// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 01/04/2005 /* CSGLib - Software Library for Constructive Solid Geometry Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Laurence Bourn This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Please send remarks, questions and bug reports to laurencebourn@hotmail.com */ /** * I've modified some very nice bounding box tree code from * Gino van der Bergen's Free Solid Library below. It's basically * the same code - but I've hacked out the transformation stuff as * I didn't understand it. I've also made it far less elegant! * Laurence Bourn. */ /* SOLID - Software Library for Interference Detection Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Gino van den Bergen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Please send remarks, questions and bug reports to gino@win.tue.nl, or write to: Gino van den Bergen Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands */ /* This file contains compressed version of CSGSolid and SOLID. All stuff is in RootCsg namespace, I used ROOT's own typedefs and math functions, removed resulting triangulation (I use OpenGL's inner implementation), changed names from MT_xxx CSG_xxx to more natural etc. Interface to CSGSolid : ConvertToMesh(to convert TBuffer3D to mesh) BuildUnion BuildIntersection BuildDifference 31.03.05 Timur Pocheptsov. */ #include #include #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "CsgOps.h" namespace RootCsg { const Double_t epsilon = 1e-10; const Double_t epsilon2 = 1e-20; const Double_t infinity = 1e50; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t sign(Double_t x) { return x < 0. ? -1 : x > 0. ? 1 : 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_zero(Double_t x) { return TMath::Abs(x) < epsilon; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_zero2(Double_t x) { return TMath::Abs(x) < epsilon2; } class Tuple2 { protected: Double_t fCo[2]; public: Tuple2(){SetValue(0, 0);} Tuple2(const Double_t *vv){SetValue(vv);} Tuple2(Double_t xx, Double_t yy){SetValue(xx, yy);} Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i){return fCo[i];} const Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i)const{return fCo[i];} Double_t &X(){return fCo[0];} const Double_t &X()const{return fCo[0];} Double_t &Y(){return fCo[1];} const Double_t &Y()const{return fCo[1];} Double_t &U(){return fCo[0];} const Double_t &U()const{return fCo[0];} Double_t &V(){return fCo[1];} const Double_t &V()const{return fCo[1];} Double_t *GetValue(){return fCo;} const Double_t *GetValue()const{return fCo;} void GetValue(Double_t *vv)const{vv[0] = fCo[0]; vv[1] = fCo[1];} void SetValue(const Double_t *vv){fCo[0] = vv[0]; fCo[1] = vv[1];} void SetValue(Double_t xx, Double_t yy){fCo[0] = xx; fCo[1] = yy;} }; Bool_t operator == (const Tuple2 &t1, const Tuple2 &t2) { return t1[0] == t2[0] && t1[1] == t2[1]; } class TVector2 : public Tuple2 { public: TVector2(){} TVector2(const Double_t *v) : Tuple2(v) {} TVector2(Double_t xx, Double_t yy) : Tuple2(xx, yy) {} TVector2 &operator += (const TVector2 &v); TVector2 &operator -= (const TVector2 &v); TVector2 &operator *= (Double_t s); TVector2 &operator /= (Double_t s); Double_t Dot(const TVector2 &v)const; Double_t Length2()const; Double_t Length()const; TVector2 Absolute()const; void Normalize(); TVector2 Normalized()const; void Scale(Double_t x, Double_t y); TVector2 Scaled(Double_t x, Double_t y)const; Bool_t FuzzyZero()const; Double_t Angle(const TVector2 &v)const; TVector2 Cross(const TVector2 &v)const; Double_t Triple(const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2)const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 &TVector2::operator+=(const TVector2 &vv) { fCo[0] += vv[0]; fCo[1] += vv[1]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 &TVector2::operator-=(const TVector2 &vv) { fCo[0] -= vv[0]; fCo[1] -= vv[1]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 &TVector2::operator *= (Double_t s) { fCo[0] *= s; fCo[1] *= s; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 &TVector2::operator /= (Double_t s) { return *this *= 1. / s; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator + (const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2) { return TVector2(v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator - (const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2) { return TVector2(v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator - (const TVector2 &v) { return TVector2(-v[0], -v[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator * (const TVector2 &v, Double_t s) { return TVector2(v[0] * s, v[1] * s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator * (Double_t s, const TVector2 &v) { return v * s; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator / (const TVector2 & v, Double_t s) { return v * (1.0 / s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector2::Dot(const TVector2 &vv)const { return fCo[0] * vv[0] + fCo[1] * vv[1]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector2::Length2()const { return Dot(*this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector2::Length()const { return TMath::Sqrt(Length2()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 TVector2::Absolute()const { return TVector2(TMath::Abs(fCo[0]), TMath::Abs(fCo[1])); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Bool_t TVector2::FuzzyZero()const { return fuzzy_zero2(Length2()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TVector2::Normalize() { *this /= Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 TVector2::Normalized()const { return *this / Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TVector2::Scale(Double_t xx, Double_t yy) { fCo[0] *= xx; fCo[1] *= yy; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 TVector2::Scaled(Double_t xx, Double_t yy)const { return TVector2(fCo[0] * xx, fCo[1] * yy); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector2::Angle(const TVector2 &vv)const { Double_t s = TMath::Sqrt(Length2() * vv.Length2()); return TMath::ACos(Dot(vv) / s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t dot(const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2) { return v1.Dot(v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t length2(const TVector2 &v) { return v.Length2(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t length(const TVector2 &v) { return v.Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_zero(const TVector2 &v) { return v.FuzzyZero(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_equal(const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2) { return fuzzy_zero(v1 - v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t Angle(const TVector2 &v1, const TVector2 &v2) { return v1.Angle(v2); } class TPoint2 : public TVector2 { public: TPoint2(){} TPoint2(const Double_t *v) : TVector2(v){} TPoint2(Double_t x, Double_t y) : TVector2(x, y) {} TPoint2 &operator += (const TVector2 &v); TPoint2 &operator -= (const TVector2 &v); TPoint2 &operator = (const TVector2 &v); Double_t Distance(const TPoint2 &p)const; Double_t Distance2(const TPoint2 &p)const; TPoint2 Lerp(const TPoint2 &p, Double_t t)const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 &TPoint2::operator += (const TVector2 &v) { fCo[0] += v[0]; fCo[1] += v[1]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 &TPoint2::operator-=(const TVector2& v) { fCo[0] -= v[0]; fCo[1] -= v[1]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 &TPoint2::operator=(const TVector2& v) { fCo[0] = v[0]; fCo[1] = v[1]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPoint2::Distance(const TPoint2& p)const { return (p - *this).Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPoint2::Distance2(const TPoint2& p)const { return (p - *this).Length2(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 TPoint2::Lerp(const TPoint2 &p, Double_t t)const { return TPoint2(fCo[0] + (p[0] - fCo[0]) * t, fCo[1] + (p[1] - fCo[1]) * t); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 operator + (const TPoint2 &p, const TVector2 &v) { return TPoint2(p[0] + v[0], p[1] + v[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 operator - (const TPoint2 &p, const TVector2 &v) { return TPoint2(p[0] - v[0], p[1] - v[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector2 operator - (const TPoint2 &p1, const TPoint2 &p2) { return TVector2(p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t distance(const TPoint2 &p1, const TPoint2 &p2) { return p1.Distance(p2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t distance2(const TPoint2 &p1, const TPoint2 &p2) { return p1.Distance2(p2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint2 lerp(const TPoint2 &p1, const TPoint2 &p2, Double_t t) { return p1.Lerp(p2, t); } class Tuple3 { protected: Double_t fCo[3]; public: Tuple3(){SetValue(0, 0, 0);} Tuple3(const Double_t *v){SetValue(v);} Tuple3(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz){SetValue(xx, yy, zz);} Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i){return fCo[i];} const Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i)const{return fCo[i];} Double_t &X(){return fCo[0];} const Double_t &X()const{return fCo[0];} Double_t &Y(){return fCo[1];} const Double_t &Y()const{return fCo[1];} Double_t &Z(){return fCo[2];} const Double_t &Z()const{return fCo[2];} Double_t *GetValue(){return fCo;} const Double_t *GetValue()const{ return fCo; } void GetValue(Double_t *v)const { v[0] = Double_t(fCo[0]), v[1] = Double_t(fCo[1]), v[2] = Double_t(fCo[2]); } void SetValue(const Double_t *v) { fCo[0] = Double_t(v[0]), fCo[1] = Double_t(v[1]), fCo[2] = Double_t(v[2]); } void SetValue(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz) { fCo[0] = xx; fCo[1] = yy; fCo[2] = zz; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t operator==(const Tuple3& t1, const Tuple3& t2) { return t1[0] == t2[0] && t1[1] == t2[1] && t1[2] == t2[2]; } class TVector3 : public Tuple3 { public: TVector3(){} TVector3(const Double_t *v) : Tuple3(v){} TVector3(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz) : Tuple3(xx, yy, zz){} TVector3 &operator += (const TVector3& v); TVector3 &operator -= (const TVector3& v); TVector3 &operator *= (Double_t s); TVector3 &operator /= (Double_t s); Double_t Dot(const TVector3& v)const; Double_t Length2()const; Double_t Length()const; TVector3 Absolute()const; void NoiseGate(Double_t threshold); void Normalize(); TVector3 Normalized()const; TVector3 SafeNormalized()const; void Scale(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z); TVector3 Scaled(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)const; Bool_t FuzzyZero()const; Double_t Angle(const TVector3 &v)const; TVector3 Cross(const TVector3 &v)const; Double_t Triple(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2)const; Int_t ClosestAxis()const; static TVector3 Random(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 &TVector3::operator += (const TVector3 &v) { fCo[0] += v[0]; fCo[1] += v[1]; fCo[2] += v[2]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 &TVector3::operator -= (const TVector3 &v) { fCo[0] -= v[0]; fCo[1] -= v[1]; fCo[2] -= v[2]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 &TVector3::operator *= (Double_t s) { fCo[0] *= s; fCo[1] *= s; fCo[2] *= s; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 &TVector3::operator /= (Double_t s) { return *this *= Double_t(1.0) / s; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector3::Dot(const TVector3 &v)const { return fCo[0] * v[0] + fCo[1] * v[1] + fCo[2] * v[2]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector3::Length2()const { return Dot(*this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector3::Length()const { return TMath::Sqrt(Length2()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TVector3::Absolute()const { return TVector3(TMath::Abs(fCo[0]), TMath::Abs(fCo[1]), TMath::Abs(fCo[2])); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Bool_t TVector3::FuzzyZero()const { return fuzzy_zero(Length2()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TVector3::NoiseGate(Double_t threshold) { if (Length2() < threshold) SetValue(0., 0., 0.); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TVector3::Normalize() { *this /= Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator * (const TVector3 &v, Double_t s) { return TVector3(v[0] * s, v[1] * s, v[2] * s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator / (const TVector3 &v, Double_t s) { return v * (1. / s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TVector3::Normalized()const { return *this / Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TVector3::SafeNormalized()const { Double_t len = Length(); return fuzzy_zero(len) ? TVector3(1., 0., 0.):*this / len; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TVector3::Scale(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz) { fCo[0] *= xx; fCo[1] *= yy; fCo[2] *= zz; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TVector3::Scaled(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz)const { return TVector3(fCo[0] * xx, fCo[1] * yy, fCo[2] * zz); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector3::Angle(const TVector3 &v)const { Double_t s = TMath::Sqrt(Length2() * v.Length2()); return TMath::ACos(Dot(v) / s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TVector3::Cross(const TVector3 &v)const { return TVector3(fCo[1] * v[2] - fCo[2] * v[1], fCo[2] * v[0] - fCo[0] * v[2], fCo[0] * v[1] - fCo[1] * v[0]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TVector3::Triple(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2)const { return fCo[0] * (v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]) + fCo[1] * (v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]) + fCo[2] * (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Int_t TVector3::ClosestAxis()const { TVector3 a = Absolute(); return a[0] < a[1] ? (a[1] < a[2] ? 2 : 1) : (a[0] < a[2] ? 2 : 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator + (const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return TVector3(v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1], v1[2] + v2[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator - (const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return TVector3(v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1], v1[2] - v2[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator - (const TVector3 &v) { return TVector3(-v[0], -v[1], -v[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator * (Double_t s, const TVector3 &v) { return v * s; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator * (const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return TVector3(v1[0] * v2[0], v1[1] * v2[1], v1[2] * v2[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t dot(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return v1.Dot(v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t length2(const TVector3 &v) { return v.Length2(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t length(const TVector3 &v) { return v.Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_zero(const TVector3 &v) { return v.FuzzyZero(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t fuzzy_equal(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return fuzzy_zero(v1 - v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t Angle(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return v1.Angle(v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 cross(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2) { return v1.Cross(v2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t triple(const TVector3 &v1, const TVector3 &v2, const TVector3 &v3) { return v1.Triple(v2, v3); } class TPoint3 : public TVector3 { public: TPoint3(){} TPoint3(const Double_t *v) : TVector3(v) {} TPoint3(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz) : TVector3(xx, yy, zz) {} TPoint3 &operator += (const TVector3 &v); TPoint3 &operator -= (const TVector3 &v); TPoint3 &operator = (const TVector3 &v); Double_t Distance(const TPoint3 &p)const; Double_t Distance2(const TPoint3 &p)const; TPoint3 Lerp(const TPoint3 &p, Double_t t)const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint3 &TPoint3::operator += (const TVector3 &v) { fCo[0] += v[0]; fCo[1] += v[1]; fCo[2] += v[2]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint3 &TPoint3::operator-=(const TVector3 &v) { fCo[0] -= v[0]; fCo[1] -= v[1]; fCo[2] -= v[2]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint3 &TPoint3::operator=(const TVector3 &v) { fCo[0] = v[0]; fCo[1] = v[1]; fCo[2] = v[2]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPoint3::Distance(const TPoint3 &p)const { return (p - *this).Length(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPoint3::Distance2(const TPoint3 &p)const { return (p - *this).Length2(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPoint3 TPoint3::Lerp(const TPoint3 &p, Double_t t)const { return TPoint3(fCo[0] + (p[0] - fCo[0]) * t, fCo[1] + (p[1] - fCo[1]) * t, fCo[2] + (p[2] - fCo[2]) * t); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPoint3 operator + (const TPoint3 &p, const TVector3 &v) { return TPoint3(p[0] + v[0], p[1] + v[1], p[2] + v[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPoint3 operator - (const TPoint3 &p, const TVector3 &v) { return TPoint3(p[0] - v[0], p[1] - v[1], p[2] - v[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator - (const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2) { return TVector3(p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1], p1[2] - p2[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t distance(const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2) { return p1.Distance(p2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t distance2(const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2) { return p1.Distance2(p2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPoint3 lerp(const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2, Double_t t) { return p1.Lerp(p2, t); } class Tuple4 { protected: Double_t fCo[4]; public: Tuple4(){SetValue(0, 0, 0, 0);} Tuple4(const Double_t *v){SetValue(v);} Tuple4(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz, Double_t ww) { SetValue(xx, yy, zz, ww); } Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i){return fCo[i];} const Double_t &operator [] (Int_t i)const{return fCo[i];} Double_t &X(){return fCo[0];} const Double_t &X()const{return fCo[0];} Double_t &Y(){return fCo[1];} const Double_t &Y()const{return fCo[1];} Double_t &Z(){return fCo[2];} const Double_t &Z()const{return fCo[2];} Double_t &W(){return fCo[3];} const Double_t &W()const{return fCo[3];} Double_t *GetValue(){return fCo;} const Double_t *GetValue()const{return fCo;} void GetValue(Double_t *v)const { v[0] = fCo[0]; v[1] = fCo[1]; v[2] = fCo[2]; v[3] = fCo[3]; } void SetValue(const Double_t *v) { fCo[0] = v[0]; fCo[1] = v[1]; fCo[2] = v[2]; fCo[3] = v[3]; } void SetValue(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, Double_t zz, Double_t ww) { fCo[0] = xx; fCo[1] = yy; fCo[2] = zz; fCo[3] = ww; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t operator == (const Tuple4 &t1, const Tuple4 &t2) { return t1[0] == t2[0] && t1[1] == t2[1] && t1[2] == t2[2] && t1[3] == t2[3]; } class TMatrix3x3 { protected: TVector3 fEl[3]; public: TMatrix3x3(){} TMatrix3x3(const Double_t *m){SetValue(m);} TMatrix3x3(const TVector3 &euler){SetEuler(euler);} TMatrix3x3(const TVector3 &euler, const TVector3 &s) { SetEuler(euler); Scale(s[0], s[1], s[2]); } TMatrix3x3(Double_t xx, Double_t xy, Double_t xz, Double_t yx, Double_t yy, Double_t yz, Double_t zx, Double_t zy, Double_t zz) { SetValue(xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz); } TVector3 &operator [] (Int_t i){return fEl[i];} const TVector3 &operator [] (Int_t i)const{return fEl[i];} void SetValue(const Double_t *m) { fEl[0][0] = *m++; fEl[1][0] = *m++; fEl[2][0] = *m++; m++; fEl[0][1] = *m++; fEl[1][1] = *m++; fEl[2][1] = *m++; m++; fEl[0][2] = *m++; fEl[1][2] = *m++; fEl[2][2] = *m; } void SetValue(Double_t xx, Double_t xy, Double_t xz, Double_t yx, Double_t yy, Double_t yz, Double_t zx, Double_t zy, Double_t zz) { fEl[0][0] = xx; fEl[0][1] = xy; fEl[0][2] = xz; fEl[1][0] = yx; fEl[1][1] = yy; fEl[1][2] = yz; fEl[2][0] = zx; fEl[2][1] = zy; fEl[2][2] = zz; } void SetEuler(const TVector3 &euler) { Double_t ci = TMath::Cos(euler[0]); Double_t cj = TMath::Cos(euler[1]); Double_t ch = TMath::Cos(euler[2]); Double_t si = TMath::Sin(euler[0]); Double_t sj = TMath::Sin(euler[1]); Double_t sh = TMath::Sin(euler[2]); Double_t cc = ci * ch; Double_t cs = ci * sh; Double_t sc = si * ch; Double_t ss = si * sh; SetValue(cj * ch, sj * sc - cs, sj * cc + ss, cj * sh, sj * ss + cc, sj * cs - sc, -sj, cj * si, cj * ci); } void Scale(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { fEl[0][0] *= x; fEl[0][1] *= y; fEl[0][2] *= z; fEl[1][0] *= x; fEl[1][1] *= y; fEl[1][2] *= z; fEl[2][0] *= x; fEl[2][1] *= y; fEl[2][2] *= z; } TMatrix3x3 Scaled(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)const { return TMatrix3x3(fEl[0][0] * x, fEl[0][1] * y, fEl[0][2] * z, fEl[1][0] * x, fEl[1][1] * y, fEl[1][2] * z, fEl[2][0] * x, fEl[2][1] * y, fEl[2][2] * z); } void SetIdentity() { SetValue(1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.); } void GetValue(Double_t *m)const { *m++ = fEl[0][0]; *m++ = fEl[1][0]; *m++ = fEl[2][0]; *m++ = 0.0; *m++ = fEl[0][1]; *m++ = fEl[1][1]; *m++ = fEl[2][1]; *m++ = 0.0; *m++ = fEl[0][2]; *m++ = fEl[1][2]; *m++ = fEl[2][2]; *m = 0.0; } TMatrix3x3 &operator *= (const TMatrix3x3 &m); Double_t Tdot(Int_t c, const TVector3 &v)const { return fEl[0][c] * v[0] + fEl[1][c] * v[1] + fEl[2][c] * v[2]; } Double_t Cofac(Int_t r1, Int_t c1, Int_t r2, Int_t c2)const { return fEl[r1][c1] * fEl[r2][c2] - fEl[r1][c2] * fEl[r2][c1]; } Double_t Determinant()const; TMatrix3x3 Adjoint()const; TMatrix3x3 Absolute()const; TMatrix3x3 Transposed()const; void Transpose(); TMatrix3x3 Inverse()const; void Invert(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TMatrix3x3 &TMatrix3x3::operator *= (const TMatrix3x3 &m) { SetValue(m.Tdot(0, fEl[0]), m.Tdot(1, fEl[0]), m.Tdot(2, fEl[0]), m.Tdot(0, fEl[1]), m.Tdot(1, fEl[1]), m.Tdot(2, fEl[1]), m.Tdot(0, fEl[2]), m.Tdot(1, fEl[2]), m.Tdot(2, fEl[2])); return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TMatrix3x3::Determinant()const { return triple((*this)[0], (*this)[1], (*this)[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TMatrix3x3 TMatrix3x3::Absolute()const { return TMatrix3x3(TMath::Abs(fEl[0][0]), TMath::Abs(fEl[0][1]), TMath::Abs(fEl[0][2]), TMath::Abs(fEl[1][0]), TMath::Abs(fEl[1][1]), TMath::Abs(fEl[1][2]), TMath::Abs(fEl[2][0]), TMath::Abs(fEl[2][1]), TMath::Abs(fEl[2][2])); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TMatrix3x3 TMatrix3x3::Transposed()const { return TMatrix3x3(fEl[0][0], fEl[1][0], fEl[2][0], fEl[0][1], fEl[1][1], fEl[2][1], fEl[0][2], fEl[1][2], fEl[2][2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TMatrix3x3::Transpose() { *this = Transposed(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TMatrix3x3 TMatrix3x3::Adjoint()const { return TMatrix3x3(Cofac(1, 1, 2, 