %s/%s", vol->GetName(),path.Data(),vol->GetName(),path1.Data()), node->GetVolume(),node02->GetVolume(),&hmat1,node02->GetMatrix(),kTRUE,ovlp); } next1.Skip(); } } } else { // node not assembly if (node02->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { next2.Reset(node02->GetVolume()); while ((node1=next2())) { if (!node1->GetVolume()->IsAssembly()) { if (fSelectedNode) { // We have to check only overlaps of the selected node (or real daughters if an assembly) if ((fSelectedNode != node1) && (fSelectedNode != node01) && (!fSelectedNode->GetVolume()->IsAssembly())) { next2.Skip(); continue; } if ((fSelectedNode != node1) && (fSelectedNode != node01)) { level = next2.GetLevel(); while ((nodecheck=next2.GetNode(level--))) { if (nodecheck == fSelectedNode) break; } if (node02 == fSelectedNode) nodecheck = node02; if (!nodecheck) { next2.Skip(); continue; } } } next2.GetPath(path1); hmat2 = node02->GetMatrix(); hmat2 *= *next2.GetCurrentMatrix(); checker->MakeCheckOverlap(TString::Format("%s/%s overlapping %s/%s", vol->GetName(),path.Data(),vol->GetName(),path1.Data()), node01->GetVolume(),node1->GetVolume(),node01->GetMatrix(),&hmat2,kTRUE,ovlp); next2.Skip(); } } } else { // node1 also not assembly if (fSelectedNode && (fSelectedNode != node01) && (fSelectedNode != node02)) continue; checker->MakeCheckOverlap(TString::Format("%s/%s overlapping %s/%s", vol->GetName(),path.Data(),vol->GetName(),path1.Data()), node01->GetVolume(),node02->GetVolume(),node01->GetMatrix(),node02->GetMatrix(),kTRUE,ovlp); } } } node01->SetOverlaps(0,0); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print the current list of overlaps held by the manager class. void TGeoChecker::PrintOverlaps() const { TIter next(fGeoManager->GetListOfOverlaps()); TGeoOverlap *ov; printf("=== Overlaps for %s ===\n", fGeoManager->GetName()); while ((ov=(TGeoOverlap*)next())) ov->PrintInfo(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///--- Draw point (x,y,z) over the picture of the daughers of the volume containing this point. /// Generates a report regarding the path to the node containing this point and the distance to /// the closest boundary. void TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Option_t *) { Double_t point[3]; Double_t local[3]; point[0] = x; point[1] = y; point[2] = z; TGeoVolume *vol = fGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); if (fVsafe) { TGeoNode *old = fVsafe->GetNode("SAFETY_1"); if (old) fVsafe->GetNodes()->RemoveAt(vol->GetNdaughters()-1); } // if (vol != fGeoManager->GetMasterVolume()) fGeoManager->RestoreMasterVolume(); TGeoNode *node = fGeoManager->FindNode(point[0], point[1], point[2]); fGeoManager->MasterToLocal(point, local); // get current node printf("=== Check current point : (%g, %g, %g) ===\n", point[0], point[1], point[2]); printf(" - path : %s\n", fGeoManager->GetPath()); // get corresponding volume if (node) vol = node->GetVolume(); // compute safety distance (distance to boundary ignored) Double_t close = fGeoManager->Safety(); printf("Safety radius : %f\n", close); if (close>1E-4) { TGeoVolume *sph = fGeoManager->MakeSphere("SAFETY", vol->GetMedium(), 0, close, 0,180,0,360); sph->SetLineColor(2); sph->SetLineStyle(3); vol->AddNode(sph,1,new TGeoTranslation(local[0], local[1], local[2])); fVsafe = vol; } TPolyMarker3D *pm = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm->SetMarkerColor(2); pm->SetMarkerStyle(8); pm->SetMarkerSize(0.5); pm->SetNextPoint(local[0], local[1], local[2]); if (vol->GetNdaughters()<2) fGeoManager->SetTopVisible(); else fGeoManager->SetTopVisible(kFALSE); fGeoManager->SetVisLevel(1); if (!vol->IsVisible()) vol->SetVisibility(kTRUE); vol->Draw(); pm->Draw("SAME"); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Test for shape navigation methods. Summary for test numbers: /// 1: DistFromInside/Outside. Sample points inside the shape. Generate /// directions randomly in cos(theta). Compute DistFromInside and move the /// point with bigger distance. Compute DistFromOutside back from new point. /// Plot d-(d1+d2) /// 2: Safety test. Sample points inside the bounding and compute safety. Generate /// directions randomly in cos(theta) and compute distance to boundary. Check if /// Distance to boundary is bigger than safety /// void TGeoChecker::CheckShape(TGeoShape *shape, Int_t testNo, Int_t nsamples, Option_t *option) { switch (testNo) { case 1: ShapeDistances(shape, nsamples, option); break; case 2: ShapeSafety(shape, nsamples, option); break; case 3: ShapeNormal(shape, nsamples, option); break; default: Error("CheckShape", "Test number %d not existent", testNo); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Test TGeoShape::DistFromInside/Outside. Sample points inside the shape. Generate /// directions randomly in cos(theta). Compute d1 = DistFromInside and move the /// point on the boundary. Compute DistFromOutside and propagate with d2 making sure that /// the shape is not re-entered. Swap direction and call DistFromOutside that /// should fall back on the same point on the boundary (at d2). Propagate back on boundary /// then compute DistFromInside that should be bigger than d1. /// Plot d-(d1+d2) void TGeoChecker::ShapeDistances(TGeoShape *shape, Int_t nsamples, Option_t *) { Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDZ(); Double_t dmax = 2.*TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); Double_t d1, d2, dmove, dnext; Int_t itot = 0; // Number of tracks shot for every point inside the shape const Int_t kNtracks = 1000; Int_t n10 = nsamples/10; Int_t i,j; Double_t point[3], pnew[3]; Double_t dir[3], dnew[3]; Double_t theta, phi, delta; TPolyMarker3D *pmfrominside = 0; TPolyMarker3D *pmfromoutside = 0; new TCanvas("shape01", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); shape->Draw(); TH1D *hist = new TH1D("hTest1", "Residual distance from inside/outside",200,-20, 0); hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("delta[cm] - first bin=overflow"); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("count"); hist->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); if (!fTimer) fTimer = new TStopwatch(); fTimer->Reset(); fTimer->Start(); while (itotUniform(-dx,dx); point[1] = gRandom->Uniform(-dy,dy); point[2] = gRandom->Uniform(-dz,dz); inside = shape->Contains(point); } itot++; if (n10) { if ((itot%n10) == 0) printf("%i percent\n", Int_t(100*itot/nsamples)); } for (i=0; iRndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); dmove = dmax; // We have track direction, compute distance from inside d1 = shape->DistFromInside(point,dir,3); if (d1>dmove || d1SetMarkerColor(kRed); pmfrominside->SetMarkerStyle(24); pmfrominside->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) pnew[j] = point[j] + d1*dir[j]; pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2]); pmfrominside->Draw(); return; } // Propagate BEFORE the boundary and make sure that DistFromOutside // does not return 0 (!!!) // Check if there is a second crossing for (j=0; j<3; j++) pnew[j] = point[j] + (d1-TGeoShape::Tolerance())*dir[j]; dnext = shape->DistFromOutside(pnew,dir,3); if (d1+dnextDistFromOutside(pnew,dnew,3); delta = dmove-d1-d2; if (TMath::Abs(delta)>1E-6 || dnext<2.*TGeoShape::Tolerance()) { // Error->debug this printf("Error: (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) d1=%f d2=%f dmove=%f\n", point[0],point[1],point[2],dir[0],dir[1],dir[2], d1,d2,dmove); if (dnext<2.*TGeoShape::Tolerance()) { printf(" (*)DistFromOutside(%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) dnext = %f\n", point[0]+(d1-TGeoShape::Tolerance())*dir[0], point[1]+(d1-TGeoShape::Tolerance())*dir[1], point[2]+(d1-TGeoShape::Tolerance())*dir[2], dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],dnext); } else { printf(" DistFromOutside(%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) dnext = %f\n", point[0]+d1*dir[0],point[1]+d1*dir[1], point[2]+d1*dir[2], dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],dnext); } printf(" DistFromOutside(%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) = %f\n", pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2],dnew[0],dnew[1],dnew[2], d2); pmfrominside = new TPolyMarker3D(2); pmfrominside->SetMarkerStyle(24); pmfrominside->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pmfrominside->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) point[j] += d1*dir[j]; pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pmfrominside->Draw(); pmfromoutside = new TPolyMarker3D(2); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerStyle(20); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerStyle(7); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerSize(0.3); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); pmfromoutside->SetNextPoint(pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) pnew[j] += d2*dnew[j]; if (d2<1E10) pmfromoutside->SetNextPoint(pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2]); pmfromoutside->Draw(); return; } // Compute distance from inside which should be bigger than d1 for (j=0; j<3; j++) pnew[j] += (d2-TGeoShape::Tolerance())*dnew[j]; dnext = shape->DistFromInside(pnew,dnew,3); if (dnextdmax) { printf("Error DistFromInside(%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) d1=%f d1p=%f\n", pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2],dnew[0],dnew[1],dnew[2],d1,dnext); pmfrominside = new TPolyMarker3D(2); pmfrominside->SetMarkerStyle(24); pmfrominside->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pmfrominside->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) point[j] += d1*dir[j]; pmfrominside->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pmfrominside->Draw(); pmfromoutside = new TPolyMarker3D(2); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerStyle(20); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerStyle(7); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerSize(0.3); pmfromoutside->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); pmfromoutside->SetNextPoint(pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) pnew[j] += dnext*dnew[j]; if (d2<1E10) pmfromoutside->SetNextPoint(pnew[0],pnew[1],pnew[2]); pmfromoutside->Draw(); return; } if (TMath::Abs(delta) < 1E-20) delta = 1E-30; hist->Fill(TMath::Max(TMath::Log(TMath::Abs(delta)),-20.)); } } fTimer->Stop(); fTimer->Print(); new TCanvas("Test01", "Residuals