// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TError.h" #include "TEveProjections.h" #include "TEveTrans.h" #include "TEveUtil.h" #include /** \class TEveProjection \ingroup TEve Base-class for non-linear projections. Enables to define an external center of distortion and a scale to fixate a bounding box of a projected point. */ ClassImp(TEveProjection); Float_t TEveProjection::fgEps = 0.005f; Float_t TEveProjection::fgEpsSqr = 0.000025f; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveProjection::TEveProjection() : fType (kPT_Unknown), fGeoMode (kGM_Unknown), fName (0), fCenter (), fDisplaceOrigin (kFALSE), fUsePreScale (kFALSE), fDistortion (0.0f), fFixR (300), fFixZ (400), fPastFixRFac (0), fPastFixZFac (0), fScaleR (1), fScaleZ (1), fPastFixRScale (1), fPastFixZScale (1), fMaxTrackStep (5) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project float array. void TEveProjection::ProjectPointfv(Float_t* v, Float_t d) { ProjectPoint(v[0], v[1], v[2], d); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project double array. /// This is a bit piggish as we convert the doubles to floats and back. void TEveProjection::ProjectPointdv(Double_t* v, Float_t d) { Float_t x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2]; ProjectPoint(x, y, z, d); v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project TEveVector. void TEveProjection::ProjectVector(TEveVector& v, Float_t d) { ProjectPoint(v.fX, v.fY, v.fZ, d); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project float array, converting it to global coordinate system first if /// transformation matrix is set. void TEveProjection::ProjectPointfv(const TEveTrans* t, const Float_t* p, Float_t* v, Float_t d) { v[0] = p[0]; v[1] = p[1]; v[2] = p[2]; if (t) { t->MultiplyIP(v); } ProjectPoint(v[0], v[1], v[2], d); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project double array, converting it to global coordinate system first if /// transformation matrix is set. /// This is a bit piggish as we convert the doubles to floats and back. void TEveProjection::ProjectPointdv(const TEveTrans* t, const Double_t* p, Double_t* v, Float_t d) { Float_t x, y, z; if (t) { t->Multiply(p, v); x = v[0]; y = v[1]; z = v[2]; } else { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; } ProjectPoint(x, y, z, d); v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project TEveVector, converting it to global coordinate system first if /// transformation matrix is set. void TEveProjection::ProjectVector(const TEveTrans* t, TEveVector& v, Float_t d) { if (t) { t->MultiplyIP(v); } ProjectPoint(v.fX, v.fY, v.fZ, d); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pre-scale single variable with pre-scale entry dim. void TEveProjection::PreScaleVariable(Int_t dim, Float_t& v) { if (!fPreScales[dim].empty()) { Bool_t invp = kFALSE; if (v < 0) { v = -v; invp = kTRUE; } vPreScale_i i = fPreScales[dim].begin(); while (v > i->fMax) ++i; v = i->fOffset + (v - i->fMin)*i->fScale; if (invp) v = -v; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pre-scale point (x, y) in projected coordinates for 2D projections: /// - RhoZ ~ (rho, z) /// - RPhi ~ (r, phi), scaling phi doesn't make much sense. void TEveProjection::PreScalePoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y) { PreScaleVariable(0, x); PreScaleVariable(1, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pre-scale point (x, y, z) in projected coordinates for 3D projection. void TEveProjection::PreScalePoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z) { PreScaleVariable(0, x); PreScaleVariable(1, y); PreScaleVariable(2, z); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add new scaling range for given coordinate. /// Arguments: /// - coord 0 ~ x, 1 ~ y, 2 ~ z /// - value value of input coordinate from which to apply this scale; /// - scale the scale to apply from value onwards. /// /// NOTE: If pre-scaling is combined with center-displaced then /// the scale of the central region should be 1. This limitation /// can be removed but will cost CPU. void TEveProjection::AddPreScaleEntry(Int_t coord, Float_t value, Float_t scale) { static const TEveException eh("TEveProjection::AddPreScaleEntry "); if (coord < 0 || coord > 2) throw (eh + "coordinate out of range."); const Float_t infty = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); vPreScale_t& vec = fPreScales[coord]; if (vec.empty()) { if (value == 0) { vec.push_back(PreScaleEntry_t(0, infty, 0, scale)); } else { vec.push_back(PreScaleEntry_t(0, value, 0, 1)); vec.push_back(PreScaleEntry_t(value, infty, value, scale)); } } else { PreScaleEntry_t& prev = vec.back(); if (value <= prev.fMin) throw (eh + "minimum value not larger than previous one."); prev.fMax = value; Float_t offset = prev.fOffset + (prev.fMax - prev.fMin)*prev.fScale; vec.push_back(PreScaleEntry_t(value, infty, offset, scale)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change scale for given entry and coordinate. /// /// NOTE: If the first entry you created used other value than 0, /// one entry (covering range from 0 to this value) was created /// automatically. void TEveProjection::ChangePreScaleEntry(Int_t coord, Int_t entry, Float_t new_scale) { static const TEveException eh("TEveProjection::ChangePreScaleEntry "); if (coord < 0 || coord > 2) throw (eh + "coordinate out of range."); vPreScale_t& vec = fPreScales[coord]; Int_t vs = vec.size(); if (entry < 0 || entry >= vs) throw (eh + "entry out of range."); vec[entry].fScale = new_scale; Int_t i0 = entry, i1 = entry + 1; while (i1 < vs) { PreScaleEntry_t e0 = vec[i0]; vec[i1].fOffset = e0.fOffset + (e0.fMax - e0.fMin)*e0.fScale; i0 = i1++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clear all pre-scaling information. void TEveProjection::ClearPreScales() { fPreScales[0].clear(); fPreScales[1].clear(); fPreScales[2].clear(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set distortion. void TEveProjection::SetDistortion(Float_t d) { fDistortion = d; fScaleR = 1.0f + fFixR*fDistortion; fScaleZ = 1.0f + fFixZ*fDistortion; fPastFixRScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixRFac) / fScaleR; fPastFixZScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixZFac) / fScaleZ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set fixed radius. void TEveProjection::SetFixR(Float_t r) { fFixR = r; fScaleR = 1 + fFixR*fDistortion; fPastFixRScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixRFac) / fScaleR; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set fixed radius. void TEveProjection::SetFixZ(Float_t z) { fFixZ = z; fScaleZ = 1 + fFixZ*fDistortion; fPastFixZScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixZFac) / fScaleZ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set 2's-exponent for relative scaling beyond FixR. void TEveProjection::SetPastFixRFac(Float_t x) { fPastFixRFac = x; fPastFixRScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixRFac) / fScaleR; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get projected center. Float_t* TEveProjection::GetProjectedCenter() { static TEveVector zero; if (fDisplaceOrigin) return zero.Arr(); else return fCenter.Arr(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set flag to displace for center. /// This options is useful if want to have projected center /// at (0, 0) position in projected coordinates and want to dismiss /// gap around projected center in RhoZ projection. void TEveProjection::SetDisplaceOrigin(Bool_t x) { fDisplaceOrigin = x; // update projected center SetCenter(fCenter); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set 2's-exponent for relative scaling beyond FixZ. void TEveProjection::SetPastFixZFac(Float_t x) { fPastFixZFac = x; fPastFixZScale = TMath::Power(10.0f, fPastFixZFac) / fScaleZ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find break-point on both sides of the discontinuity. /// They still need to be projected after the call. /// This is an obsolete version of the method that required manual /// specification of precision -- this lead to (infrequent) infinite loops. void TEveProjection::BisectBreakPoint(TEveVector& vL, TEveVector& vR, Float_t /*eps_sqr*/) { static Bool_t warnedp = kFALSE; if (!warnedp) { Warning("BisectBreakPoint", "call with eps_sqr argument is obsolete - please use the new signature."); warnedp = kTRUE; } BisectBreakPoint(vL, vR, kFALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find break-point on both sides of the discontinuity. /// If project_result is true, the resulting break points will be projected /// with given depth value. void TEveProjection::BisectBreakPoint(TEveVector& vL, TEveVector& vR, Bool_t project_result, Float_t depth) { TEveVector vM, vLP, vMP; Int_t n_loops = TMath::CeilNint(TMath::Log2(1e12 * (vL-vR).Mag2() / (0.5f*(vL+vR)).Mag2()) / 