// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveBoxSet.h" #include "TEveShape.h" #include "TRandom.h" /** \class TEveBoxSet \ingroup TEve Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones). Each primitive can be assigned a signal value and a TRef. A collection of 3D-markers. The way how they are defined depends on the fBoxType data-member. - kBT_FreeBox arbitrary box: specify 8*(x,y,z) box corners - kBT_AABox axis-aligned box: specify (x,y,z) and (w, h, d) - kBT_AABoxFixedDim axis-aligned box w/ fixed dimensions: specify (x,y,z) also set fDefWidth, fDefHeight and fDefDepth - kBT_Cone cone defined with position, axis-vector and radius - EllipticCone cone with elliptic base (specify another radius and angle in deg) Each primitive can be assigned: 1. Color or signal value. Thresholds and signal-to-color mapping can then be set dynamically via the TEveRGBAPalette class. 2. External TObject* (stored as TRef). See also base-class TEveDigitSet for more information. Tutorial: tutorials/eve/boxset_test.C */ ClassImp(TEveBoxSet); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEveBoxSet::TEveBoxSet(const char* n, const char* t) : TEveDigitSet (n, t), fBoxType (kBT_Undef), fDefWidth (1), fDefHeight (1), fDefDepth (1), fBoxSkip (0), fDrawConeCap (kFALSE) { // Constructor. // Override from TEveDigitSet. fDisableLighting = kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return size of data-structure describing a box of type bt. Int_t TEveBoxSet::SizeofAtom(TEveBoxSet::EBoxType_e bt) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::SizeofAtom "); switch (bt) { case kBT_Undef: return 0; case kBT_FreeBox: return sizeof(BFreeBox_t); case kBT_AABox: return sizeof(BAABox_t); case kBT_AABoxFixedDim: return sizeof(BAABoxFixedDim_t); case kBT_Cone: return sizeof(BCone_t); case kBT_EllipticCone: return sizeof(BEllipticCone_t); default: throw(eH + "unexpected atom type."); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reset the data containers to zero size. /// The arguments describe the basic parameters of data storage. void TEveBoxSet::Reset(TEveBoxSet::EBoxType_e boxType, Bool_t valIsCol, Int_t chunkSize) { fBoxType = boxType; fValueIsColor = valIsCol; fDefaultValue = valIsCol ? 0 : kMinInt; if (fOwnIds) ReleaseIds(); fPlex.Reset(SizeofAtom(fBoxType), chunkSize); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reset the data containers to zero size. /// Keep the old data-storage parameters. void TEveBoxSet::Reset() { if (fOwnIds) ReleaseIds(); fPlex.Reset(SizeofAtom(fBoxType), TMath::Max(fPlex.N(), 64)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new box from a set of 8 vertices. /// To be used for box-type kBT_FreeBox. void TEveBoxSet::AddBox(const Float_t* verts) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::AddBox "); if (fBoxType != kBT_FreeBox) throw(eH + "expect free box-type."); BFreeBox_t* b = (BFreeBox_t*) NewDigit(); memcpy(b->fVertices, verts, sizeof(b->fVertices)); TEveShape::CheckAndFixBoxOrientationFv(b->fVertices); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new axis-aligned box from at a given position and with /// specified dimensions. /// To be used for box-type kBT_AABox. void TEveBoxSet::AddBox(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t c, Float_t w, Float_t h, Float_t d) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::AddBox "); if (fBoxType != kBT_AABox) throw(eH + "expect axis-aligned box-type."); BAABox_t* box = (BAABox_t*) NewDigit(); box->fA = a; box->fB = b; box->fC = c; box->fW = w; box->fH = h; box->fD = d; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new axis-aligned box from at a given position. /// To be used for box-type kBT_AABoxFixedDim. void TEveBoxSet::AddBox(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t c) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::AddBox "); if (fBoxType != kBT_AABoxFixedDim) throw(eH + "expect axis-aligned fixed-dimension box-type."); BAABoxFixedDim_t* box = (BAABoxFixedDim_t*) NewDigit(); box->fA = a; box->fB = b; box->fC = c; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a cone with apex at pos, axis dir and radius r. /// To be used for box-type kBT_Cone. void TEveBoxSet::AddCone(const TEveVector& pos, const TEveVector& dir, Float_t r) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::AddCone "); if (fBoxType != kBT_Cone) throw(eH + "expect cone box-type."); BCone_t* cone = (BCone_t*) NewDigit(); cone->fPos = pos; cone->fDir = dir; cone->fR = r; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a cone with apex at pos, axis dir and radius r. /// To be used for box-type kBT_EllipticCone. void TEveBoxSet::AddEllipticCone(const TEveVector& pos, const TEveVector& dir, Float_t r, Float_t r2, Float_t angle) { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::AddEllipticCone "); if (fBoxType != kBT_EllipticCone) throw(eH + "expect elliptic-cone box-type."); BEllipticCone_t* cone = (BEllipticCone_t*) NewDigit(); cone->fPos = pos; cone->fDir = dir; cone->fR = r; cone->fR2 = r2; cone->fAngle = angle; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fill bounding-box information of the base-class TAttBBox (virtual method). /// If member 'TEveFrameBox* fFrame' is set, frame's corners are used as bbox. void TEveBoxSet::ComputeBBox() { static const TEveException eH("TEveBoxSet::ComputeBBox "); if (fFrame != 0) { BBoxInit(); Int_t n = fFrame->GetFrameSize() / 3; Float_t *bbps = fFrame->GetFramePoints(); for (int i=0; imag2Max) mag2Max=mag2; if (b.fR>rMax) rMax=b.fR; } Float_t off = TMath::Sqrt(mag2Max + rMax*rMax); fBBox[0] -= off;fBBox[2] -= off;fBBox[4] -= off; fBBox[1] += off;fBBox[3] += off;fBBox[5] += off; break; } case kBT_EllipticCone: { Float_t mag2=0, mag2Max=0, rMax=0; while (bi.next()) { BEllipticCone_t& b = * (BEllipticCone_t*) bi(); BBoxCheckPoint(b.fPos.fX, b.fPos.fY, b.fPos.fZ); mag2 = b.fDir.Mag2(); if (mag2>mag2Max) mag2Max=mag2; if (b.fR > rMax) rMax = b.fR; if (b.fR2 > rMax) rMax = b.fR2; } Float_t off = TMath::Sqrt(mag2Max + rMax*rMax); fBBox[0] -= off;fBBox[2] -= off;fBBox[4] -= off; fBBox[1] += off;fBBox[3] += off;fBBox[5] += off; break; } default: { throw(eH + "unsupported box-type."); } } // end switch box-type } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fill the structure with a random set of boxes. void TEveBoxSet::Test(Int_t nboxes) { Reset(kBT_AABox, kTRUE, nboxes); TRandom rnd(0); const Float_t origin = 10, size = 2; Int_t color; for(Int_t i=0; i