2), Cofac(0, 2, 2, 1), Cofac(0, 1, 1, 2), Cofac(1, 2, 2, 0), Cofac(0, 0, 2, 2), Cofac(0, 2, 1, 0), Cofac(1, 0, 2, 1), Cofac(0, 1, 2, 0), Cofac(0, 0, 1, 1)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TMatrix3x3 TMatrix3x3::Inverse()const { TVector3 co(Cofac(1, 1, 2, 2), Cofac(1, 2, 2, 0), Cofac(1, 0, 2, 1)); Double_t det = dot((*this)[0], co); Double_t s = 1. / det; return TMatrix3x3(co[0] * s, Cofac(0, 2, 2, 1) * s, Cofac(0, 1, 1, 2) * s, co[1] * s, Cofac(0, 0, 2, 2) * s, Cofac(0, 2, 1, 0) * s, co[2] * s, Cofac(0, 1, 2, 0) * s, Cofac(0, 0, 1, 1) * s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TMatrix3x3::Invert() { *this = Inverse(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator * (const TMatrix3x3& m, const TVector3& v) { return TVector3(dot(m[0], v), dot(m[1], v), dot(m[2], v)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 operator * (const TVector3& v, const TMatrix3x3& m) { return TVector3(m.Tdot(0, v), m.Tdot(1, v), m.Tdot(2, v)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TMatrix3x3 operator * (const TMatrix3x3 &m1, const TMatrix3x3 &m2) { return TMatrix3x3(m2.Tdot(0, m1[0]), m2.Tdot(1, m1[0]), m2.Tdot(2, m1[0]), m2.Tdot(0, m1[1]), m2.Tdot(1, m1[1]), m2.Tdot(2, m1[1]), m2.Tdot(0, m1[2]), m2.Tdot(1, m1[2]), m2.Tdot(2, m1[2])); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TMatrix3x3 mmult_transpose_left(const TMatrix3x3 &m1, const TMatrix3x3 &m2) { return TMatrix3x3(m1[0][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[1][0] * m2[1][0] + m1[2][0] * m2[2][0], m1[0][0] * m2[0][1] + m1[1][0] * m2[1][1] + m1[2][0] * m2[2][1], m1[0][0] * m2[0][2] + m1[1][0] * m2[1][2] + m1[2][0] * m2[2][2], m1[0][1] * m2[0][0] + m1[1][1] * m2[1][0] + m1[2][1] * m2[2][0], m1[0][1] * m2[0][1] + m1[1][1] * m2[1][1] + m1[2][1] * m2[2][1], m1[0][1] * m2[0][2] + m1[1][1] * m2[1][2] + m1[2][1] * m2[2][2], m1[0][2] * m2[0][0] + m1[1][2] * m2[1][0] + m1[2][2] * m2[2][0], m1[0][2] * m2[0][1] + m1[1][2] * m2[1][1] + m1[2][2] * m2[2][1], m1[0][2] * m2[0][2] + m1[1][2] * m2[1][2] + m1[2][2] * m2[2][2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TMatrix3x3 mmult_transpose_right(const TMatrix3x3& m1, const TMatrix3x3& m2) { return TMatrix3x3(m1[0].Dot(m2[0]), m1[0].Dot(m2[1]), m1[0].Dot(m2[2]), m1[1].Dot(m2[0]), m1[1].Dot(m2[1]), m1[1].Dot(m2[2]), m1[2].Dot(m2[0]), m1[2].Dot(m2[1]), m1[2].Dot(m2[2])); } class TLine3 { private : Bool_t fBounds[2]; Double_t fParams[2]; TPoint3 fOrigin; TVector3 fDir; public : TLine3(); TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2); TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TVector3 &v); TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TVector3 &v, Bool_t bound1, Bool_t bound2); static TLine3 InfiniteRay(const TPoint3 &p1, const TVector3 &v); const TVector3 &Direction()const {return fDir;} const TPoint3 &Origin()const{ return fOrigin;} Bool_t Bounds(Int_t i)const { return (i == 0 ? fBounds[0] : fBounds[1]); } Bool_t &Bounds(Int_t i) { return (i == 0 ? fBounds[0] : fBounds[1]); } const Double_t &Param(Int_t i)const { return (i == 0 ? fParams[0] : fParams[1]); } Double_t &Param(Int_t i) { return (i == 0 ? fParams[0] : fParams[1]); } TVector3 UnboundSmallestVector(const TPoint3 &point)const { TVector3 diff(fOrigin - point); return diff - fDir * diff.Dot(fDir); } Double_t UnboundClosestParameter(const TPoint3 &point)const { TVector3 diff(fOrigin-point); return diff.Dot(fDir); } Double_t UnboundDistance(const TPoint3& point)const { return UnboundSmallestVector(point).Length(); } Bool_t IsParameterOnLine(const Double_t &t) const { return ((fParams[0] - epsilon < t) || (!fBounds[0])) && ((fParams[1] > t + epsilon) || (!fBounds[1])); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TLine3::TLine3() : fOrigin(0,0,0), fDir(1,0,0) { fBounds[0] = kFALSE; fBounds[1] = kFALSE; fParams[0] = 0; fParams[1] = 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TLine3::TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TPoint3 &p2) : fOrigin(p1), fDir(p2-p1) { fBounds[0] = kTRUE; fBounds[1] = kTRUE; fParams[0] = 0; fParams[1] = 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TLine3::TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TVector3 &v): fOrigin(p1), fDir(v) { fBounds[0] = kFALSE; fBounds[1] = kFALSE; fParams[0] = 0; fParams[1] = 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TLine3::TLine3(const TPoint3 &p1, const TVector3 &v, Bool_t bound1, Bool_t bound2) : fOrigin(p1), fDir(v) { fBounds[0] = bound1; fBounds[1] = bound2; fParams[0] = 0; fParams[1] = 1; } class TPlane3 : public Tuple4 { public : TPlane3(const TVector3 &a, const TVector3 &b, const TVector3 &c); TPlane3(const TVector3 &n, const TVector3 &p); TPlane3(); TPlane3(const TPlane3 & p):Tuple4(p){} TVector3 Normal()const; Double_t Scalar()const; void Invert(); Double_t SignedDistance(const TVector3 &)const; TPlane3 &operator = (const TPlane3 & rhs); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPlane3::TPlane3(const TVector3 &a, const TVector3 &b, const TVector3 &c) { TVector3 l1 = b-a; TVector3 l2 = c-b; TVector3 n = l1.Cross(l2); n = n.SafeNormalized(); Double_t d = n.Dot(a); fCo[0] = n.X(); fCo[1] = n.Y(); fCo[2] = n.Z(); fCo[3] = -d; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPlane3::TPlane3(const TVector3 &n, const TVector3 &p) { TVector3 mn = n.SafeNormalized(); Double_t md = mn.Dot(p); fCo[0] = mn.X(); fCo[1] = mn.Y(); fCo[2] = mn.Z(); fCo[3] = -md; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPlane3::TPlane3() : Tuple4() { fCo[0] = 1.; fCo[1] = 0.; fCo[2] = 0.; fCo[3] = 0.; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TVector3 TPlane3::Normal()const { return TVector3(fCo[0],fCo[1],fCo[2]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPlane3::Scalar()const { return fCo[3]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void TPlane3::Invert() { fCo[0] = -fCo[0]; fCo[1] = -fCo[1]; fCo[2] = -fCo[2]; fCo[3] = -fCo[3]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPlane3 &TPlane3::operator = (const TPlane3 &rhs) { fCo[0] = rhs.fCo[0]; fCo[1] = rhs.fCo[1]; fCo[2] = rhs.fCo[2]; fCo[3] = rhs.fCo[3]; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Double_t TPlane3::SignedDistance(const TVector3 &v)const { return Normal().Dot(v) + fCo[3]; } class TBBox { friend Bool_t intersect(const TBBox &a, const TBBox &b); private: TPoint3 fCenter; TVector3 fExtent; public: TBBox(){} TBBox(const TPoint3 &mini, const TPoint3 &maxi){SetValue(mini,maxi);} const TPoint3 &Center()const{return fCenter;} const TVector3 &Extent()const{return fExtent;} TPoint3 &Center(){return fCenter;} TVector3 &Extent(){return fExtent;} void SetValue(const TPoint3 &mini,const TPoint3 &maxi) { fExtent = (maxi - mini) / 2; fCenter = mini + fExtent; } void Enclose(const TBBox &a, const TBBox &b) { TPoint3 lower( TMath::Min(a.Lower(0), b.Lower(0)), TMath::Min(a.Lower(1), b.Lower(1)), TMath::Min(a.Lower(2), b.Lower(2)) ); TPoint3 upper( TMath::Max(a.Upper(0), b.Upper(0)), TMath::Max(a.Upper(1), b.Upper(1)), TMath::Max(a.Upper(2), b.Upper(2)) ); SetValue(lower, upper); } void SetEmpty() { fCenter.SetValue(0., 0., 0.); fExtent.SetValue(-infinity, -infinity, -infinity); } void Include(const TPoint3 &p) { TPoint3 lower( TMath::Min(Lower(0), p[0]), TMath::Min(Lower(1), p[1]), TMath::Min(Lower(2), p[2]) ); TPoint3 upper( TMath::Max(Upper(0), p[0]), TMath::Max(Upper(1), p[1]), TMath::Max(Upper(2), p[2]) ); SetValue(lower, upper); } void Include(const TBBox &b) { Enclose(*this, b); } Double_t Lower(Int_t i)const { return fCenter[i] - fExtent[i]; } Double_t Upper(Int_t i)const { return fCenter[i] + fExtent[i]; } TPoint3 Lower()const { return fCenter - fExtent; } TPoint3 Upper()const { return fCenter + fExtent; } Double_t Size()const { return