DistFromInside/Outside", 800, 600); hist->Draw(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check of validity of safe distance for a given shape. /// Sample points inside the 2x bounding box and compute safety. Generate /// directions randomly in cos(theta) and compute distance to boundary. Check if /// distance to boundary is bigger than safety. void TGeoChecker::ShapeSafety(TGeoShape *shape, Int_t nsamples, Option_t *) { Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDZ(); // Number of tracks shot for every point inside the shape const Int_t kNtracks = 1000; Int_t n10 = nsamples/10; Int_t i; Double_t dist; Double_t point[3]; Double_t dir[3]; Double_t theta, phi; TPolyMarker3D *pm1 = 0; TPolyMarker3D *pm2 = 0; if (!fTimer) fTimer = new TStopwatch(); fTimer->Reset(); fTimer->Start(); Int_t itot = 0; while (itotUniform(-2*dx,2*dx); point[1] = gRandom->Uniform(-2*dy,2*dy); point[2] = gRandom->Uniform(-2*dz,2*dz); inside = shape->Contains(point); Double_t safe = shape->Safety(point, inside); itot++; if (n10) { if ((itot%n10) == 0) printf("%i percent\n", Int_t(100*itot/nsamples)); } for (i=0; iRndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); if (inside) dist = shape->DistFromInside(point,dir,3); else dist = shape->DistFromOutside(point,dir,3); if (distGetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); shape->Draw(); pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(2); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0]+safe*dir[0],point[1]+safe*dir[1],point[2]+safe*dir[2]); pm1->Draw(); pm2 = new TPolyMarker3D(1); pm2->SetMarkerStyle(7); pm2->SetMarkerSize(0.3); pm2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); pm2->SetNextPoint(point[0]+dist*dir[0],point[1]+dist*dir[1],point[2]+dist*dir[2]); pm2->Draw(); return; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check of validity of the normal for a given shape. /// Sample points inside the shape. Generate directions randomly in cos(theta) /// and propagate to boundary. Compute normal and safety at crossing point, plot /// the point and generate a random direction so that (dir) dot (norm) <0. void TGeoChecker::ShapeNormal(TGeoShape *shape, Int_t nsamples, Option_t *) { Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDZ(); Double_t dmax = 2.*TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); // Number of tracks shot for every point inside the shape const Int_t kNtracks = 1000; Int_t n10 = nsamples/10; Int_t itot = 0, errcnt = 0, errsame=0; Int_t i; Double_t dist, olddist, safe, dot; Double_t point[3],newpoint[3], oldpoint[3]; Double_t dir[3], olddir[3]; Double_t norm[3], newnorm[3], oldnorm[3]; Double_t theta, phi, ndotd; TCanvas *errcanvas = 0; TPolyMarker3D *pm1 = 0; TPolyMarker3D *pm2 = 0; pm2 = new TPolyMarker3D(); // pm2->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm2->SetMarkerSize(0.2); pm2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); if (!fTimer) fTimer = new TStopwatch(); fTimer->Reset(); fTimer->Start(); while (itotUniform(-dx,dx); oldpoint[1] = point[1] = gRandom->Uniform(-dy,dy); oldpoint[2] = point[2] = gRandom->Uniform(-dz,dz); inside = shape->Contains(point); } phi = 2*TMath::Pi()*gRandom->Rndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); olddir[0]=dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); olddir[1]=dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); olddir[2]=dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); oldnorm[0] = oldnorm[1] = oldnorm[2] = 0.; olddist = 0.; itot++; if (n10) { if ((itot%n10) == 0) printf("%i percent\n", Int_t(100*itot/nsamples)); } for (i=0; i0) break; dist = shape->DistFromInside(point,dir,3); for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) { newpoint[j] = point[j] + dist*dir[j]; } shape->ComputeNormal(newpoint,dir,newnorm); dot = olddir[0]*oldnorm[0]+olddir[1]*oldnorm[1]+ olddir[2]*oldnorm[2]; if (!shape->Contains(point) && shape->Safety(point,kFALSE)>1.E-3) { errcnt++; printf("Error point outside (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) =%g olddist=%g\n", point[0],point[1],point[2], dir[0], dir[1], dir[2], dist, olddist); printf(" old point: (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f)\n", oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2], olddir[0], olddir[1], olddir[2]); if (!errcanvas) errcanvas = new TCanvas("shape_err03", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); if (!pm1) { pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); } pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pm1->SetNextPoint(oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2]); break; } if ((dist1.E-3) || dist>dmax) { errsame++; if (errsame>1) { errcnt++; printf("Error DistFromInside(%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) =%g olddist=%g\n", point[0],point[1],point[2], dir[0], dir[1], dir[2], dist, olddist); printf(" new norm: (%g, %g, %g)\n", newnorm[0], newnorm[1], newnorm[2]); printf(" old point: (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f)\n", oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2], olddir[0], olddir[1], olddir[2]); printf(" old norm: (%g, %g, %g)\n", oldnorm[0], oldnorm[1], oldnorm[2]); if (!errcanvas) errcanvas = new TCanvas("shape_err03", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); if (!pm1) { pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); } pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pm1->SetNextPoint(oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2]); break; } } else errsame = 0; olddist = dist; for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) { oldpoint[j] = point[j]; point[j] += dist*dir[j]; } safe = shape->Safety(point, kTRUE); if (safe>1.E-3) { errcnt++; printf("Error safety (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) safe=%g\n", point[0],point[1],point[2], safe); if (!errcanvas) errcanvas = new TCanvas("shape_err03", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); if (!pm1) { pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); } pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); break; } // Compute normal shape->ComputeNormal(point,dir,norm); if (TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(norm[0],oldnorm[0]) && TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(norm[1],oldnorm[1]) && TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(norm[2],oldnorm[2])) { errcnt++; printf("Error: same normal for: (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f) = (%g,%g,%g)\n", point[0],point[1],point[2], dir[0], dir[1], dir[2], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2]); printf(" as for: (%19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f, %19.15f)\n", oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2], olddir[0], olddir[1], olddir[2]); if (!errcanvas) errcanvas = new TCanvas("shape_err03", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); if (!pm1) { pm1 = new TPolyMarker3D(); pm1->SetMarkerStyle(24); pm1->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); } pm1->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); pm1->SetNextPoint(oldpoint[0],oldpoint[1],oldpoint[2]); memcpy(oldnorm, norm, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); break; } memcpy(oldnorm, norm, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); memcpy(olddir, dir, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); while (1) { phi = 2*TMath::Pi()*gRandom->Rndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); ndotd = dir[0]*norm[0]+dir[1]*norm[1]+dir[2]*norm[2]; if (ndotd<0) break; // backwards, still inside shape } if ((itot%10) == 0) pm2->SetNextPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); } } if (errcanvas) { shape->Draw(); pm1->Draw(); } new TCanvas("shape03", Form("Shape %s (%s)",shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName()), 1000, 800); pm2->Draw(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Generate a lego plot fot the top volume, according to option. TH2F *TGeoChecker::LegoPlot(Int_t ntheta, Double_t themin, Double_t themax, Int_t nphi, Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax, Double_t /*rmin*/, Double_t /*rmax*/, Option_t *option) { TH2F *hist = new TH2F("lego", option, nphi, phimin, phimax, ntheta, themin, themax); Double_t degrad = TMath::Pi()/180.; Double_t theta, phi, step, matprop, x; Double_t start[3]; Double_t dir[3]; TGeoNode *startnode, *endnode; Int_t i; // loop index for phi Int_t j; // loop index for theta Int_t ntot = ntheta * nphi; Int_t n10 = ntot/10; Int_t igen = 0, iloop=0; printf("=== Lego plot sph. => nrays=%i\n", ntot); for (i=1; i<=nphi; i++) { for (j=1; j<=ntheta; j++) { igen++; if (n10) { if ((igen%n10) == 0) printf("%i percent\n", Int_t(100*igen/ntot)); } x = 0; theta = hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); phi = hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i)+1E-3; start[0] = start[1] = start[2] = 1E-3; dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta*degrad)*TMath::Cos(phi*degrad); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta*degrad)*TMath::Sin(phi*degrad); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta*degrad); fGeoManager->InitTrack(&start[0], &dir[0]); startnode = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); if (fGeoManager->IsOutside()) startnode=0; if (startnode) { matprop = startnode->GetVolume()->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen(); } else { matprop = 0.; } fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); // fGeoManager->IsStepEntering(); // find where we end-up endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); while (step<1E10) { // now see if we can make an other step iloop=0; while (!fGeoManager->IsEntering()) { iloop++; fGeoManager->SetStep(1E-3); step += 1E-3; endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); } if (iloop>1000) printf("%i steps\n", iloop); if (matprop>0) { x += step/matprop; } if (endnode==0 && step>1E10) break; // generate an extra step to cross boundary startnode = endnode; if (startnode) { matprop = startnode->GetVolume()->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen(); } else { matprop = 0.; } fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); } hist->Fill(phi, theta, x); } } return hist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw random points in the bounding box of a volume. void