// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveStraightLineSet.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TEveProjectionManager.h" /** \class TEveStraightLineSet \ingroup TEve Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines. */ ClassImp(TEveStraightLineSet); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveStraightLineSet::TEveStraightLineSet(const char* n, const char* t): TEveElement (), TNamed (n, t), fLinePlex (sizeof(Line_t), 4), fMarkerPlex (sizeof(Marker_t), 8), fOwnLinesIds (kFALSE), fOwnMarkersIds (kFALSE), fRnrMarkers (kTRUE), fRnrLines (kTRUE), fDepthTest (kTRUE), fLastLine (0) { InitMainTrans(); fPickable = kTRUE; fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; fLineColor = 4; fMarkerColor = 2; fMarkerStyle = 20; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a line. TEveStraightLineSet::Line_t* TEveStraightLineSet::AddLine(Float_t x1, Float_t y1, Float_t z1, Float_t x2, Float_t y2, Float_t z2) { fLastLine = new (fLinePlex.NewAtom()) Line_t(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); fLastLine->fId = fLinePlex.Size() - 1; return fLastLine; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a line. TEveStraightLineSet::Line_t* TEveStraightLineSet::AddLine(const TEveVector& p1, const TEveVector& p2) { return AddLine(p1.fX, p1.fY, p1.fZ, p2.fX, p2.fY, p2.fZ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line vertices with given index. void TEveStraightLineSet::SetLine(int idx, Float_t x1, Float_t y1, Float_t z1, Float_t x2, Float_t y2, Float_t z2) { Line_t* l = (Line_t*) fLinePlex.Atom(idx); l->fV1[0] = x1; l->fV1[1] = y1; l->fV1[2] = z1; l->fV2[0] = x2; l->fV2[1] = y2; l->fV2[2] = z2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line vertices with given index. void TEveStraightLineSet::SetLine(int idx, const TEveVector& p1, const TEveVector& p2) { SetLine(idx, p1.fX, p1.fY, p1.fZ, p2.fX, p2.fY, p2.fZ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a marker with given position. TEveStraightLineSet::Marker_t* TEveStraightLineSet::AddMarker(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Int_t line_id) { Marker_t* marker = new (fMarkerPlex.NewAtom()) Marker_t(x, y, z, line_id); return marker; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a marker with given position. TEveStraightLineSet::Marker_t* TEveStraightLineSet::AddMarker(const TEveVector& p, Int_t line_id) { return AddMarker(p.fX, p.fY, p.fZ, line_id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a marker for line with given index on relative position pos. TEveStraightLineSet::Marker_t* TEveStraightLineSet::AddMarker(Int_t line_id, Float_t pos) { Line_t& l = * (Line_t*) fLinePlex.Atom(line_id); return AddMarker(l.fV1[0] + (l.fV2[0] - l.fV1[0])*pos, l.fV1[1] + (l.fV2[1] - l.fV1[1])*pos, l.fV1[2] + (l.fV2[2] - l.fV1[2])*pos, line_id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy visualization parameters from element el. void TEveStraightLineSet::CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el) { const TEveStraightLineSet* m = dynamic_cast(el); if (m) { TAttLine::operator=(*m); TAttMarker::operator=(*m); fRnrMarkers = m->fRnrMarkers; fRnrLines = m->fRnrLines; fDepthTest = m->fDepthTest; } TEveElement::CopyVizParams(el); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write visualization parameters. void TEveStraightLineSet::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var) { TEveElement::WriteVizParams(out, var); TString t = " " + var + "->"; TAttMarker::SaveMarkerAttributes(out, var); TAttLine ::SaveLineAttributes (out, var); out << t << "SetRnrMarkers(" << ToString(fRnrMarkers) << ");\n"; out << t << "SetRnrLines(" << ToString(fRnrLines) << ");\n"; out << t << "SetDepthTest(" << ToString(fDepthTest) << ");\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return class of projected object. /// Virtual from TEveProjectable. TClass* TEveStraightLineSet::ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection*) const { return TEveStraightLineSetProjected::Class(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute bounding-box. /// Virtual from TAttBBox. void TEveStraightLineSet::ComputeBBox() { if (fLinePlex.Size() == 0 && fMarkerPlex.Size() == 0) { BBoxZero(); return; } BBoxInit(); TEveChunkManager::iterator li(fLinePlex); while (li.next()) { BBoxCheckPoint(((Line_t*)li())->fV1); BBoxCheckPoint(((Line_t*)li())->fV2); } TEveChunkManager::iterator mi(fMarkerPlex); while (mi.next()) { BBoxCheckPoint(((Marker_t*)mi())->fV); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint the line-set. void TEveStraightLineSet::Paint(Option_t*) { PaintStandard(this); } /** \class TEveStraightLineSetProjected \ingroup TEve Projected replica of a TEveStraightLineSet. */ ClassImp(TEveStraightLineSetProjected); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveStraightLineSetProjected::TEveStraightLineSetProjected() : TEveStraightLineSet(), TEveProjected () { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set projection manager and model object. void TEveStraightLineSetProjected::SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager* mng, TEveProjectable* model) { TEveProjected::SetProjection(mng, model); CopyVizParams(dynamic_cast(model)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set depth (z-coordinate) of the projected points. void TEveStraightLineSetProjected::SetDepthLocal(Float_t d) { SetDepthCommon(d, this, fBBox); TEveChunkManager::iterator li(fLinePlex); while (li.next()) { TEveStraightLineSet::Line_t& l = * (TEveStraightLineSet::Line_t*) li(); l.fV1[2] = fDepth; l.fV2[2] = fDepth; } TEveChunkManager::iterator mi(fMarkerPlex); while (mi.next()) { Marker_t& m = * (Marker_t*) mi(); m.fV[2] = fDepth; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Callback that actually performs the projection. /// Called when projection parameters have been updated. void TEveStraightLineSetProjected::UpdateProjection() { TEveProjection& proj = * fManager->GetProjection(); TEveStraightLineSet& orig = * dynamic_cast(fProjectable); TEveTrans *trans = orig.PtrMainTrans(kFALSE); BBoxClear(); // Lines Int_t num_lines = orig.GetLinePlex().Size(); if (proj.HasSeveralSubSpaces()) num_lines += TMath::Max(1, num_lines/10); fLinePlex.Reset(sizeof(Line_t), num_lines); TEveVector p1, p2; TEveChunkManager::iterator li(orig.GetLinePlex()); while (li.next()) { Line_t *l = (Line_t*) li(); proj.ProjectPointfv(trans, l->fV1, p1, fDepth); proj.ProjectPointfv(trans, l->fV2, p2, fDepth); if (proj.AcceptSegment(p1, p2, 0.1f)) { AddLine(p1, p2)->fId = l->fId; } else { TEveVector bp1(l->fV1), bp2(l->fV2); if (trans) { trans->MultiplyIP(bp1); trans->MultiplyIP(bp2); } proj.BisectBreakPoint(bp1, bp2, kTRUE, fDepth); AddLine(p1, bp1)->fId = l->fId; AddLine(bp2, p2)->fId = l->fId; } } if (proj.HasSeveralSubSpaces()) fLinePlex.Refit(); // Markers fMarkerPlex.Reset(sizeof(Marker_t), orig.GetMarkerPlex().Size()); TEveChunkManager::iterator mi(orig.GetMarkerPlex()); TEveVector pp; while (mi.next()) { Marker_t &m = * (Marker_t*) mi(); proj.ProjectPointfv(trans, m.fV, pp, fDepth); AddMarker(pp, m.fLineId); } }