TMath::Max(TMath::Max(fExtent[0], fExtent[1]), fExtent[2]); } Int_t LongestAxis()const { return fExtent.ClosestAxis(); } Bool_t IntersectXRay(const TPoint3 &xBase)const { if (xBase[0] <= Upper(0)) { if (xBase[1] <= Upper(1) && xBase[1] >= Lower(1)) { if (xBase[2] <= Upper(2) && xBase[2] >= Lower(2)) {return kTRUE;} } } return kFALSE; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t intersect(const TBBox &a, const TBBox &b) { return TMath::Abs(a.fCenter[0] - b.fCenter[0]) <= a.fExtent[0] + b.fExtent[0] && TMath::Abs(a.fCenter[1] - b.fCenter[1]) <= a.fExtent[1] + b.fExtent[1] && TMath::Abs(a.fCenter[2] - b.fCenter[2]) <= a.fExtent[2] + b.fExtent[2]; } class TBBoxNode { public: enum ETagType {kLeaf, kInternal}; TBBox fBBox; ETagType fTag; }; class TBBoxLeaf : public TBBoxNode { public: Int_t fPolyIndex; TBBoxLeaf() : fPolyIndex(0) {} TBBoxLeaf(Int_t polyIndex, const TBBox &bbox) : fPolyIndex(polyIndex) { fBBox = bbox; fTag = kLeaf; } }; typedef TBBoxLeaf *LeafPtr_t; typedef TBBoxNode *NodePtr_t; class TBBoxInternal : public TBBoxNode { public: NodePtr_t fLeftSon; NodePtr_t fRightSon; TBBoxInternal() : fLeftSon(0) ,fRightSon(0) {} TBBoxInternal(Int_t n, LeafPtr_t leafIt); }; typedef TBBoxInternal* InternalPtr_t; class TBBoxTree { private: Int_t fBranch; LeafPtr_t fLeaves; InternalPtr_t fInternals; Int_t fNumLeaves; public : TBBoxTree() : fBranch(0), fLeaves(0), fInternals(0), fNumLeaves(0) {} NodePtr_t RootNode()const{return fInternals;} ~TBBoxTree() { delete[] fLeaves; delete[] fInternals; } void BuildTree(LeafPtr_t leaves, Int_t numLeaves); private : void RecursiveTreeBuild(Int_t n, LeafPtr_t leafIt); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TBBoxInternal::TBBoxInternal(Int_t n, LeafPtr_t leafIt) : fLeftSon(0) ,fRightSon(0) { fTag = kInternal; fBBox.SetEmpty(); for (Int_t i=0;i= 2) { aBBox.fRightSon = fInternals + fBranch; RecursiveTreeBuild(mid,leafIt); } else { aBBox.fRightSon = leafIt; } if (n - mid >= 2) { aBBox.fLeftSon = fInternals + fBranch; RecursiveTreeBuild(n - mid, leafIt + mid); } else { aBBox.fLeftSon = leafIt + mid; } } class TBlenderVProp { private: Int_t fVertexIndex; public: TBlenderVProp(Int_t vIndex) : fVertexIndex(vIndex){} TBlenderVProp(Int_t vIndex, const TBlenderVProp &, const TBlenderVProp &, const Double_t &) { fVertexIndex = vIndex; } TBlenderVProp() : fVertexIndex(-1){} operator Int_t()const { return fVertexIndex; } TBlenderVProp &operator = (Int_t i) { fVertexIndex = i; return *this; } }; template class TPolygonGeometry { public: typedef typename TMesh::Polygon TPolygon; private: const TMesh &fMesh; const TPolygon &fPoly; public: TPolygonGeometry(const TMesh &mesh, Int_t pIndex) : fMesh(mesh), fPoly(mesh.Polys()[pIndex]) {} TPolygonGeometry(const TMesh &mesh, const TPolygon &poly) : fMesh(mesh), fPoly(poly) {} const TPoint3 &operator [] (Int_t i)const { return fMesh.Verts()[fPoly[i]].Pos(); } Int_t Size()const { return fPoly.Size(); } private: TPolygonGeometry(const TPolygonGeometry &); TPolygonGeometry& operator = (TPolygonGeometry &); }; template class TMesh : public TBaseMesh { public: typedef std::vector VLIST; typedef std::vector PLIST; typedef TPolygon Polygon; typedef TVertex Vertex; typedef TPolygonGeometry TGBinder; private: VLIST fVerts; PLIST fPolys; public: VLIST &Verts(){return fVerts;} const VLIST &Verts()const{return fVerts;} PLIST &Polys(){return fPolys;} const PLIST &Polys()const{return fPolys;} //TBaseMesh's final-overriders UInt_t NumberOfPolys()const{return fPolys.size();} UInt_t NumberOfVertices()const{return fVerts.size();} UInt_t SizeOfPoly(UInt_t polyIndex)const{return fPolys[polyIndex].Size();} const Double_t *GetVertex(UInt_t vertexNum)const{return fVerts[vertexNum].GetValue();} Int_t GetVertexIndex(UInt_t polyNum, UInt_t vertexNum)const { return fPolys[polyNum][vertexNum]; } }; const Int_t cofacTable[3][2] = {{1,2}, {0,2}, {0,1}}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t intersect(const TPlane3 &p1, const TPlane3 &p2, TLine3 &output) { TMatrix3x3 mat; mat[0] = p1.Normal(); mat[1] = p2.Normal(); mat[2] = mat[0].Cross(mat[1]); if (mat[2].FuzzyZero()) return kFALSE; TVector3 aPoint(-p1.Scalar(),-p2.Scalar(),0); output = TLine3(TPoint3(0., 0., 0.) + mat.Inverse() * aPoint ,mat[2]); return kTRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t intersect_2d_no_bounds_check(const TLine3 &l1, const TLine3 &l2, Int_t majAxis, Double_t &l1Param, Double_t &l2Param) { Int_t ind1 = cofacTable[majAxis][0]; Int_t ind2 = cofacTable[majAxis][1]; Double_t zX = l2.Origin()[ind1] - l1.Origin()[ind1]; Double_t zY = l2.Origin()[ind2] - l1.Origin()[ind2]; Double_t det = l1.Direction()[ind1]*l2.Direction()[ind2] - l2.Direction()[ind1]*l1.Direction()[ind2]; if (fuzzy_zero(det)) return kFALSE; l1Param = (l2.Direction()[ind2] * zX - l2.Direction()[ind1] * zY)/det; l2Param = -(-l1.Direction()[ind2] * zX + l1.Direction()[ind1] * zY)/det; return kTRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t intersect_2d_bounds_check(const TLine3 &l1, const TLine3 &l2, Int_t majAxis, Double_t &l1Param, Double_t &l2Param) { Bool_t isect = intersect_2d_no_bounds_check(l1, l2, majAxis, l1Param, l2Param); if (!isect) return kFALSE; return l1.IsParameterOnLine(l1Param) && l2.IsParameterOnLine(l2Param); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t compute_classification(const Double_t &distance, const Double_t &epsil) { if (TMath::Abs(distance) < epsil) return 0; else return distance < 0 ? 1 : 2; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Bool_t intersect_poly_with_line_2d(const TLine3 &l, const TGBinder &p1, const TPlane3 &plane, Double_t &a, Double_t &b) { Int_t majAxis = plane.Normal().ClosestAxis(); Int_t lastInd = p1.Size()-1; b = (-infinity); a = (infinity); Double_t isectParam(0.), isectParam2(0.); Int_t i; Int_t j = lastInd; Int_t isectsFound(0); for (i=0;i<=lastInd; j=i,i++ ) { TLine3 testLine(p1[j],p1[i]); if (intersect_2d_bounds_check(l, testLine, majAxis, isectParam, isectParam2)) { ++isectsFound; b = TMath::Max(isectParam, b); a = TMath::Min(isectParam, a); } } return (isectsFound > 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Bool_t instersect_poly_with_line_3d(const TLine3 &l, const TGBinder &p1, const TPlane3 &plane, Double_t &a) { Double_t determinant = l.Direction().Dot(plane.Normal()); if (fuzzy_zero(determinant)) return kFALSE; a = -plane.Scalar() - plane.Normal().Dot(l.Origin()); a /= determinant; if (a <= 0 ) return kFALSE; if (!l.IsParameterOnLine(a)) return kFALSE; TPoint3 pointOnPlane = l.Origin() + l.Direction() * a; return point_in_polygon_test_3d(p1, plane, l.Origin(), pointOnPlane); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Bool_t point_in_polygon_test_3d(const TGBinder& p1, const TPlane3& plane, const TPoint3& origin, const TPoint3 &pointOnPlane) { Bool_t discardSign = plane.SignedDistance(origin) < 0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE; const Int_t polySize = p1.Size(); TPoint3 lastPoint = p1[polySize-1]; for (Int_t i=0;i TPoint3 polygon_mid_point(const TGBinder &p1) { TPoint3 midPoint(0., 0., 0.); Int_t i; for (i=0; i < p1.Size(); i++) midPoint += p1[i]; return TPoint3(midPoint[0] / i, midPoint[1] / i, midPoint[2] / i); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Int_t which_side(const TGBinder &p1, const TPlane3 &plane1) { Int_t output = 0; Int_t i; for (i=0; i TLine3 polygon_mid_point_ray(const TGBinder &p1, const TPlane3 &plane) { return TLine3(polygon_mid_point(p1),plane.Normal(),kTRUE,kFALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TPlane3 compute_plane(const TGBinder &poly) { TPoint3 plast(poly[poly.Size()-1]); TPoint3 pivot; TVector3 edge; Int_t j; for (j = 0; j < poly.Size(); j++) { pivot = poly[j]; edge = pivot - plast; if (!edge.FuzzyZero()) break; } for (; j < poly.Size(); j++) { TVector3 