TGeoChecker::RandomPoints(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t npoints, Option_t *option) { if (!vol) return; vol->VisibleDaughters(kTRUE); vol->Draw(); TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); TObjArray *pm = new TObjArray(128); TPolyMarker3D *marker = 0; const TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape(); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox *)shape; Double_t dx = box->GetDX(); Double_t dy = box->GetDY(); Double_t dz = box->GetDZ(); Double_t ox = (box->GetOrigin())[0]; Double_t oy = (box->GetOrigin())[1]; Double_t oz = (box->GetOrigin())[2]; Double_t *xyz = new Double_t[3]; printf("Random box : %f, %f, %f\n", dx, dy, dz); TGeoNode *node = 0; printf("Start... %i points\n", npoints); Int_t i=0; Int_t igen=0; Int_t ic = 0; Int_t n10 = npoints/10; Double_t ratio=0; while (igenRndm(); xyz[1] = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); xyz[2] = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(xyz); igen++; if (n10) { if ((igen%n10) == 0) printf("%i percent\n", Int_t(100*igen/npoints)); } node = fGeoManager->FindNode(); if (!node) continue; if (!node->IsOnScreen()) continue; // draw only points in overlapping/non-overlapping volumes if (opt.Contains("many") && !node->IsOverlapping()) continue; if (opt.Contains("only") && node->IsOverlapping()) continue; ic = node->GetColour(); if ((ic<0) || (ic>=128)) ic = 1; marker = (TPolyMarker3D*)pm->At(ic); if (!marker) { marker = new TPolyMarker3D(); marker->SetMarkerColor(ic); // marker->SetMarkerStyle(8); // marker->SetMarkerSize(0.4); pm->AddAt(marker, ic); } marker->SetNextPoint(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); i++; } printf("Number of visible points : %i\n", i); if (igen) ratio = (Double_t)i/(Double_t)igen; printf("efficiency : %g\n", ratio); for (Int_t m=0; m<128; m++) { marker = (TPolyMarker3D*)pm->At(m); if (marker) marker->Draw("SAME"); } fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->VisibleDaughters(kFALSE); printf("---Daughters of %s made invisible.\n", fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetName()); printf("---Make them visible with : gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->VisibleDaughters();\n"); delete pm; delete [] xyz; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Randomly shoot nrays from point (startx,starty,startz) and plot intersections /// with surfaces for current top node. void TGeoChecker::RandomRays(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz, const char *target_vol, Bool_t check_norm) { TObjArray *pm = new TObjArray(128); TString starget = target_vol; TPolyLine3D *line = 0; TPolyLine3D *normline = 0; TGeoVolume *vol=fGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); // vol->VisibleDaughters(kTRUE); Bool_t random = kFALSE; if (nrays<=0) { nrays = 100000; random = kTRUE; } Double_t start[3]; Double_t dir[3]; const Double_t *point = fGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint(); vol->Draw(); printf("Start... %i rays\n", nrays); TGeoNode *startnode, *endnode; Bool_t vis1,vis2; Int_t i=0; Int_t ipoint, inull; Int_t itot=0; Int_t n10=nrays/10; Double_t theta,phi, step, normlen; Double_t ox = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[0]; Double_t oy = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[1]; Double_t oz = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[2]; Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape())->GetDZ(); normlen = TMath::Max(dx,dy); normlen = TMath::Max(normlen,dz); normlen *= 0.05; while (itotRndm(); start[1] = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); start[2] = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); } else { start[0] = startx; start[1] = starty; start[2] = startz; } phi = 2*TMath::Pi()*gRandom->Rndm(); theta= TMath::ACos(1.-2.*gRandom->Rndm()); dir[0]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi); dir[1]=TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi); dir[2]=TMath::Cos(theta); startnode = fGeoManager->InitTrack(start[0],start[1],start[2], dir[0],dir[1],dir[2]); line = 0; if (fGeoManager->IsOutside()) startnode=0; vis1 = kFALSE; if (target_vol) { if (startnode && starget==startnode->GetVolume()->GetName()) vis1 = kTRUE; } else { if (startnode && startnode->IsOnScreen()) vis1 = kTRUE; } if (vis1) { line = new TPolyLine3D(2); line->SetLineColor(startnode->GetVolume()->GetLineColor()); line->SetPoint(ipoint++, start[0], start[1], start[2]); i++; pm->Add(line); } while ((endnode=fGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep())) { step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); if (step5) break; const Double_t *normal = 0; if (check_norm) { normal = fGeoManager->FindNormalFast(); if (!normal) break; } vis2 = kFALSE; if (target_vol) { if (starget==endnode->GetVolume()->GetName()) vis2 = kTRUE; } else if (endnode->IsOnScreen()) vis2 = kTRUE; if (ipoint>0) { // old visible node had an entry point -> finish segment line->SetPoint(ipoint, point[0], point[1], point[2]); if (!vis2 && check_norm) { normline = new