// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TEveTrackPropagator #define ROOT_TEveTrackPropagator #include "TEveVector.h" #include "TEvePathMark.h" #include "TEveUtil.h" #include "TEveElement.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include class TEvePointSet; //============================================================================== // TEveMagField //============================================================================== class TEveMagField { protected: Bool_t fFieldConstant; public: TEveMagField() : fFieldConstant(kFALSE) {} virtual ~TEveMagField() {} virtual Bool_t IsConst() const { return fFieldConstant; } virtual void PrintField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const { TEveVector b = GetField(x, y, z); printf("v(%f, %f, %f) B(%f, %f, %f) \n", x, y, z, b.fX, b.fY, b.fZ); } TEveVectorD GetFieldD(const TEveVectorD &v) const { return GetFieldD(v.fX, v.fY, v.fZ); } // Track propgator uses only GetFieldD() and GetMaxFieldMagD(). Have to keep/reuse // GetField() and GetMaxFieldMag() because of backward compatibility. virtual TEveVectorD GetFieldD(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const { return GetField(x, y, z); } virtual Double_t GetMaxFieldMagD() const { return GetMaxFieldMag(); } // not abstract because of backward compatibility virtual TEveVector GetField(Float_t, Float_t, Float_t) const { return TEveVector(); } virtual Float_t GetMaxFieldMag() const { return 4; } // not abstract because of backward compatibility ClassDef(TEveMagField, 0); // Abstract interface to magnetic field }; //============================================================================== // TEveMagFieldConst //============================================================================== class TEveMagFieldConst : public TEveMagField { protected: TEveVectorD fB; public: TEveMagFieldConst(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) : TEveMagField(), fB(x, y, z) { fFieldConstant = kTRUE; } virtual ~TEveMagFieldConst() {} using TEveMagField::GetField; virtual TEveVectorD GetFieldD(Double_t /*x*/, Double_t /*y*/, Double_t /*z*/) const { return fB; } virtual Double_t GetMaxFieldMagD() const { return fB.Mag(); }; ClassDef(TEveMagFieldConst, 0); // Interface to constant magnetic field. }; //============================================================================== // TEveMagFieldDuo //============================================================================== class TEveMagFieldDuo : public TEveMagField { protected: TEveVectorD fBIn; TEveVectorD fBOut; Double_t fR2; public: TEveMagFieldDuo(Double_t r, Double_t bIn, Double_t bOut) : TEveMagField(), fBIn(0,0,bIn), fBOut(0,0,bOut), fR2(r*r) { fFieldConstant = kFALSE; } virtual ~TEveMagFieldDuo() {} using TEveMagField::GetField; virtual TEveVectorD GetFieldD(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t /*z*/) const { return ((x*x+y*y) b2 ? b1 : b2; } ClassDef(TEveMagFieldDuo, 0); // Interface to magnetic field with two different values depending on radius. }; //============================================================================== // TEveTrackPropagator //============================================================================== class TEveTrackPropagator : public TEveElementList, public TEveRefBackPtr { friend class TEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor; public: enum EStepper_e { kHelix, kRungeKutta }; enum EProjTrackBreaking_e { kPTB_Break, kPTB_UseFirstPointPos, kPTB_UseLastPointPos }; protected: struct Helix_t { Int_t fCharge; // Charge of tracked particle. Double_t fMaxAng; // Maximum step angle. Double_t fMaxStep; // Maximum allowed step size. Double_t fDelta; // Maximum error in the middle of the step. Double_t fPhi; // Accumulated angle to check fMaxOrbs by propagator. Bool_t fValid; // Corner case pT~0 or B~0, possible in variable mag field. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // helix parameters Double_t fLam; // Momentum ratio pT/pZ. Double_t fR; // Helix radius in cm. Double_t fPhiStep; // Caluclated from fMinAng and fDelta. Double_t fSin, fCos; // Current sin/cos(phistep). // Runge-Kutta parameters Double_t fRKStep; // Step for Runge-Kutta. // cached TEveVectorD fB; // Current magnetic field, cached. TEveVectorD fE1, fE2, fE3; // Base vectors: E1 -> B dir, E2->pT dir, E3 = E1xE2. TEveVectorD fPt, fPl; // Transverse and longitudinal momentum. Double_t fPtMag; // Magnitude of pT. Double_t fPlMag; // Momentum parallel to mag field. Double_t fLStep; // Transverse step arc-length in cm. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Helix_t(); void UpdateCommon(const TEveVectorD & p, const TEveVectorD& b); void UpdateHelix (const TEveVectorD & p, const TEveVectorD& b, Bool_t full_update, Bool_t enforce_max_step); void UpdateRK (const TEveVectorD & p, const TEveVectorD& b); void Step(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, TEveVector4D& vOut, TEveVectorD& pOut); Double_t GetStep() { return fLStep * TMath::Sqrt(1 + fLam*fLam); } Double_t GetStep2() { return fLStep * fLStep * (1 + fLam*fLam); } }; private: TEveTrackPropagator(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not implemented TEveTrackPropagator& operator=(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not implemented void DistributeOffset(const TEveVectorD& off, Int_t first_point, Int_t np, TEveVectorD& p); protected: EStepper_e fStepper; TEveMagField* fMagFieldObj; Bool_t fOwnMagFiledObj; // Track extrapolation limits Double_t fMaxR; // Max radius for track extrapolation Double_t fMaxZ; // Max z-coordinate for track extrapolation. Int_t fNMax; // Max steps // Helix limits Double_t fMaxOrbs; // Maximal angular path of tracks' orbits (1 ~ 2Pi). // Path-mark / first-vertex control Bool_t fEditPathMarks; // Show widgets for path-mark control in GUI editor. Bool_t fFitDaughters; // Pass through daughter creation points when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitReferences; // Pass through given track-references when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitDecay; // Pass through decay point when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitCluster2Ds; // Pass through 2D-clusters when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitLineSegments; // Pass through line when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fRnrDaughters; // Render daughter path-marks. Bool_t fRnrReferences; // Render track-reference path-marks. Bool_t fRnrDecay; // Render decay path-marks. Bool_t fRnrCluster2Ds; // Render 2D-clusters. Bool_t fRnrFV; // Render first vertex. TMarker fPMAtt; // Marker attributes for rendering of path-marks. TMarker fFVAtt; // Marker attributes for fits vertex. // Handling of discontinuities in projections UChar_t fProjTrackBreaking; // Handling of projected-track breaking. Bool_t fRnrPTBMarkers; // Render break-points on tracks. TMarker fPTBAtt; // Marker attributes for track break-points. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Propagation, state of current track std::vector fPoints; // Calculated point. std::vector fLastPoints; // Copy of the latest calculated points. TEveVectorD fV; // Start vertex. Helix_t fH; // Helix. void RebuildTracks(); void Update(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, Bool_t full_update=kFALSE, Bool_t enforce_max_step=kFALSE); void Step(const TEveVector4D &v, const TEveVectorD &p, TEveVector4D &vOut, TEveVectorD &pOut); Bool_t LoopToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p); Bool_t LoopToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD& r, TEveVectorD& p); void LoopToBounds(TEveVectorD& p); Bool_t LineToVertex (TEveVectorD& v); void LineToBounds (TEveVectorD& p); void StepRungeKutta(Double_t step, Double_t* vect, Double_t* vout); Bool_t HelixIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& point, const TEveVectorD& normal, TEveVectorD&itsect); Bool_t LineIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& point, const TEveVectorD& normal, TEveVectorD& itsect); Bool_t PointOverVertex(const TEveVector4D& v0, const TEveVector4D& v, Double_t* p=0); void ClosestPointFromVertexToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& v, const TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD& r, Double_t rMagInv, TEveVectorD& c); Bool_t ClosestPointBetweenLines(const TEveVectorD&, const TEveVectorD&, const TEveVectorD&, const TEveVectorD&, TEveVectorD& out); public: TEveTrackPropagator(const char* n="TEveTrackPropagator", const char* t="", TEveMagField* field=0, Bool_t own_field=kTRUE); virtual ~TEveTrackPropagator(); virtual void OnZeroRefCount(); virtual void CheckReferenceCount(const TEveException& eh="TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount "); virtual void ElementChanged(Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kFALSE); // propagation void InitTrack(const TEveVectorD& v, Int_t charge); void ResetTrack(); Int_t GetCurrentPoint() const; Double_t GetTrackLength(Int_t