/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveLegoEventHandler.h" #include "TEveCaloLegoGL.h" #include "TGLViewer.h" #include "TGLWidget.h" #include "TGLOverlay.h" #include "TGLLogicalShape.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TGLCamera.h" #include "TGLPerspectiveCamera.h" #include "TGLOrthoCamera.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TGLUtil.h" #include "TEveTrans.h" #include "TEveCalo.h" /** \class TEveLegoEventHandler \ingroup TEve A base class of TGLEventHandler. Switches current camera from perspective to orthographic bird-view, if camera theta is less than given threshold. It sets back perspective camera when accumulated angle is more than transition theta. */ ClassImp(TEveLegoEventHandler); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveLegoEventHandler::TEveLegoEventHandler(TGWindow *w, TObject *obj, TEveCaloLego *lego): TGLEventHandler(w, obj), fMode(kFree), fTransTheta(0.5f), fTheta(0.f), fLego(lego) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual from TGLEventHandler. /// Free the camera when home is pressed. Bool_t TEveLegoEventHandler::HandleKey(Event_t *event) { if (event->fCode == kKey_Home) fMode = kFree; return TGLEventHandler::HandleKey(event); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method to handle action TGLViewer::kDragCameraRotate. It switches from standard perspective /// view to bird-view bellow angle fTransTheta and restores view when accumulated theta is larger /// than transition angle. Bool_t TEveLegoEventHandler::Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) { if ( !fLego ) return TGLEventHandler::Rotate(xDelta, yDelta, mod1, mod2); TGLCamera &cam = fGLViewer->GetRnrCtx()->RefCamera(); Double_t hRotate = cam.AdjustDelta(-yDelta, TMath::Pi()/cam.RefViewport().Height(), mod1, mod2); // get lego bounding box Float_t *bb = fLego->AssertBBox(); TGLBoundingBox box; box.SetAligned(TGLVertex3(bb[0], bb[2], bb[4]), TGLVertex3(bb[1], bb[3], bb[5])); box.Transform(fLego->RefMainTrans().Array()); Bool_t camChanged = kFALSE; if (cam.IsOrthographic()) { fTheta += hRotate; if (fTheta < 0) fTheta = 0; if (fTheta > fTransTheta) { TGLCamera* ortho = &cam; Double_t l = -ortho->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kLeft).D(); Double_t r = ortho->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kRight).D(); Double_t t = ortho->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kTop).D(); Double_t b = -ortho->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kBottom).D(); fGLViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspXOY); TGLPerspectiveCamera* persp = dynamic_cast(&fGLViewer->GetRnrCtx()->RefCamera()); persp->Setup(box, kTRUE); TGLVector3 extents = box.Extents(); Int_t sortInd[3]; TMath::Sort(3, extents.CArr(), sortInd); Double_t size = TMath::Hypot(extents[sortInd[0]], extents[sortInd[1]]); Double_t dolly = size / (2.0*TMath::Tan(30*TMath::Pi()/360)); Double_t fov = TMath::ATan(TMath::Hypot(t-b, r-l)/(2*dolly)); persp->SetCenterVecWarp(0.5*(l+r), 0.5*(t+b), 0); Double_t vR = -0.5 * TMath::Pi(); // switch XY Double_t hR = -0.5 * TMath::Pi() + fTransTheta; // fix top view angle persp->Configure(fov*TMath::RadToDeg(), 0, 0, hR, vR); fMode = kFree; camChanged = kTRUE; } } else { Double_t theta = cam.GetTheta(); Double_t thetaN = theta + hRotate; if (thetaN > TMath::Pi() - cam.GetVAxisMinAngle()) thetaN = TMath::Pi() - cam.GetVAxisMinAngle(); else if (thetaN < cam.GetVAxisMinAngle()) thetaN = cam.GetVAxisMinAngle(); fTheta = thetaN; if (thetaN < fTransTheta) { TGLPerspectiveCamera* persp = (TGLPerspectiveCamera*)(&cam); fGLViewer->SetCurrentCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOY); TGLOrthoCamera* ortho = dynamic_cast(& fGLViewer->GetRnrCtx()->RefCamera()); ortho->Setup(box, kTRUE); // translation to the plane intersect const TGLMatrix& mx = cam.GetCamBase() * cam.GetCamTrans(); TGLVertex3 d = mx.GetTranslation(); TGLVertex3 p = d + mx.GetBaseVec(1); TGLLine3 line(d, p); const TGLPlane rp = TGLPlane(cam.GetCamBase().GetBaseVec(3), TGLVertex3()); std::pair intersection; intersection = Intersection(rp, line, kTRUE); TGLVertex3 v = intersection.second; ortho->Truck( v.X() - box.Center().X(), v.Y() - box.Center().Y()); // zoom Double_t t = persp->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kTop).D(); Double_t b = -persp->FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kBottom).D(); Double_t zoom = box.Extents().Y()/(t-b); ortho->Configure(zoom, 0, 0, 0, 0); fMode = kLocked; camChanged = kTRUE; } else { camChanged = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Rotate(xDelta, -yDelta, mod1, mod2); } } return camChanged; }