2); while (--n_loops >= 0) { vM.Mult(vL + vR, 0.5f); vLP.Set(vL); ProjectPoint(vLP.fX, vLP.fY, vLP.fZ, 0); vMP.Set(vM); ProjectPoint(vMP.fX, vMP.fY, vMP.fZ, 0); if (IsOnSubSpaceBoundrary(vMP)) { vL.Set(vM); vR.Set(vM); break; } if (AcceptSegment(vLP, vMP, 0.0f)) { vL.Set(vM); } else { vR.Set(vM); } } if (project_result) { ProjectVector(vL, depth); ProjectVector(vR, depth); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method previously used by TEveProjectionAxesGL. Now obsolete. Float_t TEveProjection::GetLimit(Int_t, Bool_t) { ::Warning("TEveProjection::GetLimits", "method is obsolete"); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get vector for axis in a projected space. void TEveProjection::SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec) { for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { vec[i] = (i==screenAxis) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get center ortogonal to given axis index. TEveVector TEveProjection::GetOrthogonalCenter(int i, TEveVector& centerOO) { TEveVector dirVec; SetDirectionalVector(i, dirVec); TEveVector dirCenter; dirCenter.Mult(dirVec, fCenter.Dot(dirVec)); centerOO = fCenter - dirCenter; return centerOO; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Inverse projection. Float_t TEveProjection::GetValForScreenPos(Int_t axisIdx, Float_t sv) { static const TEveException eH("TEveProjection::GetValForScreenPos "); static const int kMaxSteps = 5000; static const int kMaxVal = 10; Float_t xL, xM, xR; TEveVector vec; TEveVector dirVec; SetDirectionalVector(axisIdx, dirVec); TEveVector zero; if (fDisplaceOrigin) zero = fCenter; TEveVector zeroProjected = zero; ProjectVector(zeroProjected, 0.f); // search from -/+ infinity according to sign of screen value if (sv > zeroProjected[axisIdx]) { xL = 0; xR = kMaxVal; int cnt = 0; while (cnt < kMaxSteps) { vec.Mult(dirVec, xR); if (fDisplaceOrigin) vec += fCenter; ProjectVector(vec, 0); if (vec[axisIdx] >= sv) break; xL = xR; xR *= 2; if (++cnt >= kMaxSteps) throw eH + Form("positive projected %f, value %f,xL, xR ( %f, %f)\n", vec[axisIdx], sv, xL, xR); } } else if (sv < zeroProjected[axisIdx]) { xR = 0; xL = -kMaxVal; int cnt = 0; while (cnt < kMaxSteps) { vec.Mult(dirVec, xL); if (fDisplaceOrigin) vec += fCenter; ProjectVector(vec, 0); if (vec[axisIdx] <= sv) break; xR = xL; xL *= 2; if (++cnt >= kMaxSteps) throw eH + Form("negative projected %f, value %f,xL, xR ( %f, %f)\n", vec[axisIdx], sv, xL, xR); } } else { return 0.0f; } // printf("search for value %f in rng[%f, %f] \n", sv, xL, xR); int cnt = 0; do { //printf("search value with bisection xL=%f, xR=%f; vec[axisIdx]=%f, sv=%f\n", xL, xR, vec[axisIdx], sv); xM = 0.5f * (xL + xR); vec.Mult(dirVec, xM); if (fDisplaceOrigin) vec += fCenter; ProjectVector(vec, 0); if (vec[axisIdx] > sv) xR = xM; else xL = xM; if (++cnt >= kMaxSteps) throw eH + Form("can't converge %f %f, l/r %f/%f, idx=%d\n", vec[axisIdx], sv, xL, xR, axisIdx); } while (TMath::Abs(vec[axisIdx] - sv) >= fgEps); return xM; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project point on given axis and return projected value. Float_t TEveProjection::GetScreenVal(Int_t i, Float_t x, TEveVector& dirVec, TEveVector& /*oCenter*/) { TEveVector pos = dirVec*x; if (fDisplaceOrigin) pos += fCenter; ProjectVector(pos , 0.f); return pos[i]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project point on given axis and return projected value. Float_t TEveProjection::GetScreenVal(Int_t i, Float_t x) { TEveVector dirVec; SetDirectionalVector(i, dirVec); TEveVector oCenter; // GetOrthogonalCenter(i, oCenter); return GetScreenVal(i, x, dirVec, oCenter); } /** \class TEveRhoZProjection \ingroup TEve Transformation from 3D to 2D. X axis represent Z coordinate. Y axis have value of radius with a sign of Y coordinate. */ ClassImp(TEveRhoZProjection); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveRhoZProjection::TEveRhoZProjection() : TEveProjection() { fType = kPT_RhoZ; fName = "RhoZ"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project point. void TEveRhoZProjection::ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z, Float_t d, EPProc_e proc) { using namespace TMath; if (fDisplaceOrigin) { x -= fCenter.fX; y -= fCenter.fY; z -= fCenter.fZ; } if (proc == kPP_Plane || proc == kPP_Full) { // project y = Sign((Float_t)Sqrt(x*x+y*y), y); x = z; } if (proc == kPP_Distort || proc == kPP_Full) { if (fUsePreScale) PreScalePoint(y, x); // distort if (!fDisplaceOrigin) { x -= fProjectedCenter.fX; y -= fProjectedCenter.fY; } if (x > fFixZ) x = fFixZ + fPastFixZScale*(x - fFixZ); else if (x < -fFixZ) x = -fFixZ + fPastFixZScale*(x + fFixZ); else x = x * fScaleZ / (1.0f + Abs(x)*fDistortion); if (y > fFixR) y = fFixR + fPastFixRScale*(y - fFixR); else if (y < -fFixR) y = -fFixR + fPastFixRScale*(y + fFixR); else y = y * fScaleR / (1.0f + Abs(y)*fDistortion); if (!fDisplaceOrigin) { x += fProjectedCenter.fX; y += fProjectedCenter.fY; } } z = d; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set center of distortion (virtual method). void TEveRhoZProjection::SetCenter(TEveVector& v) { fCenter = v; if (fDisplaceOrigin) { fProjectedCenter.Set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } else { Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(v.fX*v.fX + v.fY*v.fY); fProjectedCenter.fX = fCenter.fZ; fProjectedCenter.fY = TMath::Sign(r, fCenter.fY); fProjectedCenter.fZ = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get direction in the unprojected space for axis index in the /// projected space. /// This is virtual method from base-class TEveProjection. void TEveRhoZProjection::SetDirectionalVector(Int_t screenAxis, TEveVector& vec) { if (screenAxis == 0) vec.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else if (screenAxis == 1) vec.Set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if segment of two projected points is valid. /// /// Move slightly one of the points if by shifting it by no more than /// tolerance the segment can become acceptable. Bool_t TEveRhoZProjection::AcceptSegment(TEveVector& v1, TEveVector& v2, Float_t tolerance) const { Float_t a = fProjectedCenter.fY; Bool_t val = kTRUE; if ((v1.fY < a && v2.fY > a) || (v1.fY > a && v2.fY < a)) { val = kFALSE; if (tolerance > 0) { Float_t a1 = TMath::Abs(v1.fY - a), a2 = TMath::Abs(v2.fY - a); if (a1 < a2) { if (a1 < tolerance) { v1.fY = a; val = kTRUE; } } else { if (a2 < tolerance) { v2.fY = a; val = kTRUE; } } } } return val; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return sub-space id for the point. /// 0 - upper half-space /// 1 - lower half-space Int_t TEveRhoZProjection::SubSpaceId(const TEveVector& v) const { return v.fY > fProjectedCenter.fY ? 0 : 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks if point is on sub-space boundary. Bool_t TEveRhoZProjection::IsOnSubSpaceBoundrary(const TEveVector& v) const { return v.fY == fProjectedCenter.fY; } /** \class TEveRPhiProjection \ingroup TEve XY projection with distortion around given center. */ ClassImp(TEveRPhiProjection); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveRPhiProjection::TEveRPhiProjection() : TEveProjection() { fType = kPT_RPhi; fGeoMode = kGM_Polygons; fName = "RhoPhi"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project point. void TEveRPhiProjection::ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z, Float_t d, EPProc_e proc) { using namespace TMath; if (fDisplaceOrigin) { x -= fCenter.fX; y -= fCenter.fY; z -= fCenter.fZ; } if (proc != kPP_Plane) { Float_t r, phi; if (fUsePreScale) { r = Sqrt(x*x + y*y); phi = (x == 0.0f && y == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ATan2(y, x); PreScalePoint(r, phi); x = r*Cos(phi); y = r*Sin(phi); } if (!fDisplaceOrigin) { x -= fCenter.fX; y -= fCenter.fY; } r = Sqrt(x*x + y*y); phi = (x == 0.0f && y == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ATan2(y, x); if (r > fFixR) r = fFixR + fPastFixRScale*(r - fFixR); else if (r < -fFixR) r = -fFixR + fPastFixRScale*(r + fFixR); else r = r * fScaleR / (1.0f + r*fDistortion); x = r*Cos(phi); y = r*Sin(phi); if (!fDisplaceOrigin) { x += fCenter.fX; y += fCenter.fY; } } z = d; } /** \class TEve3DProjection \ingroup TEve 3D scaling projection. One has to use pre-scaling to make any ise of this. */ ClassImp(TEve3DProjection); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEve3DProjection::TEve3DProjection() : TEveProjection() { fType = kPT_3D; fGeoMode = kGM_Unknown; fName = "3D"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Project point. void TEve3DProjection::ProjectPoint(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z, Float_t /*d*/, EPProc_e proc) { using namespace TMath; if (proc != kPP_Plane) { if (fUsePreScale) { PreScalePoint(x, y, z); } x -= fCenter.fX; y -= fCenter.fY; z -= fCenter.fZ; } }