start_point=0, Int_t end_point=-1) const; virtual void GoToBounds(TEveVectorD& p); virtual Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p); virtual Bool_t GoToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD& r, TEveVectorD& p); // TEveVectorF wrappers void InitTrack(const TEveVectorF& v, Int_t charge); void GoToBounds(TEveVectorF& p); Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorF& v, TEveVectorF&p); Bool_t GoToLineSegment(const TEveVectorF& s, const TEveVectorF& r, TEveVectorF& p); Bool_t IntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& point, const TEveVectorD& normal, TEveVectorD& itsect); void FillPointSet(TEvePointSet* ps) const; void SetStepper(EStepper_e s) { fStepper = s; } void SetMagField(Double_t bX, Double_t bY, Double_t bZ); void SetMagField(Double_t b) { SetMagField(0, 0, b); } void SetMagFieldObj(TEveMagField* field, Bool_t own_field=kTRUE); void SetMaxR(Double_t x); void SetMaxZ(Double_t x); void SetMaxOrbs(Double_t x); void SetMinAng(Double_t x); void SetMaxAng(Double_t x); void SetMaxStep(Double_t x); void SetDelta(Double_t x); void SetEditPathMarks(Bool_t x) { fEditPathMarks = x; } void SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t x); void SetRnrReferences(Bool_t x); void SetRnrDecay(Bool_t x); void SetRnrCluster2Ds(Bool_t x); void SetFitDaughters(Bool_t x); void SetFitReferences(Bool_t x); void SetFitDecay(Bool_t x); void SetFitCluster2Ds(Bool_t x); void SetFitLineSegments(Bool_t x); void SetRnrFV(Bool_t x); void SetProjTrackBreaking(UChar_t x); void SetRnrPTBMarkers(Bool_t x); TEveVectorD GetMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { return fMagFieldObj->GetField(x, y, z); } void PrintMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const; EStepper_e GetStepper() const { return fStepper;} Double_t GetMaxR() const { return fMaxR; } Double_t GetMaxZ() const { return fMaxZ; } Double_t GetMaxOrbs() const { return fMaxOrbs; } Double_t GetMinAng() const; Double_t GetMaxAng() const { return fH.fMaxAng; } Double_t GetMaxStep() const { return fH.fMaxStep; } Double_t GetDelta() const { return fH.fDelta; } Bool_t GetEditPathMarks() const { return fEditPathMarks; } Bool_t GetRnrDaughters() const { return fRnrDaughters; } Bool_t GetRnrReferences() const { return fRnrReferences; } Bool_t GetRnrDecay() const { return fRnrDecay; } Bool_t GetRnrCluster2Ds() const { return fRnrCluster2Ds; } Bool_t GetFitDaughters() const { return fFitDaughters; } Bool_t GetFitReferences() const { return fFitReferences; } Bool_t GetFitDecay() const { return fFitDecay; } Bool_t GetFitCluster2Ds() const { return fFitCluster2Ds; } Bool_t GetFitLineSegments() const { return fFitLineSegments; } Bool_t GetRnrFV() const { return fRnrFV; } UChar_t GetProjTrackBreaking() const { return fProjTrackBreaking; } Bool_t GetRnrPTBMarkers() const { return fRnrPTBMarkers; } TMarker& RefPMAtt() { return fPMAtt; } TMarker& RefFVAtt() { return fFVAtt; } TMarker& RefPTBAtt() { return fPTBAtt; } const std::vector& GetLastPoints() const { return fLastPoints; } static Bool_t IsOutsideBounds(const TEveVectorD& point, Double_t maxRsqr, Double_t maxZ); static Double_t fgDefMagField; // Default value for constant solenoid magnetic field. static const Double_t fgkB2C; // Constant for conversion of momentum to curvature. static TEveTrackPropagator fgDefault; // Default track propagator. static Double_t fgEditorMaxR; // Max R that can be set in GUI editor. static Double_t fgEditorMaxZ; // Max Z that can be set in GUI editor. ClassDef(TEveTrackPropagator, 0); // Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries. }; //______________________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(const TEveVectorD& point, Double_t maxRsqr, Double_t maxZ) { // Return true if point% is outside of cylindrical bounds detrmined by // square radius and z. return TMath::Abs(point.fZ) > maxZ || point.fX*point.fX + point.fY*point.fY > maxRsqr; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::PointOverVertex(const TEveVector4D &v0, const TEveVector4D &v, Double_t *p) { static const Double_t kMinPl = 1e-5; TEveVectorD dv; dv.Sub(v0, v); Double_t dotV; if (TMath::Abs(fH.fPlMag) > kMinPl) { // Use longitudinal momentum to determine crossing point. // Works ok for spiraling helices, also for loopers. dotV = fH.fE1.Dot(dv); if (fH.fPlMag < 0) dotV = -dotV; } else { // Use full momentum, which is pT, under this conditions. dotV = fH.fE2.Dot(dv); } if (p) *p = dotV; return dotV < 0; } #endif