// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel, 2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveShape.h" #include "Riostream.h" /** \class TEveShape \ingroup TEve Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes. It provides: - fill color / transparency, accessible via Get/SetMainColor/Transparency; - frame line color / width; - flag if frame should be drawn; - flag specifying whether frame or whole shape should be emphasised for highlight. */ ClassImp(TEveShape); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveShape::TEveShape(const char* n, const char* t) : TEveElementList(n, t), fFillColor(5), fLineColor(5), fLineWidth(1), fDrawFrame(kTRUE), fHighlightFrame(kFALSE), fMiniFrame(kTRUE) { fCanEditMainColor = kTRUE; fCanEditMainTransparency = kTRUE; SetMainColorPtr(&fFillColor); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveShape::~TEveShape() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set main color. /// Override so that line-color can also be changed if it is equal /// to fill color (which is treated as main color). void TEveShape::SetMainColor(Color_t color) { if (fFillColor == fLineColor) { fLineColor = color; StampObjProps(); } TEveElementList::SetMainColor(color); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy visualization parameters from element el. void TEveShape::CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el) { const TEveShape* m = dynamic_cast(el); if (m) { fFillColor = m->fFillColor; fLineColor = m->fLineColor; fLineWidth = m->fLineWidth; fDrawFrame = m->fDrawFrame; fHighlightFrame = m->fHighlightFrame; fMiniFrame = m->fMiniFrame; } TEveElementList::CopyVizParams(el); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write visualization parameters. void TEveShape::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var) { TEveElementList::WriteVizParams(out, var); TString t = " " + var + "->"; out << t << "SetFillColor(" << fFillColor << ");\n"; out << t << "SetLineColor(" << fLineColor << ");\n"; out << t << "SetLineWidth(" << fLineWidth << ");\n"; out << t << "SetDrawFrame(" << ToString(fDrawFrame) << ");\n"; out << t << "SetHighlightFrame(" << ToString(fHighlightFrame) << ");\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported. void TEveShape::Paint(Option_t*) { PaintStandard(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Determines the convex-hull of points in pin. /// /// Adds the hull points to pout and returns the number of added points. /// If size of pout is less then 3 then either the number of input points /// was too low or they were degenerate so that the hull is actually a line /// segment or even a point. Int_t TEveShape::FindConvexHull(const vVector2_t& pin, vVector2_t& pout, TEveElement* caller) { Int_t N = pin.size(); // Find the minimum (bottom-left) point. Int_t min_point = 0; for (Int_t i = 1; i < N; ++i) { if (pin[i].fY < pin[min_point].fY || (pin[i].fY == pin[min_point].fY && pin[i].fX < pin[min_point].fX)) min_point = i; } // Calculate angles and sort. std::vector angles(N); for (Int_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { angles[i] = (pin[i] - pin[min_point]).Phi(); } std::vector idcs(N); TMath::Sort(N, &angles[0], &idcs[0], kFALSE); // Weed out points with the same angle -- keep the furthest only. // The first point must stay. if (N > 2) { std::vector new_idcs; new_idcs.push_back(idcs[0]); std::vector::iterator a, b; a = idcs.begin(); ++a; b = a; ++b; while (b != idcs.end()) { if (TMath::Abs(angles[*a] - angles[*b]) < 1e-5f) { if (pin[idcs[0]].SquareDistance(pin[*a]) < pin[idcs[0]].SquareDistance(pin[*b])) a = b; } else { new_idcs.push_back(*a); a = b; } ++b; } new_idcs.push_back(*a); idcs.swap(new_idcs); } N = idcs.size(); // Find hull. std::vector hull; if (N > 2) { hull.push_back(idcs[0]); hull.push_back(idcs[1]); hull.push_back(idcs[2]); { Int_t i = 3; while (i < N) { Int_t n = hull.size() - 1; if ((pin[hull[n]] - pin[hull[n-1]]).Cross(pin[idcs[i]] - pin[hull[n]]) > 0) { hull.push_back(idcs[i]); ++i; } else { hull.pop_back(); } } } } else { ::Warning("TEveShape::FindConvexHull()", "Polygon reduced to %d points. for '%s'.", N, caller ? caller->GetElementName() : "unknown"); hull.swap(idcs); } // Add hull points into the output vector. N = hull.size(); Int_t Nold = pout.size(); pout.resize(Nold + N); for (Int_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { pout[Nold + i] = pin[hull[i]]; } // Print the hull. // for (Int_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) // { // const TEveVector2 &p = pin[hull[i]]; // printf("%d [%d] (%5.1f, %5.1f) %f\n", i, hull[i], p.fX, p.fY, angles[hull[i]]); // } return N; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks if the first face normal is pointing into the other /// direction as the vector pointing towards the opposite face. /// This assumes standard box vertex arrangement. Bool_t TEveShape::IsBoxOrientationConsistentEv(const TEveVector box[8]) { TEveVector f1 = box[1] - box[0]; TEveVector f2 = box[3] - box[0]; TEveVector up = box[4] - box[0]; return up.Dot(f1.Cross(f2)) < 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks if the first face normal is pointing into the other /// direction as the vector pointing towards the opposite face. /// This assumes standard box vertex arrangement. Bool_t TEveShape::IsBoxOrientationConsistentFv(const Float_t box[8][3]) { TEveVector b0(box[0]); TEveVector f1(box[1]); f1 -= b0; TEveVector f2(box[3]); f2 -= b0; TEveVector up(box[4]); up -= b0; return up.Dot(f1.Cross(f2)) < 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make sure box orientation is consistent with standard arrangement. void TEveShape::CheckAndFixBoxOrientationEv(TEveVector box[8]) { if ( ! IsBoxOrientationConsistentEv(box)) { std::swap(box[1], box[3]); std::swap(box[5], box[7]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make sure box orientation is consistent with standard arrangement. void TEveShape::CheckAndFixBoxOrientationFv(Float_t box[8][3]) { if ( ! IsBoxOrientationConsistentFv(box)) { std::swap(box[1][0], box[3][0]); std::swap(box[1][1], box[3][1]); std::swap(box[1][2], box[3][2]); std::swap(box[5][0], box[7][0]); std::swap(box[5][1], box[7][1]); std::swap(box[5][2], box[7][2]); } }