// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 14/06/2006 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotPainter #define ROOT_TGLPlotPainter #include #ifndef ROOT_TVirtualGL #include "TVirtualGL.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotBox #include "TGLPlotBox.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TPoint #include "TPoint.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGLUtil #include "TGLUtil.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TNamed #include "TNamed.h" #endif class TGLPlotCoordinates; class TGLPlotCamera; class TGL5DDataSet; class TString; class TColor; class TAxis; class TH1; class TH3; class TF3; /* Box cut. When attached to a plot, cuts away a part of it. Can be moved in a plot's own area in X/Y/Z directions. */ class TGLBoxCut { private: Double_t fXLength; Double_t fYLength; Double_t fZLength; TGLVertex3 fCenter; Rgl::Range_t fXRange; Rgl::Range_t fYRange; Rgl::Range_t fZRange; const TGLPlotBox * const fPlotBox; Bool_t fActive; Double_t fFactor; TPoint fMousePos; public: TGLBoxCut(const TGLPlotBox *plotBox); virtual ~TGLBoxCut(); void TurnOnOff(); Bool_t IsActive()const{return fActive;} void SetActive(Bool_t a); void ResetBoxGeometry(); void SetFactor(Double_t f){fFactor = f;} void DrawBox(Bool_t selectionPass, Int_t selected)const; void StartMovement(Int_t px, Int_t py); void MoveBox(Int_t px, Int_t py, Int_t axisID); Bool_t IsInCut(Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)const; template Bool_t IsInCut(const V * v) const { //Check, if box defined by xmin/xmax etc. is in cut. if (v[0] >= fXRange.first && v[0] < fXRange.second && v[1] >= fYRange.first && v[1] < fYRange.second && v[2] >= fZRange.first && v[2] < fZRange.second) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } Rgl::Range_t GetXRange()const{return fXRange;} Rgl::Range_t GetYRange()const{return fYRange;} Rgl::Range_t GetZRange()const{return fZRange;} private: void AdjustBox(); ClassDef(TGLBoxCut, 0)//Cuts away part of a plot. }; /* 2D contour for TH3 slicing. */ class TGLTH3Slice : public TNamed { public: enum ESliceAxis {kXOZ, kYOZ, kXOY}; private: ESliceAxis fAxisType; const TAxis *fAxis; mutable TGLLevelPalette fPalette; const TGLPlotCoordinates *fCoord; const TGLPlotBox *fBox; Int_t fSliceWidth; const TH3 *fHist; const TF3 *fF3; mutable TGL2DArray fTexCoords; mutable Rgl::Range_t fMinMax; public: TGLTH3Slice(const TString &sliceName, const TH3 *hist, const TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, const TGLPlotBox * box, ESliceAxis axis); TGLTH3Slice(const TString &sliceName, const TH3 *hist, const TF3 *fun, const TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, const TGLPlotBox * box, ESliceAxis axis); void DrawSlice(Double_t pos)const; //SetSliceWidth must have "menu" comment. void SetSliceWidth(Int_t width = 1); // *MENU* void SetMinMax(const Rgl::Range_t &newRange) { fMinMax = newRange; } const TGLLevelPalette & GetPalette()const { return fPalette; } private: void PrepareTexCoords(Double_t pos, Int_t sliceBegin, Int_t sliceEnd)const; void FindMinMax(Int_t sliceBegin, Int_t sliceEnd)const; Bool_t PreparePalette()const; void DrawSliceTextured(Double_t pos)const; void DrawSliceFrame(Int_t low, Int_t up)const; ClassDef(TGLTH3Slice, 0) // TH3 slice }; /* TGLPlotPainter class defines interface to different plot painters. */ class TGLPlotPainter; /* Object of this class, created on stack in DrawPlot member-functions, saves modelview matrix, moves plot to (0; 0; 0), and restores modelview matrix in dtor. */ namespace Rgl { class PlotTranslation { public: PlotTranslation(const TGLPlotPainter *painter); ~PlotTranslation(); private: const TGLPlotPainter *fPainter; }; } class TGLPlotPainter : public TVirtualGLPainter { friend class Rgl::PlotTranslation; private: const TColor *fPadColor; protected: const Float_t *fPhysicalShapeColor; Double_t fPadPhi; Double_t fPadTheta; TH1 *fHist; TAxis *fXAxis; TAxis *fYAxis; TAxis *fZAxis; TGLPlotCoordinates *fCoord; TGLPlotCamera *fCamera; TGLSelectionBuffer fSelection; Bool_t fUpdateSelection; Bool_t fSelectionPass; Int_t fSelectedPart; TPoint fMousePosition; mutable Double_t fXOZSectionPos; mutable Double_t fYOZSectionPos; mutable Double_t fXOYSectionPos; TGLPlotBox fBackBox; TGLBoxCut fBoxCut; std::vector fZLevels; Bool_t fHighColor; enum ESelectionBase{ kHighColorSelectionBase = 7, kTrueColorSelectionBase = 10 }; Int_t fSelectionBase; mutable Bool_t fDrawPalette; Bool_t fDrawAxes; public: /* TGLPlotPainter(TH1 *hist, TGLPlotCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, Int_t context, Bool_t xoySelectable, Bool_t xozSelectable, Bool_t yozSelectable); TGLPlotPainter(TGLPlotCamera *camera, Int_t context);*/ TGLPlotPainter(TH1 *hist, TGLPlotCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, Bool_t xoySelectable, Bool_t xozSelectable, Bool_t yozSelectable); TGLPlotPainter(TGL5DDataSet *data, TGLPlotCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord); TGLPlotPainter(TGLPlotCamera *camera); const TGLPlotBox& RefBackBox() const { return fBackBox; } void SetPhysicalShapeColor(const Float_t *rgba) { fPhysicalShapeColor = rgba; } virtual