v2 = poly[j] - pivot; TVector3 v3 = edge.Cross(v2); if (!v3.FuzzyZero()) return TPlane3(v3,pivot); } return TPlane3(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TBBox fit_bbox(const TGBinder &p1) { TBBox bbox; bbox.SetEmpty(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < p1.Size(); ++i) bbox.Include(p1[i]); return bbox; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Bool_t intersect_polygons (const TGBinderA &p1, const TGBinderB &p2, const TPlane3 &plane1, const TPlane3 &plane2) { TLine3 intersectLine; if (!intersect(plane1, plane2, intersectLine)) return kFALSE; Double_t p1A, p1B; Double_t p2A, p2B; if ( !intersect_poly_with_line_2d(intersectLine,p1,plane1,p1A,p1B) || !intersect_poly_with_line_2d(intersectLine,p2,plane2,p2A,p2B)) { return kFALSE; } Double_t maxOMin = TMath::Max(p1A,p2A); Double_t minOMax = TMath::Min(p1B,p2B); return (maxOMin <= minOMax); } template class TSplitFunction { private: TMesh &fMesh; TSplitFunctionBinder &fFunctionBinder; public: TSplitFunction(TMesh &mesh, TSplitFunctionBinder &functionBindor) : fMesh(mesh), fFunctionBinder(functionBindor) {} void SplitPolygon(const Int_t p1Index, const TPlane3 &plane, Int_t &inPiece, Int_t &outPiece, const Double_t onEpsilon) { const typename TMesh::Polygon &p = fMesh.Polys()[p1Index]; typename TMesh::Polygon inP(p),outP(p); inP.Verts().clear(); outP.Verts().clear(); fFunctionBinder.DisconnectPolygon(p1Index); Int_t lastIndex = p.Verts().back(); TPoint3 lastVertex = fMesh.Verts()[lastIndex].Pos(); Int_t lastClassification = compute_classification(plane.SignedDistance(lastVertex),onEpsilon); Int_t totalClassification(lastClassification); Int_t i; Int_t j=p.Size()-1; for (i = 0; i < p.Size(); j = i, ++i) { Int_t newIndex = p[i]; TPoint3 aVertex = fMesh.Verts()[newIndex].Pos(); Int_t newClassification = compute_classification(plane.SignedDistance(aVertex),onEpsilon); if ((newClassification != lastClassification) && newClassification && lastClassification) { Int_t newVertexIndex = fMesh.Verts().size(); typedef typename TMesh::Vertex VERTEX_t; fMesh.Verts().push_back(VERTEX_t()); TVector3 v = aVertex - lastVertex; Double_t sideA = plane.SignedDistance(lastVertex); Double_t epsil = -sideA / plane.Normal().Dot(v); fMesh.Verts().back().Pos() = lastVertex + (v * epsil); typename TMesh::Polygon::TVProp splitProp(newVertexIndex,p.VertexProps(j),p.VertexProps(i),epsil); inP.Verts().push_back( splitProp ); outP.Verts().push_back( splitProp ); fFunctionBinder.InsertVertexAlongEdge(lastIndex,newIndex,splitProp); } Classify(inP.Verts(),outP.Verts(),newClassification, p.VertexProps(i)); lastClassification = newClassification; totalClassification |= newClassification; lastVertex = aVertex; lastIndex = newIndex; } if (totalClassification == 3) { inPiece = p1Index; outPiece = fMesh.Polys().size(); fMesh.Polys()[p1Index] = inP; fMesh.Polys().push_back(outP); fFunctionBinder.ConnectPolygon(inPiece); fFunctionBinder.ConnectPolygon(outPiece); } else { fFunctionBinder.ConnectPolygon(p1Index); if (totalClassification == 1) { inPiece = p1Index; outPiece = -1; } else { outPiece = p1Index; inPiece = -1; } } } void Classify(typename TMesh::Polygon::TVPropList &inGroup, typename TMesh::Polygon::TVPropList &outGroup, Int_t classification, typename TMesh::Polygon::TVProp prop) { switch (classification) { case 0 : inGroup.push_back(prop); outGroup.push_back(prop); break; case 1 : inGroup.push_back(prop); break; case 2 : outGroup.push_back(prop); break; default : break; } } }; template class TDefaultSplitFunctionBinder { public : void DisconnectPolygon(Int_t){} void ConnectPolygon(Int_t){} void InsertVertexAlongEdge(Int_t, Int_t, const PROP &){} }; template class TMeshWrapper { private : TMesh &fMesh; public: typedef typename TMesh::Polygon Polygon; typedef typename TMesh::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename TMesh::VLIST VLIST; typedef typename TMesh::PLIST PLIST; typedef TPolygonGeometry TGBinder; typedef TMeshWrapper MyType; public: TMeshWrapper(TMesh &mesh):fMesh(mesh){} VLIST &Verts(){return fMesh.Verts();} const VLIST &Verts()const{return fMesh.Verts();} PLIST &Polys(){return fMesh.Polys();} const PLIST &Polys() const {return fMesh.Polys();} void ComputePlanes(); TBBox ComputeBBox()const; void SplitPolygon(Int_t p1Index, const TPlane3 &plane, Int_t &inPiece, Int_t &outPiece, Double_t onEpsilon); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template void TMeshWrapper::ComputePlanes() { PLIST& polyList = Polys(); UInt_t i; for (i=0;i < polyList.size(); i++) { TGBinder binder(*this, i); polyList[i].SetPlane(compute_plane(binder)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template TBBox TMeshWrapper::ComputeBBox()const { const VLIST &vertexList = Verts(); TBBox bbox; bbox.SetEmpty(); Int_t i; for (i=0;i void TMeshWrapper::SplitPolygon(Int_t p1Index, const TPlane3 &plane, Int_t &inPiece, Int_t &outPiece, Double_t onEpsilon) { typedef typename TMesh::Polygon::TVProp mesh; TDefaultSplitFunctionBinder defaultSplitFunction; TSplitFunction > splitFunction(*this,defaultSplitFunction); splitFunction.SplitPolygon(p1Index,plane,inPiece,outPiece,onEpsilon); } template class TPolygonBase { public: typedef AVProp TVProp; typedef AFProp TFProp; typedef std::vector TVPropList; typedef typename TVPropList::iterator TVPropIt; private : TVPropList fVerts; TPlane3 fPlane; TFProp fFaceProp; Int_t fClassification; public: const TVPropList &Verts()const{return fVerts;} TVPropList &Verts(){return fVerts;} Int_t Size()const{return Int_t(fVerts.size());} Int_t operator[](Int_t i) const {return fVerts[i];} const TVProp &VertexProps(Int_t i)const{return fVerts[i];} TVProp &VertexProps(Int_t i){return fVerts[i];} void SetPlane(const TPlane3 &plane){fPlane = plane;} const TPlane3 &Plane()const{return fPlane;} TVector3 Normal()const{return fPlane.Normal();} Int_t &Classification(){ return fClassification;} const Int_t &Classification()const{return fClassification;} void Reverse() { std::reverse(fVerts.begin(),fVerts.end()); fPlane.Invert(); } TFProp &FProp(){return fFaceProp;} const TFProp &FProp()const{return fFaceProp;} void AddProp(const TVProp &prop){fVerts.push_back(prop);} }; typedef std::vector PIndexList_t; typedef PIndexList_t::iterator PIndexIt_t; typedef std::vector< PIndexList_t > OverlapTable_t; template class TreeIntersector { private: OverlapTable_t *fAoverlapsB; OverlapTable_t *fBoverlapsA; const TMesh *fMeshA; const TMesh *fMeshB; public : TreeIntersector(const TBBoxTree &a, const TBBoxTree &b, OverlapTable_t *aOverlapsB, OverlapTable_t *bOverlapsA, const TMesh *meshA, const TMesh *meshB) { fAoverlapsB = aOverlapsB; fBoverlapsA = bOverlapsA; fMeshA = meshA; fMeshB = meshB; MarkIntersectingPolygons(a.RootNode(),b.RootNode()); } private : void MarkIntersectingPolygons(const TBBoxNode *a, const TBBoxNode *b) { if (!intersect(a->fBBox, b->fBBox)) return; if (a->fTag == TBBoxNode::kLeaf && b->fTag == TBBoxNode::kLeaf) { const TBBoxLeaf *la = (const TBBoxLeaf *)a; const TBBoxLeaf *lb = (const TBBoxLeaf *)b; TPolygonGeometry pg1(*fMeshA,la->fPolyIndex); TPolygonGeometry pg2(*fMeshB,lb->fPolyIndex); if (intersect_polygons(pg1, pg2, fMeshA->Polys()[la->fPolyIndex].Plane(), fMeshB->Polys()[lb->fPolyIndex].Plane())) { (*fAoverlapsB)[lb->fPolyIndex].push_back(la->fPolyIndex); (*fBoverlapsA)[la->fPolyIndex].push_back(lb->fPolyIndex); } } else if ( a->fTag == TBBoxNode::kLeaf || (b->fTag != TBBoxNode::kLeaf && a->fBBox.Size() < b->fBBox.Size())) { MarkIntersectingPolygons(a, ((const TBBoxInternal *)b)->fLeftSon); MarkIntersectingPolygons(a, ((const TBBoxInternal *)b)->fRightSon); } else { MarkIntersectingPolygons(((const TBBoxInternal *)a)->fLeftSon, b); MarkIntersectingPolygons(((const TBBoxInternal *)a)->fRightSon, b); } } }; template