// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Alja Mrak-Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveProjectionAxesGL.h" #include "TEveProjectionAxes.h" #include "TEveProjectionManager.h" #include "THLimitsFinder.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TGLRnrCtx.h" #include "TGLFontManager.h" #include "TGLCamera.h" #include "TMath.h" /** \class TEveProjectionAxesGL \ingroup TEve OpenGL renderer class for TEveProjectionAxes. */ ClassImp(TEveProjectionAxesGL); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveProjectionAxesGL::TEveProjectionAxesGL() : TGLObject(), fM(0), fProjection(0) { fDLCache = kFALSE; // Disable display list. } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set model object. /// Virtual from TGLObject. Bool_t TEveProjectionAxesGL::SetModel(TObject* obj, const Option_t* /*opt*/) { fM = SetModelDynCast(obj); fAxisPainter.SetAttAxis(fM); return fM->GetManager() ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fill the bounding-box data of the logical-shape. /// Virtual from TGLObject. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::SetBBox() { SetAxisAlignedBBox(((TEveProjectionAxes*)fExternalObj)->AssertBBox()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Filter overlapping labels. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::FilterOverlappingLabels(Int_t idx, Float_t ref) const { TGLAxisPainter::LabVec_t &orig = fAxisPainter.RefLabVec(); if (orig.size() == 0) return; Float_t center = fM->GetManager()->GetProjection()->GetProjectedCenter()[idx]; // Get index of label closest to the distortion center. // Needed to keep symmetry around center. Int_t minIdx = 0; Int_t cnt = 0; Float_t currD = 0; Float_t minD = TMath::Abs(orig[0].first -center); for (TGLAxisPainter::LabVec_t::iterator it = orig.begin(); it != orig.end(); ++it) { currD = TMath::Abs((*it).first - center); if (minD > currD) { minD = currD; minIdx = cnt; } cnt++; } // Minimum allowed distance 4* font size. TGLAxisPainter::LabVec_t filtered; filtered.push_back(orig[minIdx]); Int_t size = orig.size(); Float_t minDist = 4*fM->GetLabelSize()*ref; Float_t pos = 0; // Go from center to minimum. if (minIdx > 0) { pos = orig[minIdx].first; for (Int_t i=minIdx-1; i>=0; --i) { if (TMath::Abs(pos - orig[i].first) > minDist) { filtered.push_back(orig[i]); pos = orig[i].first; } } } // Go from center to maximum. if (minIdx < (size -1)) { pos = orig[minIdx].first; for (Int_t i=minIdx+1; i minDist) { filtered.push_back(orig[i]); pos = orig[i].first; } } } // Set labels list and text format. if (filtered.size() >= 2) { if ( minIdx > 0 ) fAxisPainter.SetTextFormat(orig.front().second, orig.back().second, orig[minIdx].second - orig[minIdx-1].second); else fAxisPainter.SetTextFormat(orig.front().second, orig.back().second, orig[minIdx+1].second - orig[minIdx].second); fAxisPainter.RefLabVec().swap(filtered); } else { fAxisPainter.SetTextFormat(orig.front().second, orig.back().second, orig.back().second - orig.front().second); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Build an array of tick-mark position-value pairs. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::SplitInterval(Float_t p1, Float_t p2, Int_t ax) const { fAxisPainter.RefLabVec().clear(); fAxisPainter.RefTMVec().clear(); // Get list of label position-value pairs. // Minimum/maximum are defined at the front/back element of list. fAxisPainter.RefTMVec().push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(p1, -1)); if (fM->GetLabMode() == TEveProjectionAxes::kValue) { SplitIntervalByVal(p1, p2, ax); } else if (fM->GetLabMode() == TEveProjectionAxes::kPosition) { SplitIntervalByPos(p1, p2, ax); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add tick-marks at equidistant position. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::SplitIntervalByPos(Float_t p1, Float_t p2, Int_t ax) const { // Limits. Int_t n1a = TMath::FloorNint(fM->GetNdivisions() / 100); Int_t n2a = fM->GetNdivisions() - n1a * 100; Int_t bn1, bn2; Double_t bw1, bw2; // bin with first second order Double_t bl1=0, bh1=0, bl2=0, bh2=0; // bin low, high first second order THLimitsFinder::Optimize(p1, p2, n1a, bl1, bh1, bn1, bw1); THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bl1, bl1+bw1, n2a, bl2, bh2, bn2, bw2); Int_t n1=TMath::CeilNint(p1/bw1); Int_t n2=TMath::FloorNint(p2/bw1); TGLAxisPainter::LabVec_t &labVec = fAxisPainter.RefLabVec(); TGLAxisPainter::TMVec_t &tmVec = fAxisPainter.RefTMVec(); Float_t p = n1*bw1; Float_t pMinor = p; for (Int_t l=n1; l<=n2; l++) { // Labels. labVec.push_back( TGLAxisPainter::Lab_t(p , fProjection->GetValForScreenPos(ax, p))); // Tick-marks. tmVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(p, 0)); pMinor = p+bw2; for (Int_t i=1; i p2) break; tmVec.push_back( TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(pMinor, 1)); pMinor += bw2; } p += bw1; } // Complete second order tick-marks. pMinor = n1*bw1 -bw2; while ( pMinor > p1) { tmVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(pMinor, 1)); pMinor -=bw2; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add tick-marks on fixed value step. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::SplitIntervalByVal(Float_t p1, Float_t p2, Int_t ax) const { TGLAxisPainter::LabVec_t &labVec = fAxisPainter.RefLabVec(); TGLAxisPainter::TMVec_t &tmVec = fAxisPainter.RefTMVec(); // Limits Int_t n1a = TMath::FloorNint(fM->GetNdivisions() / 100); Int_t n2a = fM->GetNdivisions() - n1a * 100; Int_t bn1, bn2; Double_t bw1, bw2; // bin width first / second order Double_t bl1=0, bh1=0, bl2=0, bh2=0; // bin low, high first / second order Float_t v1 = fProjection->GetValForScreenPos(ax, p1); Float_t v2 = fProjection->GetValForScreenPos(ax, p2); THLimitsFinder::Optimize(v1, v2, n1a, bl1, bh1, bn1, bw1); THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bl1, bl1+bw1, n2a, bl2, bh2, bn2, bw2); Float_t pFirst, pSecond; // position of first, second order of tick-marks Float_t v = bl1; // cache values here TEveVector dirVec; fProjection->SetDirectionalVector(ax, dirVec); TEveVector oCenter; fProjection->GetOrthogonalCenter(ax, oCenter); // step for (Int_t l=0; l<=bn1; l++) { // Labels. pFirst = fProjection->GetScreenVal(ax, v); labVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::Lab_t(pFirst , v)); tmVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(pFirst, 0)); // Tick-marks. for (Int_t k=1; kGetScreenVal(ax, v+k*bw2, dirVec, oCenter); if (pSecond > p2) break; tmVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(pSecond, 1)); } v += bw1; } // Complete second order tick-marks. v = bl1 -bw2; while ( v > v1) { pSecond = fProjection->GetScreenVal(ax, v, dirVec, oCenter); if (pSecond < p1) break; tmVec.push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(pSecond, 1)); v -= bw2; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get range from bounding box of projection manager and frustum size. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::GetRange(Int_t ax, Float_t frustMin, Float_t frustMax, Float_t& min, Float_t& max) const { Float_t* bb = fM->fManager->GetBBox(); // enlarge bbox times 2 Float_t bbMin = bb[ax*2]; Float_t bbMax = bb[ax*2 + 1]; Float_t off = ( bb[ax*2 + 1] - bb[ax*2]) * 0.5; bbMin -= off; bbMax += off; // minimum if (frustMin > bbMin) { min = frustMin; min += (frustMax - frustMin) * 0.1; } else { min = bbMin; } // maximum if (frustMax < bbMax) { max = frustMax; max -= (frustMax - frustMin) * 0.1; } else { max = bbMax; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw function for TEveProjectionAxesGL. Skips line-pass of outline mode. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::Draw(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) const { if (rnrCtx.IsDrawPassOutlineLine()) return; TGLObject::Draw(rnrCtx); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Actual rendering code. /// Virtual from TGLLogicalShape. void TEveProjectionAxesGL::DirectDraw(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) const { if (rnrCtx.Selection() || rnrCtx.Highlight() || fM->fManager->GetBBox() == 0) return; glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_POLYGON_BIT); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); // Draw on front-clipping plane. Float_t old_depth_range[2]; glGetFloatv(GL_DEPTH_RANGE, old_depth_range); glDepthRange(0, 0.001); // Frustum size. TGLCamera &camera = rnrCtx.RefCamera(); Float_t l = -camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kLeft).D(); Float_t r = camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kRight).D(); Float_t t = camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kTop).D(); Float_t b = -camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kBottom).D(); if (fM->fUseColorSet) { TGLUtil::Color(rnrCtx.ColorSet().Markup()); fAxisPainter.SetUseAxisColors(kFALSE); } fProjection = fM->GetManager()->GetProjection(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); // Projection center and origin marker. { Float_t d = ((r-l) > (b-t)) ? (b-t) : (r-l); d *= 0.02f; if (fM->GetDrawCenter()) { Float_t* c = fProjection->GetProjectedCenter(); TGLUtil::LineWidth(1); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(c[0] + d, c[1], c[2]); glVertex3f(c[0] - d, c[1], c[2]); glVertex3f(c[0], c[1] + d, c[2]); glVertex3f(c[0], c[1] - d, c[2]); glVertex3f(c[0], c[1], c[2] + d); glVertex3f(c[0], c[1], c[2] - d); glEnd(); } if (fM->GetDrawOrigin()) { TEveVector zero; fProjection->ProjectVector(zero, 0); TGLUtil::LineWidth(1); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(zero[0] + d, zero[1], zero[2]); glVertex3f(zero[0] - d, zero[1], zero[2]); glVertex3f(zero[0], zero[1] + d, zero[2]); glVertex3f(zero[0], zero[1] - d, zero[2]); glVertex3f(zero[0], zero[1], zero[2] + d); glVertex3f(zero[0], zero[1], zero[2] - d); glEnd(); } } // // Axes. try { using namespace TMath; GLint vp[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vp); Float_t refLength = TMath::Sqrt((TMath::Power(vp[2]-vp[0], 2) + TMath::Power(vp[3]-vp[1], 2))); Float_t tickLength = TMath::Sqrt((TMath::Power(r-l, 2) + TMath::Power(t-b, 2))); fAxisPainter.SetFontMode(TGLFont::kPixmap); fAxisPainter.SetLabelFont(rnrCtx, TGLFontManager::GetFontNameFromId(fM->GetLabelFont()), TMath::CeilNint(refLength*fM->GetLabelSize()), tickLength*fM->GetLabelSize()); Float_t min, max; // X-axis. if (fM->fAxesMode == TEveProjectionAxes::kAll || fM->fAxesMode == TEveProjectionAxes::kHorizontal) { GetRange(0, l, r, min, max); SplitInterval(min, max, 0); FilterOverlappingLabels(0, r-l); fAxisPainter.RefTMVec().push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(max, -1)); fAxisPainter.RefDir().Set(1, 0, 0); fAxisPainter.RefTMOff(0).Set(0, tickLength, 0); // Bottom. glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef( 0, b, 0); fAxisPainter.SetLabelAlign(TGLFont::kCenterH, TGLFont::kTop); fAxisPainter.RnrLabels(); fAxisPainter.RnrLines(); glPopMatrix(); // Top. glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef( 0, t, 0); fAxisPainter.SetLabelAlign(TGLFont::kCenterH, TGLFont::kBottom); fAxisPainter.RefTMOff(0).Negate(); fAxisPainter.RnrLabels(); fAxisPainter.RnrLines(); glPopMatrix(); } // Y-axis. if (fM->fAxesMode == TEveProjectionAxes::kAll || fM->fAxesMode == TEveProjectionAxes::kVertical) { GetRange(1, b, t, min, max); SplitInterval(min, max, 1); FilterOverlappingLabels(1, t-b); fAxisPainter.RefTMVec().push_back(TGLAxisPainter::TM_t(max, -1)); fAxisPainter.RefDir().Set(0, 1, 0); fAxisPainter.RefTMOff(0).Set(tickLength, 0 , 0); // Left. glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(l, 0, 0); fAxisPainter.SetLabelAlign(TGLFont::kLeft, TGLFont::kCenterV); fAxisPainter.RnrLabels(); fAxisPainter.RnrLines(); glPopMatrix(); // Right. glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(r, 0, 0); fAxisPainter.SetLabelAlign(TGLFont::kRight, TGLFont::kCenterV); fAxisPainter.RefTMOff(0).Negate(); fAxisPainter.RnrLabels(); fAxisPainter.RnrLines(); glPopMatrix(); } } catch (TEveException& exc) { Warning("TEveProjectionAxesGL::DirectDraw", "caught exception: '%s'.", exc.Data()); } glDepthRange(old_depth_range[0], old_depth_range[1]); glPopAttrib(); }