void InitGL()const = 0; virtual void DeInitGL()const = 0; virtual void DrawPlot()const = 0; virtual void Paint(); //Checks, if mouse cursor is above plot. virtual Bool_t PlotSelected(Int_t px, Int_t py); //Init geometry does plot's specific initialization. virtual Bool_t InitGeometry() = 0; virtual void StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py) = 0; //Pan function is already declared in TVirtualGLPainter. //Add string option, it can be a digit in "lego" or "surf". virtual void AddOption(const TString &stringOption) = 0; //Function to process additional events (key presses, mouse clicks.) virtual void ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) = 0; //Used by GLpad void SetPadColor(const TColor *color); virtual void SetFrameColor(const TColor *frameColor); //Camera is external to painter, if zoom was changed, or camera //was rotated, selection must be invalidated. void InvalidateSelection(); enum ECutAxisID { kXAxis = 7, kYAxis = 8, kZAxis = 9 }; Bool_t CutAxisSelected()const{return !fHighColor && fSelectedPart <= kZAxis && fSelectedPart >= kXAxis;} void SetDrawFrontBox(Bool_t b) {fBackBox.SetDrawFront(b);} void SetDrawBackBox(Bool_t b) {fBackBox.SetDrawBack(b);} void SetDrawAxes(Bool_t s) {fDrawAxes = s;} Bool_t GetDrawAxes() {return fDrawAxes;} protected: const TColor *GetPadColor()const; // void MoveSection(Int_t px, Int_t py); void DrawSections()const; virtual void DrawSectionXOZ()const = 0; virtual void DrawSectionYOZ()const = 0; virtual void DrawSectionXOY()const = 0; virtual void DrawPaletteAxis()const; virtual void ClearBuffers()const; void PrintPlot()const; //Attention! After one of this methods was called, //the GL_MATRIX_MODE could become different from what //you had before the call: for example, SaveModelviewMatrix will //change it to GL_MODELVIEW. void SaveModelviewMatrix()const; void SaveProjectionMatrix()const; void RestoreModelviewMatrix()const; void RestoreProjectionMatrix()const; ClassDef(TGLPlotPainter, 0) //Base for gl plots }; /* Auxiliary class, which holds different information about plot's current coordinate system */ class TH2Poly; class TGLPlotCoordinates { private: EGLCoordType fCoordType; Rgl::BinRange_t fXBins; Rgl::BinRange_t fYBins; Rgl::BinRange_t fZBins; Double_t fXScale; Double_t fYScale; Double_t fZScale; Rgl::Range_t fXRange; Rgl::Range_t fYRange; Rgl::Range_t fZRange; Rgl::Range_t fXRangeScaled; Rgl::Range_t fYRangeScaled; Rgl::Range_t fZRangeScaled; Bool_t fXLog; Bool_t fYLog; Bool_t fZLog; Bool_t fModified; Double_t fFactor; public: TGLPlotCoordinates(); virtual ~TGLPlotCoordinates(); void SetCoordType(EGLCoordType type); EGLCoordType GetCoordType()const; void SetXLog(Bool_t xLog); Bool_t GetXLog()const; void SetYLog(Bool_t yLog); Bool_t GetYLog()const; void SetZLog(Bool_t zLog); Bool_t GetZLog()const; void ResetModified(); Bool_t Modified()const; // Bool_t SetRanges(const TH1 *hist, Bool_t errors = kFALSE, Bool_t zBins = kFALSE); // Bool_t SetRanges(TH2Poly *hist); // Bool_t SetRanges(const TAxis *xAxis, const TAxis *yAxis, const TAxis *zAxis); Int_t GetNXBins()const; Int_t GetNYBins()const; Int_t GetNZBins()const; const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetXBins()const; const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetYBins()const; const Rgl::BinRange_t &GetZBins()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetXRange()const; Double_t GetXLength()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetYRange()const; Double_t GetYLength()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetZRange()const; Double_t GetZLength()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetXRangeScaled()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetYRangeScaled()const; const Rgl::Range_t &GetZRangeScaled()const; Double_t GetXScale()const{return fXScale;} Double_t GetYScale()const{return fYScale;} Double_t GetZScale()const{return fZScale;} Int_t GetFirstXBin()const{return fXBins.first;} Int_t GetLastXBin()const{return fXBins.second;} Int_t GetFirstYBin()const{return fYBins.first;} Int_t GetLastYBin()const{return fYBins.second;} Int_t GetFirstZBin()const{return fZBins.first;} Int_t GetLastZBin()const{return fZBins.second;} Double_t GetFactor()const; private: Bool_t SetRangesPolar(const TH1 *hist); Bool_t SetRangesCylindrical(const TH1 *hist); Bool_t SetRangesSpherical(const TH1 *hist); Bool_t SetRangesCartesian(const TH1 *hist, Bool_t errors = kFALSE, Bool_t zBins = kFALSE); TGLPlotCoordinates(const TGLPlotCoordinates &); TGLPlotCoordinates &operator = (const TGLPlotCoordinates &); ClassDef(TGLPlotCoordinates, 0)//Auxilary class, holds plot dimensions. }; class TGLLevelPalette; namespace Rgl { void DrawPalette(const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const TGLLevelPalette &palette); void DrawPalette(const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const TGLLevelPalette &palette, const std::vector &levels); void DrawPaletteAxis(const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const Range_t &minMax, Bool_t logZ); //Polygonal histogram (TH2Poly) is slightly stretched along x and y. extern const Double_t gH2PolyScaleXY; } #endif