class TRayTreeIntersector { private: const TMesh *fMeshA; Double_t fLastIntersectValue; Int_t fPolyIndex; public: TRayTreeIntersector(const TBBoxTree &a, const TMesh *meshA, const TLine3 &xRay, Int_t &polyIndex) : fMeshA(meshA), fLastIntersectValue(infinity), fPolyIndex(-1) { FindIntersectingPolygons(a.RootNode(),xRay); polyIndex = fPolyIndex; } private : void FindIntersectingPolygons(const TBBoxNode*a,const TLine3& xRay) { if ((xRay.Origin().X() + fLastIntersectValue < a->fBBox.Lower(0)) ||!a->fBBox.IntersectXRay(xRay.Origin())) return; if (a->fTag == TBBoxNode::kLeaf) { const TBBoxLeaf *la = (const TBBoxLeaf *)a; Double_t testParameter(0.); TPolygonGeometry pg(*fMeshA, la->fPolyIndex); if (instersect_poly_with_line_3d(xRay,pg,fMeshA->Polys()[la->fPolyIndex].Plane(),testParameter)) { if (testParameter < fLastIntersectValue) { fLastIntersectValue = testParameter; fPolyIndex = la->fPolyIndex; } } } else { FindIntersectingPolygons(((const TBBoxInternal*)a)->fLeftSon, xRay); FindIntersectingPolygons(((const TBBoxInternal*)a)->fRightSon, xRay); } } }; class TVertexBase { protected: Int_t fVertexMap; TPoint3 fPos; public: TVertexBase(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) : fVertexMap(-1), fPos(x, y, z){} TVertexBase():fVertexMap(-1) {} const TPoint3 &Pos()const{return fPos;} TPoint3 &Pos(){return fPos;} Int_t &VertexMap(){return fVertexMap;} const Int_t &VertexMap()const{return fVertexMap;} const Double_t * GetValue()const{return fPos.GetValue();} Double_t operator [] (Int_t ind)const{return fPos[ind];} }; class TCVertex : public TVertexBase { private: PIndexList_t fPolygons; public: TCVertex() : TVertexBase(){} TCVertex(const TVertexBase& vertex) : TVertexBase(vertex){} TCVertex &operator = (const TVertexBase &other) { fPos= other.Pos(); return *this; } const PIndexList_t &Polys()const{return fPolygons;} PIndexList_t &Polys(){return fPolygons;} Int_t &operator [] (Int_t i) { return fPolygons[i];} const Int_t &operator [] (Int_t i)const{return fPolygons[i];} void AddPoly(Int_t polyIndex){fPolygons.push_back(polyIndex);} void RemovePolygon(Int_t polyIndex) { PIndexIt_t foundIt = std::find(fPolygons.begin(), fPolygons.end(), polyIndex); if (foundIt != fPolygons.end()) { std::swap(fPolygons.back(), *foundIt); fPolygons.pop_back(); } } }; template class TConnectedMeshWrapper { private: TMesh &fMesh; UInt_t fUniqueEdgeTestId; public: typedef typename TMesh::Polygon Polygon; typedef typename TMesh::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename TMesh::Polygon::TVProp VProp; typedef typename TMesh::VLIST VLIST; typedef typename TMesh::PLIST PLIST; typedef TPolygonGeometry TGBinder; typedef TConnectedMeshWrapper MyType; TConnectedMeshWrapper(TMesh &mesh) : fMesh(mesh), fUniqueEdgeTestId(0){} VLIST &Verts(){return fMesh.Verts();} const VLIST &Verts()const{return fMesh.Verts();} PLIST &Polys() {return fMesh.Polys();} const PLIST &Polys() const {return fMesh.Polys();} void BuildVertexPolyLists(); void DisconnectPolygon(Int_t polyIndex); void ConnectPolygon(Int_t polyIndex); //return the polygons neibouring the given edge. void EdgePolygons(Int_t v1, Int_t v2, PIndexList_t &polys); void InsertVertexAlongEdge(Int_t v1,Int_t v2, const VProp &prop); void SplitPolygon(Int_t p1Index, const TPlane3 &plane, Int_t &inPiece, Int_t &outPiece, Double_t onEpsilon); }; template class TSplitFunctionBinder { private: CMesh &fMesh; public: TSplitFunctionBinder(CMesh &mesh):fMesh(mesh){} void DisconnectPolygon(Int_t polyIndex){fMesh.DisconnectPolygon(polyIndex);} void ConnectPolygon(Int_t polygonIndex){fMesh.ConnectPolygon(polygonIndex);} void InsertVertexAlongEdge(Int_t lastIndex, Int_t newIndex, const typename CMesh::VProp &prop) { fMesh.InsertVertexAlongEdge(lastIndex, newIndex,prop); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template void TConnectedMeshWrapper::BuildVertexPolyLists() { UInt_t i; for (i=0; i < Polys().size(); i++) ConnectPolygon(i); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template void TConnectedMeshWrapper::DisconnectPolygon(Int_t polyIndex) { const Polygon &poly = Polys()[polyIndex]; UInt_t j; for (j=0;j void TConnectedMeshWrapper::ConnectPolygon(Int_t polyIndex) { const Polygon &poly = Polys()[polyIndex]; UInt_t j; for (j=0;j void TConnectedMeshWrapper::EdgePolygons(Int_t v1, Int_t v2, PIndexList_t &polys) { ++fUniqueEdgeTestId; Vertex &vb1 = Verts()[v1]; UInt_t i; for (i=0;i < vb1.Polys().size(); ++i){Polys()[vb1[i]].Classification() = fUniqueEdgeTestId;} Vertex &vb2 = Verts()[v2]; UInt_t j; for (j=0;j < vb2.Polys().size(); ++j) { if ((UInt_t)Polys()[vb2[j]].Classification() == fUniqueEdgeTestId) { polys.push_back(vb2[j]); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template void TConnectedMeshWrapper::InsertVertexAlongEdge(Int_t v1, Int_t v2, const VProp &prop) { PIndexList_t npolys; EdgePolygons(v1,v2,npolys); Int_t newVertex = Int_t(prop); UInt_t i; for (i=0;i < npolys.size(); i++) { typename Polygon::TVPropList& polyVerts = Polys()[npolys[i]].Verts(); typename Polygon::TVPropIt v1pos = std::find(polyVerts.begin(),polyVerts.end(),v1); if (v1pos != polyVerts.end()) { typename Polygon::TVPropIt prevPos = (v1pos == polyVerts.begin()) ? polyVerts.end()-1 : v1pos-1; typename Polygon::TVPropIt nextPos = (v1pos == polyVerts.end()-1) ? polyVerts.begin() : v1pos+1; if (*prevPos == v2) { polyVerts.insert(v1pos,prop); } else if (*nextPos == v2) { polyVerts.insert(nextPos, prop); } else { //assert(kFALSE); } Verts()[newVertex].AddPoly(npolys[i]); } else { //assert(kFALSE); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TConnectedMeshWrapper::SplitPolygon(Int_t p1Index, const TPlane3 &plane, Int_t &inPiece, Int_t &outPiece, Double_t onEpsilon) { TSplitFunctionBinder functionBindor(*this); TSplitFunction > splitFunction(*this,functionBindor); splitFunction.SplitPolygon(p1Index, plane, inPiece, outPiece, onEpsilon); } struct NullType_t{}; //Original TestPolygon_t has two parameters, the second is face property typedef TPolygonBase TestPolygon_t; typedef TMesh AMesh_t; typedef TMesh AConnectedMesh_t; typedef TMeshWrapper AMeshWrapper_t; typedef TConnectedMeshWrapper AConnectedMeshWrapper_t; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void build_split_group(const TMesh &meshA, const TMesh &meshB, const TBBoxTree &treeA, const TBBoxTree &treeB, OverlapTable_t &aOverlapsB, OverlapTable_t &bOverlapsA) { aOverlapsB = OverlapTable_t(meshB.Polys().size()); bOverlapsA = OverlapTable_t(meshA.Polys().size()); TreeIntersector(treeA, treeB, &aOverlapsB, &bOverlapsA, &meshA, &meshB); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void partition_mesh(CMesh &mesh, const TMesh &mesh2, const OverlapTable_t &table) { UInt_t i; Double_t onEpsilon(1e-4); for (i = 0; i < table.size(); i++) { if (table[i].size()) { PIndexList_t fragments; fragments.push_back(i); UInt_t j; for (j =0 ; j void classify_mesh(const TMesh &meshA, const TBBoxTree &aTree, CMesh &meshB) { UInt_t i; for (i = 0; i < meshB.Polys().size(); i++) { typename CMesh::TGBinder pg(meshB,i); TLine3 midPointRay = polygon_mid_point_ray(pg,meshB.Polys()[i].Plane()); TLine3 midPointXRay(midPointRay.Origin(),TVector3(1,0,0)); Int_t aPolyIndex(-1); TRayTreeIntersector(aTree,&meshA,midPointXRay,aPolyIndex); if (-1 != aPolyIndex) { if (meshA.Polys()[aPolyIndex].Plane().SignedDistance(midPointXRay.Origin()) < 0) { meshB.Polys()[i].Classification()= 1; } else { meshB.Polys()[i].Classification()= 2; } } else { meshB.Polys()[i].Classification()= 2; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void extract_classification(CMesh &meshA, TMesh &newMesh, Int_t classification, Bool_t reverse) { UInt_t i; for (i = 0; i < meshA.Polys().size(); ++i) { typename CMesh::Polygon &meshAPolygon = meshA.Polys()[i]; if (meshAPolygon.Classification() == classification) { newMesh.Polys().push_back(meshAPolygon); typename TMesh::Polygon &newPolygon = newMesh.Polys().back(); if (reverse) newPolygon.Reverse(); Int_t j; for (j=0; j< newPolygon.Size(); j++) { if (meshA.Verts()[newPolygon[j]].VertexMap() == -1) { newMesh.Verts().push_back(meshA.Verts()[newPolygon[j]]); meshA.Verts()[newPolygon[j]].VertexMap() = newMesh.Verts().size() -1; } newPolygon.VertexProps(j) = meshA.Verts()[newPolygon[j]].VertexMap(); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void copy_mesh(const MeshA &source, MeshB &output) { Int_t vertexNum = source.Verts().size(); Int_t polyNum = source.Polys().size(); typedef typename MeshB::VLIST VLIST_t; typedef typename MeshB::PLIST PLIST_t; output.Verts() = VLIST_t(vertexNum); output.Polys() = PLIST_t(polyNum); std::copy(source.Verts().begin(), source.Verts().end(), output.Verts().begin()); std::copy(source.Polys().begin(), source.Polys().end(), output.Polys().begin()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void build_tree(const AMesh_t &mesh, TBBoxTree &tree) { Int_t numLeaves = mesh.Polys().size(); TBBoxLeaf *aLeaves = new TBBoxLeaf[numLeaves]; UInt_t i; for (i=0;i< mesh.Polys().size(); i++) { TPolygonGeometry pg(mesh,i); aLeaves[i] = TBBoxLeaf(i, fit_bbox(pg)); } tree.BuildTree(aLeaves,numLeaves); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void extract_classification_preserve(const AMesh_t &meshA, const AMesh_t &meshB, const TBBoxTree &aTree, const TBBoxTree &bTree, const OverlapTable_t &aOverlapsB, const OverlapTable_t &bOverlapsA, Int_t aClassification, Int_t bClassification, Bool_t reverseA, Bool_t reverseB, AMesh_t &output) { AConnectedMesh_t meshAPartitioned; AConnectedMesh_t meshBPartitioned; copy_mesh(meshA,meshAPartitioned); copy_mesh(meshB,meshBPartitioned); AConnectedMeshWrapper_t meshAWrapper(meshAPartitioned); AConnectedMeshWrapper_t meshBWrapper(meshBPartitioned); meshAWrapper.BuildVertexPolyLists(); meshBWrapper.BuildVertexPolyLists(); partition_mesh(meshAWrapper, meshB, bOverlapsA); partition_mesh(meshBWrapper, meshA, aOverlapsB); classify_mesh(meshB, bTree, meshAPartitioned); classify_mesh(meshA, aTree, meshBPartitioned); extract_classification(meshAPartitioned, output, aClassification, reverseA); extract_classification(meshBPartitioned, output, bClassification, reverseB); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void extract_classification(const AMesh_t &meshA, const AMesh_t &meshB, const TBBoxTree &aTree, const TBBoxTree &bTree, const OverlapTable_t &aOverlapsB, const OverlapTable_t &bOverlapsA, Int_t aClassification, Int_t bClassification, Bool_t reverseA, Bool_t reverseB, AMesh_t &output) { AMesh_t meshAPartitioned(meshA); AMesh_t meshBPartitioned(meshB); AMeshWrapper_t meshAWrapper(meshAPartitioned); AMeshWrapper_t meshBWrapper(meshBPartitioned); partition_mesh(meshAWrapper, meshB, bOverlapsA); partition_mesh(meshBWrapper, meshA, aOverlapsB); classify_mesh(meshB, bTree, meshAPartitioned); classify_mesh(meshA, aTree, meshBPartitioned); extract_classification(meshAPartitioned, output, aClassification, reverseA); extract_classification(meshBPartitioned, output, bClassification, reverseB); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AMesh_t *build_intersection(const AMesh_t &meshA, const AMesh_t &meshB, Bool_t preserve) { TBBoxTree aTree, bTree; build_tree(meshA, aTree); build_tree(meshB, bTree); OverlapTable_t bOverlapsA(meshA.Polys().size()); OverlapTable_t aOverlapsB(meshB.Polys().size()); build_split_group(meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA); AMesh_t *output = new AMesh_t; if (preserve) { extract_classification_preserve( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 1, 1, kFALSE, kFALSE, *output ); } else { extract_classification( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 1, 1, kFALSE, kFALSE, *output ); } return output; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AMesh_t *build_union(const AMesh_t &meshA, const AMesh_t &meshB, Bool_t preserve) { TBBoxTree aTree, bTree; build_tree(meshA, aTree); build_tree(meshB, bTree); OverlapTable_t bOverlapsA(meshA.Polys().size()); OverlapTable_t aOverlapsB(meshB.Polys().size()); build_split_group(meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA); AMesh_t *output = new AMesh_t; if (preserve) { extract_classification_preserve( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 2, 2, kFALSE, kFALSE, *output ); } else { extract_classification( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 2, 2, kFALSE, kFALSE, *output ); } return output; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AMesh_t *build_difference(const AMesh_t &meshA, const AMesh_t &meshB, Bool_t preserve) { TBBoxTree aTree, bTree; build_tree(meshA, aTree); build_tree(meshB, bTree); OverlapTable_t bOverlapsA(meshA.Polys().size()); OverlapTable_t aOverlapsB(meshB.Polys().size()); build_split_group(meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA); AMesh_t *output = new AMesh_t; if (preserve) { extract_classification_preserve( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 2, 1, kFALSE, kTRUE, *output ); } else { extract_classification( meshA, meshB, aTree, bTree, aOverlapsB, bOverlapsA, 2, 1, kFALSE, kTRUE, *output ); } return output; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TBaseMesh *ConvertToMesh(const TBuffer3D &buff) { AMesh_t *newMesh = new AMesh_t; const Double_t *v = buff.fPnts; newMesh->Verts().resize(buff.NbPnts()); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < buff.NbPnts(); ++i) newMesh->Verts()[i] = TVertexBase(v[i * 3], v[i * 3 + 1], v[i * 3 + 2]); const Int_t *segs = buff.fSegs; const Int_t *pols = buff.fPols; newMesh->Polys().resize(buff.NbPols()); for (UInt_t numPol = 0, j = 1; numPol < buff.NbPols(); ++numPol) { TestPolygon_t &currPoly = newMesh->Polys()[numPol]; Int_t segmentInd = pols[j] + j; Int_t segmentCol = pols[j]; Int_t s1 = pols[segmentInd]; segmentInd--; Int_t s2 = pols[segmentInd]; segmentInd--; Int_t segEnds[] = {segs[s1 * 3 + 1], segs[s1 * 3 + 2], segs[s2 * 3 + 1], segs[s2 * 3 + 2]}; Int_t numPnts[3] = {0}; if (segEnds[0] == segEnds[2]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[1], numPnts[1] = segEnds[0], numPnts[2] = segEnds[3]; } else if (segEnds[0] == segEnds[3]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[1], numPnts[1] = segEnds[0], numPnts[2] = segEnds[2]; } else if (segEnds[1] == segEnds[2]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[0], numPnts[1] = segEnds[1], numPnts[2] = segEnds[3]; } else { numPnts[0] = segEnds[0], numPnts[1] = segEnds[1], numPnts[2] = segEnds[2]; } currPoly.AddProp(TBlenderVProp(numPnts[0])); currPoly.AddProp(TBlenderVProp(numPnts[1])); currPoly.AddProp(TBlenderVProp(numPnts[2])); Int_t lastAdded = numPnts[2]; Int_t end = j + 1; for (; segmentInd != end; segmentInd--) { segEnds[0] = segs[pols[segmentInd] * 3 + 1]; segEnds[1] = segs[pols[segmentInd] * 3 + 2]; if (segEnds[0] == lastAdded) { currPoly.AddProp(TBlenderVProp(segEnds[1])); lastAdded = segEnds[1]; } else { currPoly.AddProp(TBlenderVProp(segEnds[0])); lastAdded = segEnds[0]; } } j += segmentCol + 2; } AMeshWrapper_t wrap(*newMesh); wrap.ComputePlanes(); return newMesh; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TBaseMesh *BuildUnion(const TBaseMesh *l, const TBaseMesh *r) { return build_union(*static_cast(l), *static_cast(r), kFALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TBaseMesh *BuildIntersection(const TBaseMesh *l, const TBaseMesh *r) { return build_intersection(*static_cast(l), *static_cast(r), kFALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TBaseMesh *BuildDifference(const TBaseMesh *l, const TBaseMesh *r) { return build_difference(*static_cast(l), *static_cast(r), kFALSE); } }