TPolyLine3D(2); normline->SetLineColor(kBlue); normline->SetLineWidth(1); normline->SetPoint(0, point[0], point[1], point[2]); normline->SetPoint(1, point[0]+normal[0]*normlen, point[1]+normal[1]*normlen, point[2]+normal[2]*normlen); pm->Add(normline); } ipoint = 0; line = 0; } if (vis2) { // create new segment line = new TPolyLine3D(2); line->SetLineColor(endnode->GetVolume()->GetLineColor()); line->SetPoint(ipoint++, point[0], point[1], point[2]); i++; if (check_norm) { normline = new TPolyLine3D(2); normline->SetLineColor(kBlue); normline->SetLineWidth(2); normline->SetPoint(0, point[0], point[1], point[2]); normline->SetPoint(1, point[0]+normal[0]*normlen, point[1]+normal[1]*normlen, point[2]+normal[2]*normlen); } pm->Add(line); if (!random) pm->Add(normline); } } } // draw all segments for (Int_t m=0; mGetEntriesFast(); m++) { line = (TPolyLine3D*)pm->At(m); if (line) line->Draw("SAME"); } printf("number of segments : %i\n", i); // fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->VisibleDaughters(kFALSE); // printf("---Daughters of %s made invisible.\n", fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetName()); // printf("---Make them visible with : gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->VisibleDaughters();\n"); delete pm; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// shoot npoints randomly in a box of 1E-5 arround current point. /// return minimum distance to points outside /// make sure that path to current node is updated /// get the response of tgeo TGeoNode *TGeoChecker::SamplePoints(Int_t npoints, Double_t &dist, Double_t epsil, const char* g3path) { TGeoNode *node = fGeoManager->FindNode(); TGeoNode *nodegeo = 0; TGeoNode *nodeg3 = 0; TGeoNode *solg3 = 0; if (!node) {dist=-1; return 0;} Bool_t hasg3 = kFALSE; if (strlen(g3path)) hasg3 = kTRUE; TString geopath = fGeoManager->GetPath(); dist = 1E10; TString common = ""; // cd to common path Double_t point[3]; Double_t closest[3]; TGeoNode *node1 = 0; TGeoNode *node_close = 0; dist = 1E10; Double_t dist1 = 0; // initialize size of random box to epsil Double_t eps[3]; eps[0] = epsil; eps[1]=epsil; eps[2]=epsil; const Double_t *pointg = fGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint(); if (hasg3) { TString spath = geopath; TString name = ""; Int_t index=0; while (index>=0) { index = spath.Index("/", index+1); if (index>0) { name = spath(0, index); if (strstr(g3path, name.Data())) { common = name; continue; } else break; } } // if g3 response was given, cd to common path if (strlen(common.Data())) { while (strcmp(fGeoManager->GetPath(), common.Data()) && fGeoManager->GetLevel()) { nodegeo = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); fGeoManager->CdUp(); } fGeoManager->cd(g3path); solg3 = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); while (strcmp(fGeoManager->GetPath(), common.Data()) && fGeoManager->GetLevel()) { nodeg3 = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); fGeoManager->CdUp(); } if (!nodegeo) return 0; if (!nodeg3) return 0; fGeoManager->cd(common.Data()); fGeoManager->MasterToLocal(fGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint(), &point[0]); Double_t xyz[3], local[3]; for (Int_t i=0; iRndm(); xyz[1] = point[1] - eps[1] + 2*eps[1]*gRandom->Rndm(); xyz[2] = point[2] - eps[2] + 2*eps[2]*gRandom->Rndm(); nodeg3->MasterToLocal(&xyz[0], &local[0]); if (!nodeg3->GetVolume()->Contains(&local[0])) continue; dist1 = TMath::Sqrt((xyz[0]-point[0])*(xyz[0]-point[0])+ (xyz[1]-point[1])*(xyz[1]-point[1])+(xyz[2]-point[2])*(xyz[2]-point[2])); if (dist1SetCurrentPoint(point[0] - eps[0] + 2*eps[0]*gRandom->Rndm(), point[1] - eps[1] + 2*eps[1]*gRandom->Rndm(), point[2] - eps[2] + 2*eps[2]*gRandom->Rndm()); // check if new node is different from the old one if (node1!=node) { dist1 = TMath::Sqrt((point[0]-pointg[0])*(point[0]-pointg[0])+ (point[1]-pointg[1])*(point[1]-pointg[1])+(point[2]-pointg[2])*(point[2]-pointg[2])); if (dist1FindNode(point[0], point[1], point[2]); // really needed ? if (!node_close) dist=-1; return node_close; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shoot one ray from start point with direction (dirx,diry,dirz). Fills input array /// with points just after boundary crossings. /// Int_t array_dimension = 3*dim; Double_t *TGeoChecker::ShootRay(Double_t *start, Double_t dirx, Double_t diry, Double_t dirz, Double_t *array, Int_t &nelem, Int_t &dim, Double_t *endpoint) const { nelem = 0; Int_t istep = 0; if (!dim) { printf("empty input array\n"); return array; } // fGeoManager->CdTop(); const Double_t *point = fGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint(); TGeoNode *endnode; Bool_t is_entering; Double_t step, forward; Double_t dir[3]; dir[0] = dirx; dir[1] = diry; dir[2] = dirz; fGeoManager->InitTrack(start, &dir[0]); fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); // printf("Start : (%f,%f,%f)\n", point[0], point[1], point[2]); fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); // printf("---next : at step=%f\n", step); if (step>1E10) return array; endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); is_entering = fGeoManager->IsEntering(); while (step<1E10) { if (endpoint) { forward = dirx*(endpoint[0]-point[0])+diry*(endpoint[1]-point[1])+dirz*(endpoint[2]-point[2]); if (forward<1E-3) { // printf("exit : Passed start point. nelem=%i\n", nelem); return array; } } if (is_entering) { if (nelem>=dim) { Double_t *temparray = new Double_t[3*(dim+20)]; memcpy(temparray, array, 3*dim*sizeof(Double_t)); delete [] array; array = temparray; dim += 20; } memcpy(&array[3*nelem], point, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); // printf("%i (%f, %f, %f) step=%f\n", nelem, point[0], point[1], point[2], step); nelem++; } else { if (endnode==0 && step>1E10) { // printf("exit : NULL endnode. nelem=%i\n", nelem); return array; } if (!fGeoManager->IsEntering()) { // if (startnode) printf("stepping %f from (%f, %f, %f) inside %s...\n", step,point[0], point[1], point[2], startnode->GetName()); // else printf("stepping %f from (%f, %f, %f) OUTSIDE...\n", step,point[0], point[1], point[2]); istep = 0; } while (!fGeoManager->IsEntering()) { istep++; if (istep>1E3) { // Error("ShootRay", "more than 1000 steps. Step was %f", step); nelem = 0; return array; } fGeoManager->SetStep(1E-5); endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); } if (istep>0) printf("%i steps\n", istep); if (nelem>=dim) { Double_t *temparray = new Double_t[3*(dim+20)]; memcpy(temparray, array, 3*dim*sizeof(Double_t)); delete [] array; array = temparray; dim += 20; } memcpy(&array[3*nelem], point, 3*sizeof(Double_t)); // if (endnode) printf("%i (%f, %f, %f) step=%f\n", nelem, point[0], point[1], point[2], step); nelem++; is_entering = kTRUE; } fGeoManager->FindNextBoundary(); step = fGeoManager->GetStep(); // printf("---next at step=%f\n", step); endnode = fGeoManager->Step(); is_entering = fGeoManager->IsEntering(); } return array; // printf("exit : INFINITE step. nelem=%i\n", nelem); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check time of finding "Where am I" for n points. void TGeoChecker::Test(Int_t npoints, Option_t *option) { Bool_t recheck = !strcmp(option, "RECHECK"); if (recheck) printf("RECHECK\n"); const TGeoShape *shape = fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetShape(); Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDZ(); Double_t ox = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[0]; Double_t oy = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[1]; Double_t oz = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[2]; Double_t *xyz = new Double_t[3*npoints]; TStopwatch *timer = new TStopwatch(); printf("Random box : %f, %f, %f\n", dx, dy, dz); timer->Start(kFALSE); Int_t i; for (i=0; iRndm(); xyz[3*i+1] = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); xyz[3*i+2] = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); } timer->Stop(); printf("Generation time :\n"); timer->Print(); timer->Reset(); TGeoNode *node, *node1; printf("Start... %i points\n", npoints); timer->Start(kFALSE); for (i=0; iSetCurrentPoint(xyz+3*i); if (recheck) fGeoManager->CdTop(); node = fGeoManager->FindNode(); if (recheck) { node1 = fGeoManager->FindNode(); if (node1 != node) { printf("Difference for x=%g y=%g z=%g\n", xyz[3*i], xyz[3*i+1], xyz[3*i+2]); printf(" from top : %s\n", node->GetName()); printf(" redo : %s\n", fGeoManager->GetPath()); } } } timer->Stop(); timer->Print(); delete [] xyz; delete timer; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///--- Geometry overlap checker based on sampling. void TGeoChecker::TestOverlaps(const char* path) { if (fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()!=fGeoManager->GetMasterVolume()) fGeoManager->RestoreMasterVolume(); printf("Checking overlaps for path :\n"); if (!fGeoManager->cd(path)) return; TGeoNode *checked = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); checked->InspectNode(); // shoot 1E4 points in the shape of the current volume Int_t npoints = 1000000; Double_t big = 1E6; Double_t xmin = big; Double_t xmax = -big; Double_t ymin = big; Double_t ymax = -big; Double_t zmin = big; Double_t zmax = -big; TObjArray *pm = new TObjArray(128); TPolyMarker3D *marker = 0; TPolyMarker3D *markthis = new TPolyMarker3D(); markthis->SetMarkerColor(5); TNtuple *ntpl = new TNtuple("ntpl","random points","x:y:z"); TGeoShape *shape = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNode()->GetVolume()->GetShape(); Double_t *point = new Double_t[3]; Double_t dx = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDX(); Double_t dy = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDY(); Double_t dz = ((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetDZ(); Double_t ox = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[0]; Double_t oy = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[1]; Double_t oz = (((TGeoBBox*)shape)->GetOrigin())[2]; Double_t *xyz = new Double_t[3*npoints]; Int_t i=0; printf("Generating %i points inside %s\n", npoints, fGeoManager->GetPath()); while (iRndm(); point[1] = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); point[2] = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); if (!shape->Contains(point)) continue; // convert each point to MARS // printf("local %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", point[0], point[1], point[2]); fGeoManager->LocalToMaster(point, &xyz[3*i]); // printf("master %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", xyz[3*i], xyz[3*i+1], xyz[3*i+2]); xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, xyz[3*i]); xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, xyz[3*i]); ymin = TMath::Min(ymin, xyz[3*i+1]); ymax = TMath::Max(ymax, xyz[3*i+1]); zmin = TMath::Min(zmin, xyz[3*i+2]); zmax = TMath::Max(zmax, xyz[3*i+2]); i++; } delete [] point; ntpl->Fill(xmin,ymin,zmin); ntpl->Fill(xmax,ymin,zmin); ntpl->Fill(xmin,ymax,zmin); ntpl->Fill(xmax,ymax,zmin); ntpl->Fill(xmin,ymin,zmax); ntpl->Fill(xmax,ymin,zmax); ntpl->Fill(xmin,ymax,zmax); ntpl->Fill(xmax,ymax,zmax); ntpl->Draw("z:y:x"); // shoot the poins in the geometry TGeoNode *node; TString cpath; Int_t ic=0; TObjArray *overlaps = new TObjArray(); printf("using FindNode...\n"); for (Int_t j=0; jCdTop(); fGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint(&xyz[3*j]); node = fGeoManager->FindNode(); cpath = fGeoManager->GetPath(); if (cpath.Contains(path)) { markthis->SetNextPoint(xyz[3*j], xyz[3*j+1], xyz[3*j+2]); continue; } // current point is found in an overlapping node if (!node) ic=128; else ic = node->GetVolume()->GetLineColor(); if (ic >= 128) ic = 0; marker = (TPolyMarker3D*)pm->At(ic); if (!marker) { marker = new TPolyMarker3D(); marker->SetMarkerColor(ic); pm->AddAt(marker, ic); } // draw the overlapping point marker->SetNextPoint(xyz[3*j], xyz[3*j+1], xyz[3*j+2]); if (node) { if (overlaps->IndexOf(node) < 0) overlaps->Add(node); } } // draw all overlapping points // for (Int_t m=0; m<128; m++) { // marker = (TPolyMarker3D*)pm->At(m); // if (marker) marker->Draw("SAME"); // } markthis->Draw("SAME"); if (gPad) gPad->Update(); // display overlaps if (overlaps->GetEntriesFast()) { printf("list of overlapping nodes :\n"); for (i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { node = (TGeoNode*)overlaps->At(i); if (node->IsOverlapping()) printf("%s MANY\n", node->GetName()); else printf("%s ONLY\n", node->GetName()); } } else printf("No overlaps\n"); delete ntpl; delete pm; delete [] xyz; delete overlaps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Estimate weight of top level volume with a precision SIGMA(W)/W /// better than PRECISION. Option can be "v" - verbose (default). Double_t TGeoChecker::Weight(Double_t precision, Option_t *option) { TList *matlist = fGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials(); Int_t nmat = matlist->GetSize(); if (!nmat) return 0; Int_t *nin = new Int_t[nmat]; memset(nin, 0, nmat*sizeof(Int_t)); TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t isverbose = opt.Contains("v"); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox *)fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetShape(); Double_t dx = box->GetDX(); Double_t dy = box->GetDY(); Double_t dz = box->GetDZ(); Double_t ox = (box->GetOrigin())[0]; Double_t oy = (box->GetOrigin())[1]; Double_t oz = (box->GetOrigin())[2]; Double_t x,y,z; TGeoNode *node; TGeoMaterial *mat; Double_t vbox = 0.000008*dx*dy*dz; // m3 Bool_t end = kFALSE; Double_t weight=0, sigma, eps, dens; Double_t eps0=1.; Int_t indmat; Int_t igen=0; Int_t iin = 0; while (!end) { x = ox-dx+2*dx*gRandom->Rndm(); y = oy-dy+2*dy*gRandom->Rndm(); z = oz-dz+2*dz*gRandom->Rndm(); node = fGeoManager->FindNode(x,y,z); igen++; if (!node) continue; mat = node->GetVolume()->GetMedium()->GetMaterial(); indmat = mat->GetIndex(); if (indmat<0) continue; nin[indmat]++; iin++; if ((iin%100000)==0 || igen>1E8) { weight = 0; sigma = 0; for (indmat=0; indmatAt(indmat); dens = mat->GetDensity(); // [g/cm3] if (dens<1E-2) dens=0; dens *= 1000.; // [kg/m3] weight += dens*Double_t(nin[indmat]); sigma += dens*dens*nin[indmat]; } sigma = TMath::Sqrt(sigma); eps = sigma/weight; weight *= vbox/Double_t(igen); sigma *= vbox/Double_t(igen); if (eps1E8) { if (isverbose) { printf("=== Weight of %s : %g +/- %g [kg]\n", fGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetName(), weight, sigma); } end = kTRUE; } else { if (isverbose && eps<0.5*eps0) { printf("%8dK: %14.7g kg %g %%\n", igen/1000, weight, eps*100); eps0 = eps; } } } } delete [] nin; return weight; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// count voxel timing Double_t TGeoChecker::CheckVoxels(TGeoVolume *vol, TGeoVoxelFinder *voxels, Double_t *xyz, Int_t npoints) { TStopwatch timer; Double_t time; TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape(); TGeoNode *node; TGeoMatrix *matrix; Double_t *point; Double_t local[3]; Int_t *checklist; Int_t ncheck; TGeoNavigator *nav = fGeoManager->GetCurrentNavigator(); TGeoStateInfo &td = *nav->GetCache()->GetInfo(); timer.Start(); for (Int_t i=0; iContains(point)) continue; checklist = voxels->GetCheckList(point, ncheck, td); if (!checklist) continue; if (!ncheck) continue; for (Int_t id=0; idGetNode(checklist[id]); matrix = node->GetMatrix(); matrix->MasterToLocal(point, &local[0]); if (node->GetVolume()->GetShape()->Contains(&local[0])) break; } } nav->GetCache()->ReleaseInfo(); time = timer.CpuTime(); return time; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns optimal voxelization type for volume vol. /// kFALSE - cartesian /// kTRUE - cylindrical Bool_t TGeoChecker::TestVoxels(TGeoVolume * /*vol*/, Int_t /*npoints*/) { return kFALSE; }